posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:50 PM
Originally posted by n00bUK
They really dont bother me, what does bother me is the guy who jumps on the duplicate thread linking to the existing one - In most cases the first
poster is the author of the original thread that got duplicated.
I am going to have to be 'that guy'
duplicate threads
Duplicate Threads and the Un-use of the Search Function
Idea to prevent duplicate threads
A Way To Keep From Posting Duplicate Threads
A 'Q' about duplicate threads, how do we tell who posted 1st, and what to do?
ATS Search options and ways to avoid duplicate threads
Stop posting duplicate threads, Learn some ATS Etiquette
Now, i dont know if its just me but I dont have the time to sit on ATS 24/7, so sometimes a duplicate thread helps me.
I have found many interesting topics via duplicate threads that I missed the first time around. But what irks me is that any new info is rarely if
ever transfered to the old linked to thread so is loast. In the case of the Baltic Sea UFO that meant everyone missed the SECOND one that was
And the thread that was linked to by the mods was also a duplicate not the original
Most other forums have a merge function... for some reason ATS does not... (covered that question in several duplicate threads
But hey duplicate thread allow those posting the links to the old one a chance to earn many stars
Its funny really, but in a sad way. And lately
the posts of "use search you idiot" are getting really tiring
An option would be to disable the flag or star option for duplicate threads whilst keeping them up & a link to the original, but if the author
of the duplicate thread generate more discussion than the original I see no reason for it to be closed.
I agree that would work and has worked in the past. I myself have a few threads based on revived topics that took off the second time around