+1 more
posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:10 PM
" For THE LOVE of money, is the root of all evil " 1 Timothy 6 :10
Anybody care to dispute this ultimate truth ? People will make themselves slaves to it, if it doesn't enslave them first. Most of us now days have
come to know money, is just another form of slavery, that grants men an
illusion of freedom.
People go hungary, some even starve because they simply don't have money and have no way of getting any.
Every human being alive on the planet has a right to eat but sadly, money negates that right quite efficiently.
While people striving to gain more money, genetically engineer foods, that are tasteless and a detriment to our bodies. instead of nourishing them.
Money is a man made thing so, why wouldn't that mean that those who make the money, have a never ending supply. Certainly having that kind of power,
over men and society, would cause any man to believe he is God sooner of later. Just think, what would you do with a never ending supply of money ?
People will kill each other for even the smallest amounts of money. Some kill themselves because they could never get enough. Others because they lost
all of thiers somehow or another. People will lie, cheat, con. steal,
even sell thier own children for money. Indeed Mammon, was coined as a false god. A demon of unjust worldly
gain. The english word money finds it's roots in Mammon.
Money divides humans into classes and enables those who have it, to dominate or eliminate and judge those who don't.
All of the evil in this world suddenly looks very weak when we realise we don't even need it. We can have a world with out money and all this crap
that comes with it. I'm not just talking about a cashless society either. I'm talking about a society where everyone lives equally and comfortably.
And I believe the key, is to nagate the oldest conspiracy I know, that has succeeded from as far back as our memory goes. We should try something
That's what that verse being in the Bible tells me