posted on May, 16 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by jefwane
Japan doesn't count because Japan doesn't follow the Western way of Reserve Banking. Their numbers looks horrible by our calculations, but are ok
by theirs. For instance we regularly report that Japan is stagnating and experiences random bouts of economic deflation ... even when their exports
increase and corporate profits accelerate.
Most of Japans "debt" is monetization to keep their currency low compared to the USD.. instead of rate adjustments, they monetize as a method to
better control the flow of currency as it's needs based on the rate of the USD. So if the USD freefalls as it has over the past decade.. Japan buys
trillions of yen from it's self to inflate the currency to keep it in line with the Dollar.
They, like the US, could technically default on all their monetized debts and effect no one but their imaginary bank accounts.
Greece cannot monetize, manipulate currency rates or print cash ... Greece is like California.. California has a debt issue but they cannot buy their
own debt, can they?