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Seems like a lot of you people had miserable childhoods and upbringings.

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posted on May, 14 2012 @ 03:06 AM
I read some of the personal stories on here, you guys all come from broken homes, poor white trash, substance abuse parents or got beaten a lot, stuff like that. Not all of you but enough of you.

So my question is why is this kind of person drawn to the internet so much? Is there something about the internet that attracts this kind of person? I'd be interested to know from a psychological perspective. Or is it ATS in particular?

I got to say I had a pretty decent boring middle-class life compared to some of the tales I read around here.

What's the deal, problem children?

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 03:16 AM
Going to have to say parent upbringings. They don't want to hear it, but I think it's true.
edit on 14-5-2012 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 03:20 AM
I'm from that demographic I suppose, extreme abuse at the hands of a babysitter. Fear for my life, that kind of thing. 14 year old brother committing suicide while on antidepressants, saw a carjacking/murder when I was seven, had someone bleed to death in my arms as I awaited paramedics etc etc.

I can't speak for everyone but I believe some of the wisest and kindest people I've ever met have had the most tribulation in their lives.

They aren't the kind of people that succumb to the day to day grind and just go with the flow. Yes, some break under the stress, but most often we become better people, strive to accel and make names for ourselves, proving one can overcome a traumatic past.

I for one, come here because I have seen the depravity that humans are capable of, so can see that those with power can have devastating effects on others, I come here because there are greater things to life than just getting by and enjoy weighing in and giving my opinions on issues just as everyone else. Nobody has my exact experience and mindset just as I like hearing from other diverse perspectives.

Again I can't speak for everyone else, but that may give you some insight into why I am overcoming my past, taking lessons from it and spreading those lessons to all who will listen

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 03:21 AM
I just woke up from a trance..being the little red headed step child I must manhater said,children are the product of the parent

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 03:23 AM
The internet is clean. On places like ATS you are judged for what you write, not so much who you are. People give you the benefit of the doubt. Its so clean, so very clean. The stench of the past is washed away. I love the internet, I freaking LOVE it.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

the past is history,the present is a gift and the future is what you make it

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 03:40 AM
I was raised in a very nice suburb of Chicago (at one time the 16th safest city in the US), in an affluent family, under fundamental Christian teachings, went to a private high school (for the arts), had summer family vacations in Italy, Ireland, etc..


Your theory is bunk (in my opinion)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 04:04 AM
It' the internet, anybody can be anybody. I always assume that many have social issues and will come to the internet with a sob story in hopes of having others feel sorry for them and actually notice that they exist for once in their life, sad really. I was actually one of those from a rather crappy childhood, you know - poverty, abusive father and neglectful mother who fought all the time, never had any friends in grade school. But now I am 24 and attending the local University, have a great wife and two evil little children of my own so hopefully things will be looking up for me soon, ya know, I mean while things are pretty rough right now, its still miles better than my childhood.

But yeah, for those of us that are legit - we come here as an escape from all of that crap, at least that's my answer anyway. You know, just get deep into some random conspiracy theory and go wild. Both the internet and video games are a great way for me to escape the pressures of the real world, this coming from a guy with borderline personality disorder by the way...

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 04:25 AM
Its simple really, To be able to see the light, one must know the dark.

I have had a very complicated early life, being that when i was 20 i had lived in 18 different houses, 6 different countries and 8 different schools.
This caused me to draw away from society alot, and instead of flirting with the "Dark side" i was basically married to it for some time.

Therefore i now know the full potential of my dark side, and i know the full capacity of the dark side of Humanity.
This is turn caused me to look for the opposite, complete light, and brought to to website like ATS.

Most people will occasionally dabble with the Dark side, but never explore it, other will be enticed by it and never be able to separate from it, however, those who dares step through their shadows, come out the other side, with a greater understanding of humanity, and a deep passion to find the truth and complete opposite.


posted on May, 14 2012 @ 04:42 AM
Well, most of my generation is pretty much on the Internet or some electronic device 24/7. It's the normal thing for us. So I guess being on the Internet less would be a sign of trauma rather than being on a lot.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by TheXoor

I think we all have our horror stories from childhood. I don't think anyone is exempt - some just don't talk about it.

People who do not read ATS have similar stories as well. They're just not stopping by to share them.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:58 AM
Silent Thunder has the answer. Or, as a New Yorker cartoon put it, 'On the internet nobody knows you're a dog.'

People who wish they were someone else can be that someone on the internet.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by TheXoor
I read some of the personal stories on here, you guys all come from broken homes, poor white trash, substance abuse parents or got beaten a lot, stuff like that. Not all of you but enough of you.

So my question is why is this kind of person drawn to the internet so much? Is there something about the internet that attracts this kind of person? I'd be interested to know from a psychological perspective. Or is it ATS in particular?

I got to say I had a pretty decent boring middle-class life compared to some of the tales I read around here.

What's the deal, problem children?

I had very nice middle-class parents that loved me and still do, but a lot of very crappy children around me so yes my childhood sucked. People who experiance bad things learn to think outside of the box and see through stupid illusions that everything is as it should be. For me it is ATS in particular that is interesting. I have more friends than I need now but they are of the more intelligent kind that can control themselves unlike the monkies I grew up with. Some people are humans and some people are psychotic unevolved animals. I hope they have evolved further but I sometimes doubt it.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:04 PM
Well, Life is Suffering...
no-one is exempt.
And considering most of the Planet experiences suffering on a daily basis, in every walk of Life regardless of demographic, race or religion and the Internet is accessible to quite a few of us it stands to reason it is shared online.

You could see it is as whining, attention seeking etc or as a natural human trait to use whatever medium available to share and express... we are social animals.

You might want to ask yourself why you are so fortunate as to feel untouched by tragedy, or perhaps you have been and you see no reason to share with complete strangers on ATS, that's your personal choice.

Either way,
have a great day!

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