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The Truth about "New Agers"

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posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:29 AM
New Age was not created by the government. It was an accurate interpretation of ancient beliefs based on Hermetics and The Emerald Tablets, but THEN it got infiltrated and people were taught to only think of positivity and NEVER focus on negative. This will create an unbalance will negative will only grow. BOTH is natural.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:38 AM
I'm new age too, which really means, my own mystic spiritual, seek within journey, and consider that we are all meant to walk in the footsteps of Buddha and Christ metaphorically. I find the anti new age group that talks really loudly, expansively and rudely online, is cia/military/PTB/control through religions group or minions, or those influenced by them because they simply don't understand what is called New Age, which is old Age, it ranges from thinking for yourself, being ecclectic in seeing or taking only what resonates out of often timeless and old spiritual practices, and waking up.
edit on 14-5-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:51 AM
Reply to post by Unity_99

Whats wrong with being "old age"?

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posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by strafgod
I personally believe this "new age" group will find nothing of what they're looking for and will be bitter thereafter accepting it. Then again maybe you'll never accept the thought and continue on this path to the grave, maybe the 'high hopes' is what its all about?

Anything you think of as awakening, ill find it uninteresting. Anything you think of as enlightning, ill find it annoying. maybe because I don't have high hopes it makes me so negitive and bitter? Im sure it is, that and not being much of a wishful thinker. Im a loner and wouldn't have it any other way. maybe ill have a rude AWAKENING
and become a "new ager", maybe ill be too far gone...

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Keep on searching with an open mind. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Your time for awakening may not yet be ripe. Continue looking for answers with an open mind and soon your awakening will come. I do suggest to let go of your fears. Fear is what is usually holding the awakening of many people because their judgment is being clouded by fear.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by b3l13v3

Pardon me but people who believe in the whole new age bullcrap, ascension stories(this isn't dragonball z for crying out loud), indigo children...are like sheep to the slaughter. People who believe in the david icke and willcock bullcrap are probably as gullible as can be. The illuminati nonsense...that comes down to glorifying habitual drug abusers...bullcrap. Not to forget the nonsense about galactic federations, the bullcrap about aliens visiting Earth but only visiting those who oppress humanity or they travel millions of light years to scribble something into friggin' cornfields.

I mean, if you, honestly think about this from a SANE point of's INSANE!

It's a money making scheme and it's called MARKETING.

Take these words as a warning and rip yourselves from this new age nonsense as soon as you can. It's a trick to keep you down.

From the way you post, I can say that you are deeply asleep. I know because I was once like you.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by b3l13v3
Let's get started.

we don't know that there's going to be some massive awakening,

Oh, I believe that it is apparent that it is. People are at the very least becoming politically aware and that is a part of the AWAKENING. I flagged and starred your post OP

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by b3l13v3

Well, there is one thing that I can say.. Unity is being thrown to the wayside in real life situations - at least in my personal experience lately. It often seems like it is hard to find lasting, deep relationships (friendship or otherwise). There has even been discussion on here about how searching out individuality at the expense of those relationships is truth. I find the opposite to be true. One of the main reasons we are here is to form and experience lasting relationships.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by wavemaker

I do suggest to let go of your fears.


How does one let go of one's fears
I am not disagreeing but to just say let go of your fears does not help anyone if you can not explain how to do that

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by b3l13v3

All I can tell you is that the "New Age" movement is not "New Age" at all. It is ancient, if anything. It is before we developed language. It is knowing who you are and who those around you are. It crosses the barrier of language, science, technology, religion and the very laws of the universe itself, because the "New Age" movement is the universe itself. It is the omnipresent, ever existing consistent in the universe, it is the universe.

Yeah, I would say I agree with you. I myself am a "Child of the 60s", and many have called me a "New Age" sort of thinker, and person. That is just what it is too, no set doctrine, no book, no Messiah. What we seek in Understanding of Everything, and a Complete Explanation of Everything.
We seek Freedom above all other things, Freedom of action, Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Everything. Many of us has taken it onto ourselves to tear into Established Bastions and show them for what they really are. We seek a New Way of Living, no longer afraid of the future, no longer afraid of Mythical Monsters and Dogmatic Thinking. We can easily see the Duality in Everything, and we can see the Feminine aspects of the Divine, along with the Masculine. We can see the Cycles of Life, and how they effect everything there is in our World, including our World itself.
Thank you.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by strafgod

What kind of "old age" do you mean? Spiritual faith is something within, we go within to the Living Waters, and Love, our Spirit/Light, our Source and Higher Self. How people define this and themselves is less important I think, for some do this as Christians, some do this in other faiths, some do this as Buddhists. Some just prefer less labels. New Age is a term that I use, because we have a small vocabularly when it comes to saying you are spiritual, you are metaphysics, you believe in Christ's message of Service To Others, Peace, Love, Forgiveness and Seeking Within, seeing through the world, rolling up your sleeves and going to the trenches and if you wish to find the greatest, you find the smallest, or most vulnerable and serve them. But not any of the religions. That you can read Love in any book and toss anything not Love in any book, anywhere.

