posted on May, 11 2012 @ 09:59 PM
First time posting here on ATS, so please forgive me if I get this wrong, or this article has already been discussed or opened somewhere on here
prior, but I thought this was an interesting piece of news that I just found this morning in the NZ Herald.
In short, scientists/geologists have discovered a small room underneath some Mayan ruins in Guatemala, where Mayan astronomers kept extremely detailed
and intricate records of astrological movements/events etc and information pertaining to their 'calendar'... all done apparently by Royal Scribes,
based on some of the features of the room that differ from what would be expected if it was used by the general populous.
What's being touted here as significant is the fact that many of the records and calculations found on the walls, show a time-span of some 6,000
years and this time-line reaches much further out than December 2012.
Check it out. I'm sure there's going to be some rather alarmed 'experts' and 'Documentary Producers for the History Channel' with egg on their
faces! lol
in case I mucked up the url, copy and paste this one: