posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:56 PM
Vell, as you schee, Mein Fuhrer, the... Excuse me, Mr. Prezident. As you schee, Mr. President, the situation is kvite klear. As I'm sure you
know... the largest DANGER that anyone in your position faces is the power of your own security forces. Zat is vy any fuhrer, er, leader, must always
maintain ze trust und confidence of their security forces at all times. If there is a discrepncy in the goals and aims of a national leader, the need
for internal security arrangements providing ze leader with feedBACK as to the disparity between a leader and his security forces, as well as the
internal security ensuring against a coup or other such subversion. This is where our own SS must not engage in ze dangers of the front-line
military, but act to ensure zere iz no seperation between ze leader and his own troops.