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I-Team: Strange Circumstances Surround Park Disappearances (vid on link)

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posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: SeekerLou
reply to post by sled735

Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for the interesting share. Wow ! It really sounds way out there BUT I believe your experience. It reminded me of a story I heard last year from a CNA ,or tech, as they now call them. She had a VERY similar story (-) minus the invisibility. Same type description: Tall looking through the window, etc. Gals' husband shot at the creature assuming it was wounded because of the blood but it eluded his capture. Tracked to barn, bloody hair caught on barbed-wire, etc! The tall creature was described as thin, hairy, same height with an added " weird colored glowing eyes"( was seen at night). (She said an odd color I remember , but wasn't red... I think, either blue and green? glowing but I can't remember. Husband was a bounty hunter and wanted this thing badly. It was also witnessed by neighbors, etc. The last time I saw her, she had moved because of their home burning down... no further events..

This creature was seen in near area behind a truck stop in Monteagle, TN. . So heads-up everyone, if you visit .Anyway, she seemed scared/concerned about this and I totally believed her .... AND to also say, that I entrusted her with my mother's care - she was a fantastic caring assistant. She confided in me as soon as she saw she had the open door of opportunity .... *had been on internet showing Betty Hill vid to mom* .. She was like , ''what's that? And told her about Betty Hill. So she felt comfortable with telling me or us about it.

Anyway ... Wild theory you have there. Reminds me somewhat of the movie "Predator" I'd definitely be freaked too if it had been me seeing this... Have seen some weird things no doubt.
Not really into the bigfoot ... but NOW am beginning to wonder and learn a few things /see a few connections. As a matter of fact, I recently learned , if true, that two Russian truck drivers saw a landed craft. I lol'd at the part about bigfoot... but then again ...I go hmmm? Not really discussed in thread but there is definitely mention of bigfoot relation.

Yeah, I saw that F or Faked episode ! Eerie huh? I honestly do not know what to think about it ... like you , she seemed convincing enough.. Sometimes I do have to leave things hanging in limbo lol.. But yeah that was weird. I do not know but maybe the '' Beam me up Scotty" technology IS after all.."? Hmmm..? Wild thought but then again I'm sure people thought the idea of electricity /& now cloaking was ridiculous...... Nothing surprises me these days!

Glad you are safe!!! Yeah, if these creatures are capable of ''cloaking' like you think--now that's a pretty scary thought. I'd love to hear more from you: Thanks for coming to share.

Honestly, I don't think it's all about bigfoot..maybe that's just a tip of the iceburg...because there is so much other weirdness going on as well. A lot of speculation is going on about it ....but I do hope you and others stay on your toes - and keep safe! I am the husband of the girl u talked to in the nursing home the one who cared for ur mother the girls name was Anna my name is Jason I am the bounty hunter she spoke of I am currently residing in Tracy city after my residence in monteagle burnt down please contact me asap I am having similar experiences
edit on 16-4-2017 by Jasonfra0388 because: I am the person he is talking about in the post

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 09:33 PM
Please contact me my email is [email protected] or my username here is Jasonfra0388 I can't directly message u because I am a newbie I supposed but would like to talk with u directly

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 10:11 PM
and there is a couple things that apparently got mixed up somehow the creature I shot did not have hair it stood close to about 6 ft tall very thin pale grayish color almost fragile in appearance it moved rather swiftly and silently tho it made a very distinct noise almost like some type of clicking sound and gave off an odor that smelled like sulfur we had 4 dogs at the time one was a k9 german shepherd it seemed like they could sense them or something the dogs behavior would change to erratic frantic scared like behavior and the scariest part was we had two children one was mine and the other was hers and they would talk about the tall people were coming from the barn and would tell us the tall people were looking at them Thru the window we didn't know what was goin on at the time we honestly thought someone was trying to break in on us I was a fugitive recovery agent I received training in many different fields I won't mention any names over the public but I trained with very high caliber people and held certifications in many different fields that were taught and issued by these high caliber people one in particular spent 10 years in detachment delta and after his military career he worked several more years in the private sector with certain pmc companies we r all aware of private security contractors so needless to say I am highly trained with many types of firearms and without trained in surveillance investigations high risk warrant recovery VIP protection cqb room clearing etc I had no interest in strange creatures aliens ufos nor any interest in any type of paranormal before these experiences I was completely emmersed in doin my job as a fugitive recovery agent I served 173 high risk felony warrants in Tennessee Alabama Georgia and North Carolina I am very confident in my skills but these events have forever shaken me and I am currently dealing with similar events at my new residence

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:34 AM
if anyone can help me get in contact with the username seekerlou ur help would be greatly appreciated I know I'm extremely late on the post but i been having similar occurences and I started researching and found that post about my previous experiences

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: Jasonfra0388
if anyone can help me get in contact with the username seekerlou ur help would be greatly appreciated I know I'm extremely late on the post but i been having similar occurences and I started researching and found that post about my previous experiences

Okay, this is the thread you were referring to in the other thread where you asked for help.
SeekerLou is no longer a member here, as you can see from his OP at the beginning of the thread.

Maybe if someone here sees this and knows where he can be contacted, they will contact you.

Good luck.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Jasonfra0388

it moved rather swiftly and silently tho it made a very distinct noise almost like some type of clicking sound and gave off an odor that smelled like sulfur

That is what many people who have seen ETs say they hear when they communicate with one another. And the smell of sulfur is related to demons being present.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 11:00 AM
but whatever it was sir I actually shot and it bled and was a darker red than human blood but I never recovered a body it actually left a blood trail all the way from the site I shot it to the barn up the ladder into the loft of the barn and there was a pool of blood but no body recovered

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 11:04 AM
evertthing I've experienced that I've researched points towards an extraterrestrial explanation but whatever it was as I said it did bleed a lot but I am having very similar experiences at my current residence as I mentioned before there are kids involved

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 11:12 AM
The long post above details a little bit about myself and my background and some info on the experiences I've had if u r interested and any info would help I really don't know what I'm dealing with and any information on the subject would be extremely helpful and I greatly appreciate u responded and trying to help me out sir

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 11:55 AM
if u have any info or can point me in the direction of someone who may have info on the subject or similar experiences it would be greatly helpful and I would greatly appreciate it sir and I greatly appreciate the prompt response also

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Jasonfra0388
if u have any info or can point me in the direction of someone who may have info on the subject or similar experiences it would be greatly helpful and I would greatly appreciate it sir and I greatly appreciate the prompt response also

Well, first of all, I'm a woman, so stop calling me Sir. LOL

Wow, there are so many people that have articles out, but I'm not sure they would respond if you wrote them an e-mail.
I have every kind of experience you could imagine in my paranormal thread, but it would take months to read through that whole thing.

You might get some help from Jack Cary. He was a guest on Open Minds a few weeks ago. You normally need a subscription to watch the show, but I'm gifting this one to you so you can watch it:

You might try these people too; they seem pretty serious about the Bigfoot subject. There should be some contact information on the video page:

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:17 PM
oh I'm so sorry mam my deepest apologies I didn't realize lol and I don't think it's Bigfoot all my research of my experiences lead me to believe extraterrestrial we have seen strange lights during and around the time of these occurrences also I deployed a trail cam recently and caught some pretty interested images of some strange lights but everything leads me to believe some sort of extraterrestrial the creature I shot at my former residence had dark red blood it stood close to 6ft tall was pale grayish in color was completely hairless and as I said made a strange clicking type noise

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: Jasonfra0388
oh I'm so sorry mam my deepest apologies I didn't realize lol and I don't think it's Bigfoot all my research of my experiences lead me to believe extraterrestrial we have seen strange lights during and around the time of these occurrences also I deployed a trail cam recently and caught some pretty interested images of some strange lights but everything leads me to believe some sort of extraterrestrial the creature I shot at my former residence had dark red blood it stood close to 6ft tall was pale grayish in color was completely hairless and as I said made a strange clicking type noise

In that case, I recommend you contact Linda Moulton Howe. She does extensive research on UFOs and ETs. Her website is:

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:21 PM
And also as I specified in the post in regards to seekerlou at the time at the old residence we had two children me and Anna r split up now but she had a small child and so do I they would tell us the tall people were coming to get them from the barn and make references to the tall people looking in the windows at them at night and the dogs also reacted strangely just out of the blue at times during the night their behavior would go from normal to erratic frantic scared type of behavior

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:23 PM
alright mam I'm truly sorry to bother u and thank u so much for ur time and help and prompt responses and also not thinkin I'm crazy as of yesterday it was my first inquiry in a forum I am almost at my wits end with these experiences and need immediate help/advice

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: Jasonfra0388
And also as I specified in the post in regards to seekerlou at the time at the old residence we had two children me and Anna r split up now but she had a small child and so do I they would tell us the tall people were coming to get them from the barn and make references to the tall people looking in the windows at them at night and the dogs also reacted strangely just out of the blue at times during the night their behavior would go from normal to erratic frantic scared type of behavior

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do to get rid of ET visits/abductions. It does sound like what some other witnesses have called the "tall grays". And that clicking noise they make sounds like it too.

I have heard some people say they call upon Jesus and they go away, but I don't know what your faith is, but you can try that if you ever feel you're in danger.

Linda Moulton Howe is your best bet to help you with this, in my opinion. See her website for contacting her.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: Jasonfra0388

If these events occurs regularly, try and video them or get pictures. Oddly enough sometimes going about an unusual in a scientific way can elevate some fears and provide explanations.

If you have pictures from your trail cams, and aren't sure what they are, post them. There are enough people here that have poked around in the dark to give you an idea of what might be going on.
edit on 17-4-2017 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: Jasonfra0388
alright mam I'm truly sorry to bother u and thank u so much for ur time and help and prompt responses and also not thinkin I'm crazy as of yesterday it was my first inquiry in a forum I am almost at my wits end with these experiences and need immediate help/advice

I'm glad to help. Please contact my paranormal thread by clicking on my signature at the bottom of this post, and let me know what you find out.

If you don't get help from Linda, there may be others I can refer you to, but unless it's in my regular thread that I visit every other day, I may not see it.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:50 PM
i just sent her an email mam hopefully she will be in contact soon and I will get my deer cam tonight and upload the pics I have they r interesting to say the least and as I said before I am a fugitive recovery agent I am trained extensively in various fields as mentioned before I had no interest in extraterrestrials or paranormal subjects before these events occurred

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: Jasonfra0388
i just sent her an email mam hopefully she will be in contact soon and I will get my deer cam tonight and upload the pics I have they r interesting to say the least and as I said before I am a fugitive recovery agent I am trained extensively in various fields as mentioned before I had no interest in extraterrestrials or paranormal subjects before these events occurred

I've had just about every kind of paranormal and "high strangeness" experience you can imagine, so welcome to my world. I've investigated all kinds of topics, and I have names I can give you of people who can help. So, give Linda a few days to reply; she's a busy person. If you don't hear back, let me know and I'll send more names.

Good luck!

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