To me that is the right message, so I don't quibble over His historical existence or not, for the message is truth and we have an intercessor.

But having a term to say, no to organized religons, no I don't approve of all the codings to war, control, harming women and children, and hidden messages in your bible. No to any form of abuse of anyone or any form of control over their lifestyle choices, that this is all something we need to see through and use Discernment on.

What is Love? It is Humble (no Lord Lord, Majesty and Thrones. The Family and Source, Highest Love and Goodness Creator is all the Virtues and Love, but turned higher and higher and higher and higher and higher on the Frequency Dial than anything we could ever imagine). Equal. Forgiving. Kind. Understanding. Healing. Gentle. Giving. Will Go The Extra Mile For One In Need, "Enemy and Friend Alike", Sharing, LOVING.

Anything not like that, you would toss immediately for its NOT OF GOD.

New Age as a term for ecceclic discernment and spirtiual seeking is a good enough term as there are few that give an idea of this, in two simple words. Hard to go around speaking a volume to define your beliefs.
edit on 14-5-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by b3l13v3
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

Well, there isn't really a doctrine... I'm just speaking from experience, from individuals I've met which I've never had any coalition with before - yet they come to me and have literally, told me things that I've thought - in the exact same sentence before...

I don't mean to say any doctrine, that much I guarantee. I can only tell you what I've experienced and rectify it with my own anecdotes - and the anecdotes I speak of are the impossible synchronicities I've seen with people I've never met.

By writing a post about your religion and calling it truth, you are promoting a doctrine and being dogmatic. You're not seeking answers or discussion, you're laying down laws. All this allows for us is to have a heated argument over who's beliefs are more probable.

Usually, someone who is being dogmatic and is prone to telling things like they are, when there is no way they can know, is trying to justify his own beliefs to himself. He wants to hear that his beliefs have value.

I think every belief should be questioned, especially ones own. By me attacking your dogma and the very reason behind this post about "Truth", I'm hoping to facilitate this phase of questioning in both you, myself and everyone here. The intention behind every dogma needs to be either explained by the one promoting it or exposed by someone else. This de-mystifies both the subject and the philosopher and allows for the belief to be properly scrutinized. No one feels they're being subjugated.

More truth can be found in the intention behind the dogma, rather than in the dogma itself. Your intention behind believing and the reason behind preaching New Age beliefs is what should matter here. These intentions and desires are the only truth, and you are the bearer of it; and I am curious enough to want to know.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

"More truth can be found in the intention behind the dogma, rather than in the dogma itself"
Yes agreed - It is a need for others to agree with you for fear of being wrong
So does not tolerate being questioned.

edit on 14-5-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:00 AM
Truth in the intention behind the DOGMA, is so CONTROLLING, it automatically subscribes to a pyramid and giving self governance and self enlightenment, to this group behind the scenes, condenscending to send tidbits out while massively controlling people, and abusing them.

I forgive them as much as I can all the time. They truly need enlightenment themselves. The equality and the enlightenment is from the grass roots, and extends up always. Anything extending down, is dark side. Thus they live in distortion.
edit on 14-5-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

"More truth can be found in the intention behind the dogma, rather than in the dogma itself"
Yes agreed - It is a need for others to agree with you for fear of being wrong
So does not tolerate being questioned.

edit on 14-5-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

So.....why is it people feel the need for lables? Why not just be and discuss thoughts as thoughts instead of calling it the truth for the self or all for that matter? I truly have a hard time understanding the need to be anything other than you....why is there such a need to be... Atheist,Christian,Muslim,Jewish,Buddhist and so on? To belong to something? Not feel alone maybe? If its a quest of being right then when does one become right, hence all knowing?

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ

Originally posted by artistpoet
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

"More truth can be found in the intention behind the dogma, rather than in the dogma itself"
Yes agreed - It is a need for others to agree with you for fear of being wrong
So does not tolerate being questioned.

edit on 14-5-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

So.....why is it people feel the need for lables? Why not just be and discuss thoughts as thoughts instead of calling it the truth for the self or all for that matter? I truly have a hard time understanding the need to be anything other than you....why is there such a need to be... Atheist,Christian,Muslim,Jewish,Buddhist and so on? To belong to something? Not feel alone maybe? If its a quest of being right then when does one become right, hence all knowing?

I agree why do we wear labels when we are individuals each with our own way of understanding that which we need not want to know.
People like to belong so take up labels as a form of identity. Yet we do belong we really do but to what we belong has no label.
We are not alone we just sometimes feel that way and take on labels or join clubs to fit in though each is an individaul and what is true for one may not be for another but that does not mean we are not all part of something that has no label.
We each have our own life experience and each of us is different and each equally valid - That is what is wonderful for we each have something to offer and share by way of discussion rather than being dogmatic for ones truth
Ii is liberating to say I do not know - It allows for insight to occur - we are all students as well as teachers

edit on 14-5-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:23 AM
The whole New Age movement is really just a way, and a package, meant to explain things in a particular way. Like a box containing bits and pieces of the whole truth. But truth, wisdom, doesn't come from one box. There's many, many other boxes out there. Don't confine yourself to one box and you'll be on your way to learning a great deal about what this all is and how it came about.

