Back a few weeks ago I had witnessed the most incredible rainbow I have ever seen in person. It had the definition of a cartoon and was so bright and
vibrant it was as if it was illuminating its surroundings. It was oddly out of place for the time of day, as it was approaching night time, and the
sky was an overcast dull gray. My wife and I marveled at it as it came to form and it only lasted a brief few moments before returning to nothingness.
Even more interesting is the fact that it happened at just the perfect moment, a moment where a smile from the devine was sorely needed.
Unfortunatly the camera I had available at the time was a lowly Sony Cybershot, so the photo's and video are less than telling with regards to the
true nature and intensity of this majestic creation. But none the less, here is the evidence of my tale. I hope you enjoy!
edit on 14-5-2012 by HomeBrew because: (no reason given)
Between this: a moment where a smile from the devine was sorely needed. - and the forum you posted it in, one might think you had a hidden
Watered down religion bashing aside, awesome pics, even for a low end camera...the first picture is indeed vibrant, just as AW pointed out - it
actually looks like you can take a bite out of it. Kinda Wonkish, but that's where it took me, and glad it did...