reply to post by esteay812
I am delighted to see that your mind is opening to the communication that goes on between humans and animals....what disturbs me is that you didn't
realize these things before..
not that I'm chastising you, not at all. It's just tragic that children are not aware of this very real and very two-way communication that DOES
happen between animals and humans who live together, whether just on the same block, or in the same bed at night. I have had pets ALL OF MY
LIFE....and from time to time MANY of them....
I called it a petting zoo....horses, mules, chickens, hamsters, a rat, parakeets, dogs and cats (always multiple), and a few people, all mixed in
together. One of the chickens used to "roost" on the back of our Shire mare. The mare (a draft horse with a head larger than my entire torso)
would often wander around in the paddock with that chicken on her back.
I very unfortunately, due to the greed and idiocy of a human with whom I no longer have anything to do ("despise" is the word that comes to mind),
had to give up that place, and those friends of mine.
I think it is very important for children to live with animals from the very start. It's not that mystifying or hard to understand. We use our
tongues and vocal chords, as well as our bodies, to communicate.
Anyone who thinks animals can't figure out what we mean is completely ignorant. Animals learn what words mean (sometimes at our house we have to
spell words out - like chewy and feed-the-dogs), just like we learn what a certain meow means, or a "berf-berf" or a play-bow...a tipped head or ear
This story of Mr Anthony is wonderful. If only ALL humans realized the beauty of living WITH nature, rather than raping, pillaging, spoiling,
defiling, destroying, and taking advantage of it. It really, really makes me SICK.
In fact, I had to wait until today to watch the video in the OP, because I knew it would upset me and I needed to brace myself. I, for one, prefer
animals over humans anyway....I am able to read the daily homicide stories with no emotion whatsoever most of the time....but I see one of those ads
for Humane Society help, all those sad and captive animals, and I WEEP.
Humans are the bane of this planet. I'm embarrassed when I see the destruction, stupidity, arrogance, and insensitive monstrosities that the human
population renders EVERY DAY.
Yeah, I'm a misanthrope. Quiet at home with my animals, and perfectly content not to have any other person around me at all. I'd
rather sweep up dog hair and have to get up to let everybody in or out of the house than clean up after some slob who is oblivious to their
surroundings and to the feelings of the others with whom they live.
Sorry for the "rant" tone....
I'm sure your paper will be great....and I hope that as you grow older you explore just how easy it is to have your dog know what you want, what you
are saying, and you are also able to learn to read
his signals.....if you have children of your own, you will make a point to teach them from
the get-go, from the day they are born, how to co-exist with animals, care for them, nurture and communicate with them, and love them.
It is a critical life skill, and one day your very survival may depend on it while your credit score and driver's license are completely useless.