posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:12 PM
I can't draw, I'm what is called a total disgrace in that area.
My suggestion is that we use the picture I posted above. In our dreams we walk around the room, site anywhere and do anything ( read, play cards,
dance, bring something in, etc)
Besides we do not need to be in a full dream state. When you go to bed just let go, close your yes an feel the sleep coming, when you fell that is
really near, just project yourself it to the room... and let your self go. But keep a pen and a paper with you. The things you see in that state go
away very fast. I guess they stay in your short term memory. The point is, when you want to end it, force your self to open your eyes and write it
down, if you think you can't, just say out-loud the same thing you ware suppose to write. If your brain ears the information it stores it the long
term memory area (but it's not as secure as writing it)
Now I will give a number to the room: 3841
But I will no use it.
I just need to create mental image of the room and mentally walk in to it. But each one has is method.
Link to the full picture of the white room:
And by the way, this is not the first time I'm using a white room as a target and it does work. (but it will be my first time in english, last time it
was in a brasilian forum).
edit on 23-5-2012 by Kiara3d because: (no reason given)