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American voting is a complete Sham!!! You wanted the truth; well here it is

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posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:08 AM
I have noticed an increasing amount of threads focusing on the elections, and it disturbs me. I'm sorry to have to break it to you folks, and there are many of you, but the legislative process in the United States is not legitimate. TPTB can put anyone they want in office, and do. Your votes don't count for anything in a digital age, nor have they ever. All canadates are schills, even Ron Paul. Has anyone every heard the ancient proverb, divide and conquer, well that's just what happend here in the U.S. We are divided, fragmented and marginalized, and most importantly we are lied to regarding anything even remotely important. So forget about the politicians( they certainly have forgoten about you!) and worry about finding your own peace of mind and happiness while you still can. The only revolution worth fighting is the one within.
edit on 11-5-2012 by cointelprotroll because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:16 AM
George Dubya Bush won TWICE!! What more proof could you possibly need?

All canadates are schills, even Ron Paul.

I'm not so sure there friend. Ron Paul's main security is nothing like the other candidates. In 2008 his security was an old retired buddy of his, and some of his family members. Not sure who is doing it in 2012 for him, but the candidates "in the club" were given Presidential style security details. They didn't really care about Ron Paul's safety.

"It's a form of welfare, having the taxpayers take care of somebody, and I'm an ordinary citizen," Paul said. "I should pay for my own protection."

Ron really doesn't have anything to worry about though.
People either love the guy, or don't really know he exists.

edit on 11-5-2012 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Look...I love the Paul Family, they all seem to be honest and have much integrity. But the only reason people know about him(them) is for the purposes of controlled oposition. people need to believe that someone is still honest, even if such a person is elected, they would never be allowed to make any real changes. they would just be appeasing the masses.
edit on 11-5-2012 by cointelprotroll because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi

Not sure who is doing it in 2012 for him, but the candidates "in the club" were given Presidential style security details. They didn't really care about Ron Paul's safety.

Ron Paul opted out of having Secret Service detail, as he believes:
Secret Service is a form of welfare.

OP, Ron Paul attacks EVERYTHING the establishment stands for. Who exactly is he shilling for?
edit on 5/11/2012 by freakjive because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by cointelprotroll
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Look...I love the Paul Family, they all seem to be honest and have much integrity. But the only reason people know about him is for the purposes of controlled oposition.

Who was their controlled opposition in 2000? Gore?
What about in 2004? John Kerry Skull & Bones??
In 2008, Ron Paul "supposedly" didn't put a dent in the vote.

In 2012, he's outlasted the rest, but controlled opposition for what purpose? We all know Rominee is going to get the nomination because that's what TPTB want. I'm not deluded, I just want them to get caught red handed for a change.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by cointelprotroll
So forget about the politicians( they certainly have forgoten about you!) and worry about finding your own peace of mind and happiness while you still can. The only revolution worth fighting is the one within.

Bingo! The faster people realize this the faster the world around us will begin to actually change.

S & F for you.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by cointelprotroll

I have noticed an increasing amount of threads focusing on the elections, and it disturbs me. I'm sorry to have to break it to you folks, and there are many of you, but the legislative process in the United States is not legitimate. TPTB can put anyone they want in office, and do. Your votes don't count for anything in a digital age, nor have they ever.

No real newsflash...but still, we like to play pretend, as it keeps us from focusing on it.
Thanks for the daily dose of salt in the wound though...reminds us it's still there.

George Dubya Bush won TWICE!! What more proof could you possibly need?

Look at his opposition...I mean, c'mon...there's a movie that reminds me...oh yeah...Dumb and Dumber.
Besides, WE actually elected Gore...the Electoral College elected Bush. If nothing else, a clear case that the Electoral College is an antiquated concept and over powerful political tool with nothing but TRADITION guiding it.
edit on 11-5-2012 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:32 AM
This is exactly why I have been advocating getting international poll observers from english speaking, democratic nations who have no opinion on who "should" win. Everytime I bring it up I am slammed roundly for not believing in "the system". Well, I don't. Dems think Bush stole the election, Reps are afraid the chicago machine and the black panthers will steal this election. They ALL think the election will be fraudlent. So why not call in international observers with the authority to call out any fraud they see.
The establishment wasn't worried about the primaries and look what happened last week in the Dem primary, a convicted felon nearly won because of the anyone but Obama sentiment. We all know he is the puppet of someone, most probably Soros and his ilk. He is way too flawed and inexperienced to have won without help. The Dems think the same of Bush W. So let's start demanding oversight by neutral parties.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
No real newsflash...but still, we like to play pretend, as it keeps us from focusing on it.
Thanks for the daily dose of salt in the wound though...reminds us it's still there.

Hate to have to point this out to a mod but "Deny Ignorance" my friend.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Besides, WE actually elected Gore...the Electoral College elected Bush. If nothing else, a clear case that the Electoral College is an antiquated concept and over powerful political tool with nothing but TRADITION guiding it.

Right. The popular vote doesn't count, and can't be controlled extensively.
Popular perceptions can though, the media handles that.

