Anytime you know what it is you know, chances are, you know? Chances are what you know is all you need to know. I don’t know, you know? I don’t
know why it is those who think they know, think they know because of what they’re told is known. There is more than is known, and those who know,
know that this is what is known.
Here’s what I know: I know enough to know I can’t make any diagnosis regarding some psychosis, I have no prognosis for what those “in the
know” like to call neurosis. I ain’t under no hypnosis. I ain’t suffering from disseminated sclerosis, with God awful bad
That’s what I know, you know? Maybe I know more than that, but even if that, I know what I know, if you know what I mean. Come on, you know! You
know it the very moment you know it, and when you know it…really know it, you know damn well you know it! After all, you know it’s true, that
what is true for you, you know is true. When you know it’s true, then like a true blue lover who knows what they know intimately so, it’s
Here is what I know: If I know its true, I mean each and every clue narrowed to just a few possibilities, without hostilities, the probabilities of
truth, cold calculating and with out ruth, truth kind of truth, then it is probably true. The kind of truth that smacks of truth, it smells like
truth, it dances on the tongue like the taste of truth, and looks like the breathtaking beauty of truth, so frightfully ugly in her naked truth, so
certainly sexy, so repulsively compelling you can’t resist the truth…that kind of truth. When I know it’s true in that truth kind of way, then I
guess it’s true.
Do you know? Do you really know? And if you know, I mean really know, then isn’t it strange, as in a sort of derange strange, a scary game change
kind of strange, that what you know is that what you know is limited to what you know, as stubbornly subjective, so seductively selective, trapped by
your perspective, a silly subjective detective, so desperately objective in your comfortable protective perspective, that no matter how much you know
it only makes you know all you’ll never know.
Here is what I know…
edit on 13-5-2012 by Jean Paul Zodeaux because: (no reason given)