The problem with boxes is, however, that there are those who have been in the box for a long time. And after a while, they realize they've learned a lot about the stuff in the box. But instead of going over and having a peek inside another box, they stay in their own and start wanting to have some position of power, some modicum of celebrity. They hold onto this dearly, and anybody who tries to bring up something from outside the box is ridiculed and demonized. This gives rise to inflated egos, and before long, spirituality becomes religion, and religion degenerates into abject fanaticism.

If you cling too much, the world passes by around you, and you end up missing a lot of beautiful stuff going on. So start browsing all the boxes. You never know. Some interesting things just might start popping up...

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by ManjushriPrajna

Well I see it far different. The New Age label just says, I am ecclectic and don't take things from one box, but use discernment. That is my definition.

I combine the best of Christianity, Love/Peace, the best of Buddhism, from what I've read so far, can glean the best of Native Spiritual Beliefs, the best of Quantum Physics and Metaphysics. The bits here and there that combine. Its not a box or an umbrella that one group owns.
edit on 14-5-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

This is a very important post and you bring up a lot of very important topics. Thank you.

1. They are starting to develope the religious mindset, meaning there are already people claiming to be of high "rank".

Well, once again it's not quite a "they" as much as it is a certain select group of folks. It's an easy discernment for me to see someone who has an agenda at hand.

And yes, they are ego based.

They preach "love and light" but I have personally witnessed how the great majority tend to reject others based on difference of opinions.

Where's the love? Where is this... forgiveness that they preach so much about?

I'm not sure where you're drawing your statistics from, but the few people I know who seem to be legitimately searching for their own truths don't reject anyone based on opinion, and they don't preach love and light, they demonstrate it with compassion and indifference.. In fact, like I'll get to later with regards to another post I've read, many of them have Buddhist tendency, and do NOT give more weight to one opinion then the other. They find information is information, and just that.

2. Most of the people are in it just to show off or become popular "celebrities." on youtube, Dont get me wrong, there are legit people out there, but there are also alot of confused people as well.

Once again, I'm not sure where you draw your statistics from but I don't pay attention to bloggers on youtube, and I think it's a pretty rash generalization to lump up that many people's viewpoints based on a few people on youtube.

3. The information handed to new agers is incomplete. They are focusing on "love and light" and are NOT dealing with the main problem. Which is to heal your shadow so that it can evolve. Instead they are rejecting the shadow, and dwell in denial.

What new agers are not aware about, is that the powers that be are doing this on purpose for one reason. Incomplete information grants the EGO to be enlightened. Or in another phrase, people become enlightened egos, instead on focusing on taking away the ego's power, they focus on keeping it. And that is where the mind becomes confused, with incomplete information, and incomplete data on how to correctly activate the merkaba or handle other "secret" techniques.

An enlightened ego is a confused ego living in denial. This is where duality battle begins and the person becomes "possessed" by the ego. This ensures schizophrenia, dangerous behavior towards others, etc. Which is what the powers that be want. (think about it).

This is truly the "meat" of your post, and is important information for anyone who is searching for answers. Yes, searching for your own truths will lead you to dark places, and yes, you may make or break, the ego will eventually become blatantly apparent and you will probably see it, face it, recognize it's actually there. I have. I wrote a post about it a few days ago.

However, as long as you know the difference between your inner path and the path of which doesn't feel "right", you'll be fine... and schizophrenia is a bit much, but I'm sure it could be come present in a few. I've felt schizophrenic a few times, but it's only a mere recognition that the ego is there, alive and well.. and in my opinion, it is not about destroying the ego as much as it is repairing the ego, and joining in unison with it. Developing a connection with the ego and true self.

I'd say we're already schizophrenic, the majority of this planet, and we're coming to a point where we're realizing it. People speak of peace yet support dropping bombs on people, ironic, isn't it?

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by ManjushriPrajna

Well I see it far different. The New Age label just says, I am ecclectic and don't take things from one box, but use discernment. That is my definition.

You are both saying the same thing in different ways
I agree with both of you and think is good to have different views on one thing
Like the story of two blindfolded people asked to describe an Elephant having never seen an Elephant before
One goes and feels it's head and says it has two droopy flaps on the side of it with a long tube coming off it
The second person feels the rear and says it is has a rough surface with a thin snake like cord ETC

Who knows one day we may will see the whole Elephant of Reality until then we can share and discuss with an open mind to others ideas but Dogma is truly blind

edit on 14-5-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-5-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:33 AM
I like the above posts... I feel as though i fit in with the thought processing by both. Does this mean it is true....does it mean we are certain and others have missed the boat? No... In my opinion it just means we have taken a similiar journey and have chosen not to lable ourself.

I like a lot of New Age... however thats all it is....a concept that I deem old. Lol

Can it unite the world? If so.... How?

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