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The day the wars stopped. How close were we to world peace? Why can't we again?

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posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:03 PM
It's not unheard of for an armistice to be called during a war, a mutually agreed "Time out." But these are typically, and especially in the 20th century, the work of politicians to further political, military and sometimes even humanitarian ends. Armistice's are called to clear a battlefield of dead and wounded, to allow the surrendering occupants of a stronghold safe passage home and so on. But there is one armistice that took place during World War 1 that was very different. It never again repeated itself and it carried potentially drastic, world shattering consequences.

Please note that all references to "TPTB" refers to the defacto governments of various nations and the powers over their people they command. No masonic cults. No reptilians. No NWO.

There have been many myths and legends that have risen surrounding World War 1, from pilots falling out of their planes middair at the top of a loop only land back in the cockpit moments later, to exemplary feats of bravery against insane odds, or tactical blunders that simply just never existed.

However, one of the ones which is very much true and perhaps most surprising and startling of all is what happened on 24th of December 1914. By this point World War 1 had been raging for 6 months, initially a very mobile war, it had by now settled into the signature trench warfare and it was preparing to enter its bloodiest stage. Just a month before the first battle of the Ypres had been fought leaving some 400,00 dead with countless more lost to the newly realised horrors of the trenches and to illness as a particularly bitter winter set in.

Pope Benedict the Fifteenth had been calling for a peace on Christmas day, that the guns fall silent and that the angels sing instead. A concept that was rebuked by the governments and high commands of both sides. However, over the Ypres, considered to be the make-or-break point for both sides of the war, on Christmas Eve something strange happened. The Germans began lighting candles, putting up Christmas trees and singing Christmas carols, which the British then followed in suite.

Tentatively at first, excursions by the soldiers of both sides were made into the no mans land between the 2 trenches but instead of guns and bayonets the soldiers carried gifts of tobacco, alcohol and food which they traded amongst one another or just gave as gifts. They even traded hats, embellished buttons and other pieces of memorabilia.

The next day on Christmas Day, disobeying the direct orders of their superiors, the artillery remained silent, the soldiers met in the field again, someone produced a football and they had 50 a side games, played cards, and despite the war, killing, and language barrier managed to get along perfectly fine. This wasn't just on the Ypres for long, this spread along the entire western front.

The next day, hostilities commenced and several officers on both sides were court-marshalled for the events of that day. Governments tried their very best to keep it silent, and then downplayed the events when it came out through letters home. The British Government described it as "Some song singing that quickly degenerated into shooting... Most of the fraternising was perpetrated by the French." Naturally, we British never liked carol singers.

In the next year, Christmas truces were planned by the troops, however High Command was ready for them. In 1915 they ramped up their "The enemy is less than human" rhetoric hard. And when Christmas Eve and Christmas day did come about we were treated to a chorus of a 48 hour long artillery bombardment, which served absolutely no purpose other than to stop the 2 sides from talking and realising they had no reason to fight.

By 1916, the morale effects of chemical warfare, the propaganda and various human rights abuses on prisoners by both sides meant that no one wanted to play.

But why did they go to such lengths in 1915 to keep it quiet? Simple. Because, along with the rising popularity of communism at home, this was probably the single most dangerous thing that has ever happened to TPTB and the stranglehold grip they maintain. They play both sides of the card and so every human event that has ever taken place has been by their rules. Even riots and protests only served to remind everyone "We are the boss. You play by our rules. You want something? Protest. Sit in the cold for months. Starve yourselves. Maybe you will get it."

The difference between this armistice and other protests was simple. No one wanted to play their game any more. Everyone, all of a sudden realised that they were just people like themselves. They had no reason to hate, fight or kill one another at all and in fact they had more in common with the people they were shooting at than the people who were telling them who to shoot.

For 1 day in modern history, the propaganda machine stopped turning. The people woke up. They realised that borders and politics were just figments of their collective imaginations. What were they actually fighting over? Some dead guy in Serbia they probably had never heard about and because Germany wanted to build a railway to Baghdad and a town in Agadir? How was that relevant to the British, French or even German people to the point they would want to murder one another? It wasn't. It only threatened a few precious profit margins for a precious few people.

What 2 men would quarrel over, or even go to court over in the direst of circumstances, countries would throw millions of people at and bankrupt themselves over instead. It would account to psychopathy if nations were actually physical people who could be held really accountable for their actions. Although countries are just the product of people. Why do people subject themselves to being totally at the whims of psychosis?

What would have happened if on December 26th 1914, people woke up that morning and thought "Yesterday we weren't killing one another. Nothing that I own is worth another human life. We don't need to do this. I don't want to fight and kill any more. I just want to go home and see my family." And, a few deserters at first. But eventually if enough people did, everyone would just put down their guns, and walk away. What would happened then?

They couldn't possibly trial every single soldier for desertion. And without an army, maybe TPTB would have to go back to the table and talk. Germany can have its railway. Britain doesn't need to own 45% of the world's GDP. France should probably be nicer to its colonies anyway.

Could it have happened? Probably not. There has been a very careful 5,000 years devoted to the glorification and justification of the soldier meaning desertion just would not have happened, or have been understood back home.

Would it have lasted? Certainly not. Murder is human nature.

But what's important is that it would have set a very clear precedent and motivation for future generations:

"You fight for us. We don't fight for you. We don't have to dance to your tune, and your petty squabbles are insignificant compared to the value of even a single human life."

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:08 PM
It's called money and greed, thats what runs the world now.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:11 PM
link prevelent in human brains, globally, which in my own view, was deliberate, as it helps keep us all as owned chattle.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by sajuek

Hmm...murder isn't human nature.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by dude69

Not a part of the human condition?

After 5 millennia of recorded war, torture, conflict, cruelty, slavery, subjugation and superiority, history begs to differ. Sure, we can rise above our baser instincts. Few choose to. And it disgusts me.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by sajuek

Hmm...murder isn't human nature.

You're right, it's not just human nature it's primate nature. Apes murder each other all the time over nothing more than border wars. They even have armies that take out many enemy monkeys at once. Sometimes they even use weapons like rocks.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by 00nunya00

Please can I see a citation for this?

I don't doubt it. It just sounds amazing.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by sajuek

Here's an article on chimpanzee territorial murder

There has been at least one documentary that I watched on it, probably more out there. Pretty interesting Google search.

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