The EC is outdated and obsolete. In the age of computers and an easily controllable Electoral College, the popular candidates like Gore was and Ron Paul is doesn't mean anything in the final equation.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by cointelprotroll
I have noticed an increasing amount of threads focusing on the elections, and it disturbs me. I'm sorry to have to break it to you folks, and there are many of you, but the legislative process in the United States is not legitimate. TPTB can put anyone they want in office, and do. Your votes don't count for anything in a digital age, nor have they ever. All canadates are schills, even Ron Paul. Has anyone every heard the ancient proverb, divide and conquer, well that's just what happend here in the U.S. We are divided, fragmented and marginalized, and most importantly we are lied to regarding anything even remotely important. So forget about the politicians( they certainly have forgoten about you!) and worry about finding your own peace of mind and happiness while you still can. The only revolution worth fighting is the one within.

Maybe I'm just tired, but all I heard was "blaablaablaa it's hopeless just roll over and don't even BOTHER trying to change things because there is simply no hope and we might as well not even try to support what appear to be valid GOOD options for change when it comes along".

You may have picked an apt screenname.

You do as you will, and even if you MIGHT be right - I'll not agree with your opinion, although I definitely concur the deck is stacked against us AND against any good options we might have - but when I see a good thing, I will work towards it.

It seems to me you've gone to the other side of the spectrum and are willing to just completely look the other way as they continue to build boxes around you and move in closer and closer to that little happy spot of ignorance you're trying to insulate yourself in.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:52 AM
Id like some proof please.. Not Ron Paul fans or the whatever saying its rigged.... Lots of people to keep quiet

you know what I mean

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:54 AM
I don't think the OP was saying anything about rolling over and giving up, and the post definitely was no blah blah. He speaks truth. The election process is a sham and a shame. People who still believe they vote anyone in or out of office are delusional.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:57 AM

Hate to have to point this out to a mod but "Deny Ignorance" my friend.

Touche'....but in this, what real choice do I have?

The only (legal and realistic) avenue I can see is to keep electing state and Congressional candidates that seem to want more of a return to the Constitution, vs. lining their pockets, but those candidates are few and far between.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by poloblack
I don't think the OP was saying anything about rolling over and giving up, and the post definitely was no blah blah. He speaks truth. The election process is a sham and a shame. People who still believe they vote anyone in or out of office are delusional.


So forget about the politicians( they certainly have forgoten about you!) and worry about finding your own peace of mind and happiness while you still can. The only revolution worth fighting is the one within.

...sounds an awful lot like not even bothering to try to fix things. If all shared the same view, we wouldn't have thousands of Paul supporters all over the country ACTUALLY taking over local, county, and state GOP positions and working to fix things from the ground up.

Yes, the system is far off-track - but if we all take this advice it will only get worse and worse, and our little bubbles of peace and safety smaller and smaller. There is no indication I can see that Ron Paul has forgotten about us - when I look at his life and record, I see someone who sees and is disgusted by many of the same issues I do and am, and who has been actively working himself to redress them, in addition to (pretty damned successfully) motivating others to do the same.

RAGE against the machine - don't just ignore it and let it go on happily about its destructive business, for the love of god!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Hate to have to point this out to a mod but "Deny Ignorance" my friend.

Touche'....but in this, what real choice do I have?

The only (legal and realistic) avenue I can see is to keep electing state and Congressional candidates that seem to want more of a return to the Constitution, vs. lining their pockets, but those candidates are few and far between.

Agreed. It is a tough situation we find ourselves in. I remember 4 years ago thinking a canidate could cut through the BS of corperate politics and to be honest the last 3 years has really hurt my opinon of American politics in the 21st century. I like what Paul says but I have to seriously question how much he can really do despite how he feels.
If you asked me to pick the next POTUS I would pick Paul but I would do so with a heavy sense of skepticism as to whether or not he could actually do anything about it.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Praetorius
I don't think the OP is looking the other way, or rolling over. As a matter of fact the OP seems to be one of the few that are actually looking at the situation honestly. I get so tired of this illusion of voting that people seem so tied to. It's like make believe to me, or better yet the proverbial fantasy land. Pretending the system will work itself out isn't going to fix anything. All you're doing is chasing smoke with all the inherent flaws in the system. The one place where my perception is starting to change is that all these candidates are shills. I think the majority are just regular guys that get caught up in bull!@#$. Take GW for example. Earlier in his life he was a decent speaker. A perfect example was when he was running for Texas Governor, he was to the point and sharp, he didn't stumble over words or say stupid things. It just seemed during those presidential terms he was just mailing it in. He didn't really care. Or quite possibly just played stupid to ensure he didn't get killed. I know I may be reaching a bit, but it's an interesting aspect to think about with everything that was going on with the war on terror.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by DrNotforhire
Id like some proof please.. Not Ron Paul fans or the whatever saying its rigged.... Lots of people to keep quiet

you know what I mean

here you go:

how much more proof do yo need...funny how FOX, CNN, MSNBC, MSM, won't touch this

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Praetorius

As I can appreciate your position, and I think Paul would be the best bet, everyone knows he'll never be elected. I think what he was trying to say that the pleas of the citizens fall on deaf ears when it comes to politicians. Try writing to your senator or congressman, and see if they get back with you, or show the slightest concern for your grievances. Aint gonna happen.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:25 AM
Well you were doing fine till you called Ron Paul a Shill. You are obviously ignorant regarding him and his 30 year track record of honesty and integrity when nobody knew him or cared.

Still you are correct about vote fraud. Here is a good article on it:

Spanish Company Will “Count” American Votes Overseas In November

"When the Spanish online voting company SCYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2012 election. For SOE, the Tampa based corporation purchased by SCYTL in January, supplies the election software which records, counts, and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states–900 total jurisdictions–across the nation.

Much more in the article and worth the read.

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