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Spain's May 15th movement

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posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:21 PM
From RT :

Anti-austerity demonstrators occupy Madrid's central Sol plaza for three days to mark the one-year anniversary of their protest movement against government spending cuts, economic inequality and sky-high unemployment.

edit : they've messed the link up now by the looks of it. Other streams below though. If they go down too just check twitter, ustream, etc.

Spain protest: live -- RT On air

From twitter :

In Madrid we were allow only to stay in the streets till 22h, now it's over 22h, police is confused :-) the square is ours #12M15M


Looks like they didn't do too well at clearing the streets by 10pm! Links to other streams here :

International Comission Barcelona streams

El Pais

If only we could have things like this happening in each country, maybe then they'd finally see how useless it is trying to control us with their lies.
edit on 12-5-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:24 PM
Don't get too happy. It is about as useful as OWS. Just makes an impending martial law more a reality.

There is a truth to it.. yet they get lost in communist aspirations like the rest . Useful idiots.

edit on 12-5-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ
Don't get too happy. It is about as useful as OWS. Just makes an impending martial law more a reality.

There is a truth to it.. yet they get lost in communist aspirations like the rest . Useful idiots.

Yeah, maybe they should just be good and go to bed. And maybe they should just quietly accept everything that happens to them until martial law rolls out anyway because our "rulers" are a bunch of corrupt puppets. I don't think so...

I'll stay happy thanks.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:29 PM
It's beautiful to see so many resisting.

3pm: In NYC, march to save Wyckoff Hospital from austerity leaving now. Watch on livestream here. Assembly beginning in Barcelona. Police still trying to clear Occupy London.
2:50pm: Protests planned in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, and at least ten other cities in Brazil. For more, follow @OccupyBrazil or @OcupaSalvador.
2:30pm: 12-3 arrests at Occupy London; 19 people sitting at the Royal Exchange refusing to move. via @OccupyLondon: Report from the scene: "We've formed a chain. Police are punching people." We have observers there, could do with more.
2:15pm: Organizers estimate Barcelona crowds at 250,000+ and growing. 75,000 reporterd in Zaragoza. Outside Spain, thousands also gathered in Moscow, London, Brussels, and in hundreds of other cities.
2:10pm: Protests underway in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and at least six other cities in Israel. Estimates put numbers around 30,000. Follow @J14enh for English or @J14ar for Arabic. Meanwhile, Bahraini demonstrators are being attacked and tear-gased by riot police.
2pm: Arrests happening in London!
1:30pm: London occupation of Bank of England declared illegal; currently holding an assembly to decide next steps.
1:20pm: Crowds at Puerta del Sol in Madrid (and in 80 cities and towns across Spain alone) are huge and growing by the minute. In Madrid, four marches from north, south, east, and west are marching through neighborhoods on their way to Sol. Police are being aggressive toward Occupiers at Bank of England in London, where protesters are dancing in the street. Protests are also starting in the next few hours throughout the Americas. The indignad@s in Bogotá, Columbia will gather at Parque Nacional at 5pm NY time. Follow @indignateco.

The list is too long lol.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:34 PM
There is allot of support for them here in Spain. The problem is that they alienated all people and avenues for their ideas to find their way into policy. The say no to this or that, or ask for this or that, but don't have a centralized message really when they hit the bricks. They may have core ideas like bank nationalization, but these ideas are not unique to them. They simply point out the problems with the banks and the new labor reform, yet lack ideas for their practical substitute.

They whine about rich people and what not, but don't recognize they want "special" treatment for students and other such civilian roles in society.

They have been utterly usurped by communists and even advocate re-installing the republic. They will start a civil war here. These are TOUCHY subjects here and shouldn't be thrown around so cavalierly. In the end they will get violent since the law is not respected here like in places like the US.

They WILL riot eventually and then that's it. Martial law and we wouldn't have even made it to the financial collapse and subsequent installation of a world currency to replace the old currencies that will never work after the Euro.

If these "un-conformists" as they like to be called, get what they want, they will cause a social upheaval unseen since Spain's last civil war. It is sad really. There are good people who just want to work in there with them. They will only serve the unions who serve Big business. They are radical youth yet lack common sense of history and the way the world works.

edit on 12-5-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

Wouldnt providing rights to students, you know, only our future generations, be a good and decent thing? Would it be so bad that we invest more into our future generations than our military budget? How anyone disagrees on that is beyond me. Care to explain?

(special treatment for students)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Kali74

@OccupyLondon: Report from the scene: "We've formed a chain. Police are punching people." We have observers there, could do with more.

Funny how the people talking about "violent Occupy protesters" are conveniently silent when there's things like this happening, isn't it? When protesters kick off the whole movement are violent thugs! When the police are violent, absolutely nothing is said.

Who's one-sided now?

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