posted on May, 14 2012 @ 01:42 AM
Look, its not necessarily hate or prejudice. I'm not an evangelical but I dislike the way Gay Marriage was rammed down the throats of society with
this towering, righteous politically-correct attitude. I dislike the haughty way that academics and media tried to conduct social engineering by
inserting gay people increasingly in TV and movies, it became annoying. I do not like being lectured or spoken down to by "authorities" who take a
very moral tone ("gay marriage is right and if you disagree you are a "hater") and yet have no clear moral code or justification. I also resent the
way that gays seem to use this idea as a way to extract special goodies in the form of extra attention and victimhood status. People need to get over
themselves and stop seeing everything by the light of victimhood. What happened to manning up and taking responsbility for yourself without whining
about all the wrongs that have been done to you? Society has become an endless parade of these supposedly victimized groups seeking attention and,
frequently, advancement in terms of jobs, tax stauts, etc.
Beyond that, there was no debate about whether or not it would be good for children to be raised by two parents of the same gender as a mass social
phenomenon. For thousands of years, most children in most cultures have been brought up by men and women both. The family is a very basic building
block of society; when we start tinkering with something like that that has stood the test of time for millenia, there are bound to be important
effects. I don't know what these effects are, but society should have been more cautious about them, taking the implications for children into
consideration (I'm not talking about child abuse, or even homosexuality - more about what it does to a child to grow up without a male or female
parental role model, i.e., two men but no women or two women but no men). This was a debate that needed to be had, but it was crammed under the rug
and the whole thing was presented as an issue of "individual rights" of gays to do whatever they want. To me this is intellectually dishonest.
None of this has to do with "hate," its more about fairness, but people can't win arguments on this level so easily, so its so much easier and more
satisfying to whine from the position of victimhood and moan about "hate."