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I want to build a free energy generator! Suggestions?

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posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Nikola Tesla

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:18 PM

You could try the ainsley circuit... it's an electrically powered heater that has a cop of 17 when properly tuned. It's a fairly cheap circuit to build too. Here is more information than you could ever want about the ainsley circuit. I'm fairly convinced that with a cop of 17 you could create a small heat engine that the circuit powers and achieve self runner status. But then again I'm just a silly layperson so I could be totally wrong.

Ainsley circuit beginner packet
ainsley circuit information packet 290 pages including multiple replications

I am considering building one of these to test with a nitinol motor concept I'm working on... I figure if I can design a ten percent efficient motor to convert heat from the heater and the heater is running at cop 17 that I should be able to get useful power out.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by Thebel

First: Free energy doesn't exist, you are talking about Perpetual motion Machine. That breaks laws of physics.

Yes, perpetual motion is impossible because of a little thing called friction (unless you're in space, then it is possible). However, I AM NOT talking about perpetual motion. I am talking about free energy devices which pull their energy from the zero-point field or from magnets or something like that. It's perfectly possible and I'm sick of you people trying to derail this thread and reduce it into a debate about the plausibility of free energy. THAT IS NOT the topic of this thread. If you have no constructive suggestions to add here then do not post. Thank you.

While i agree that nothings free

The better term is conservation of energy
That is how the strong and weak nuclear plus elector-magnetic forces work by slowing the constant inward pull/downward push of gravity upon all matter thus conserving energy for as long as possible.

God only gave so much momentum you best save your breaks

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

The problem right now with this, is all you can do once you have it, is share the information, you can't sell them, or your going to jail...

It is like that in Canada, I have been part and seen the development on many invention my neighbor has done, he has invent great stuff but he can't sell it.

He can't patent it. Whatever he did, it was always rejected.

The best thing you can do is find a way to do such a reactor with the easiest method ever so mr.nobody can do it himself.

And share your blueprint for free.

You can't make money out of it. Thats not my point, you sell it because mr. mainstreamguy, cant probably build your reactor so they want to buy one, but you cant sell them.

It is free energy after all?

edit on 11-5-2012 by skywalk because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-5-2012 by skywalk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

do your own research into Xerum 525 and vortex generators.

It leads to the right conclusions.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:30 PM
what a bs post..
not even a google search of someone before you posted on here.

friggin sad lazy people..


posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:43 PM
Here, this will help you out greatly. Find a plot of land with a deep stream or a small river running thru the land.
Get yourself these items: One large generator that will power enough electricity to a home, one home made gear box that is made last.,cement,4 beirings,2- 4 by 4's length is determined by water wheel diameter and bank hieght. Also the 4 by 4's have two holes you cut at one end where the beirings get pounded into with rubber hammer,grease,metal gears you can weld on,One large metal pole,2 plastic bags with no holes, 3 metal rings, one gets welded to metal pole in center for a stop, and build a large water wheel with a hole in the center and the center has to be metal so that you can weld it to the metal rod once it is in place. When making the water wheel of metal make sure you attach the fins last, so you can adjust it to the water.
Dig two holes 4 to 5 feet down 6 to 8 inch diameter next to bank, don't worry about the water in the holes you dig. When done, Put a water tight plastic bag in the hole and put the 4 by 4 in the hole. Attach string to 4 by 4 and tether it so that it sticks straight up with level. Pour cement and let dry, now repeat other side of stream/river. don't forget to measure difference between the water line and bank height so you know what distance to put the poles in the ground.
one 4 by 4 on each side with a hole on top where two beirings go, 4 total, two to each 4 by 4. Put the beirings in hole tight and pound in with a rubber hammer. Fill with grease to both poles. Get a metal tube or rod that extends to the other side of the water, and also weld a metal ring stopper in the center. Make sure the large water wheel will be able to touch the water at low river levels and high when paddles are connected. You will need 3 people to put the water wheel on. One man on one side of the stream,river and another on the other. Both men lift the pole, and the 3rd man puts on the water wheel. You let it slide down the pole till it hits the ring stopper in the center. Both people can then put another ring stopper on and thread the pole in the holes. Once the pole is threaded on both sides then a person can weld the ring stopper to the metal pole next to 4 by 4 on both sides. When cooled down grease the ring stopper on the side next to the wood pole that is cemented in the ground. so that the wheel will not slide all over in the water. Next get yourself a boat and two ropes so you can go out in the water to weld the water wheel to the metal pole. Once the water wheel is secured then go to the side of the river where the generator will be located. Next weld a metal gear to the end of the metal pole. Next, Construct a concrete flat square where the generator is supposed to sit. Next figure out how to construct gear box so that the generator is spinning fast enough to push out enough energy. Next build a small water tight shelter over the generator and gears. Next run an underground pcv pipe and waterproof cord 2 to 3 feet deep from the generator to the home fuse box.
Build yourself a nice home with all the essentials like a wood stove that you can cook over. Get an electric water heater,stove, dryer,washer and electric small heaters and energy efficient light bulbs. Get everything you want that is powered by electricity and always have a backup generator so that you can replace the other one in case something goes wrong.
I wonder if this is legal in some states. Once you build the generator that can push out the required electricity for the unit or units.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
Ok, here's the deal. I recently purchased a whole heap of electronics and magnets and stuff like that so I should have most of the things I need to build some sort of free energy machine. However, I'm not really sure where to start. I need suggestions from you guys. I would prefer to build some sort of over-unity electronic circuit but I'll also try building some magnet-based generators if you have any good suggestions.

It should be clear from my post history (see some of the threads in my signature) that I am not any type of disinfo agent and I am not aiming to discredit anyone. I really want to create a working over-unity device and share my success with the world. I will post clear, detailed, extensive video footage of any devices which I think are working as claimed. I will also let you guys know which devices I think don't work as claimed.

Please try to follow these points when making suggestions:

1) You must have reasonable knowledge that the device does work as claimed
2) You must provide full detailed schematics or instructions for building the device
3) I would prefer to attempt simpler machines rather than large complex machines

Fire away.

There you go, free energy from a generator you can buy almost anywhere. I would suggest the web. myself for generators and outputs and such, because every load is different.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by MrBlueSky
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

so let me understand this my friend!! you!!! want free energy !!!!... from a simple! easy! to build machine. lmfao the world really has gotten fat n lazy! not to sound like a troll ma man!! but if it was that simple the world would be a happier better place with no idiots in control and no war!! ... well maybe war with religion still hanging around but still!!
good luck!!

FAIL. Ya, I'm sure all of those people who control the sections of the energy industry would just "love" to see the free energy machines made available to the masses. It's not like they would lose billions upon billions of dollars or anything. I don't know what kind of world you live in, but it isn't the "real" world, lol. And yes you do sound like a troll.

There are a couple of different paths that you could take imo. I would personally look into a system that uses magnetic/electric fields, and there are quite a few designs out there. I am not sure which of them actually work though. I think your best bet would be to search through Google patents, looking for patented designs that could be utilized in your project.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

DUDE!I haven't botherd to read the majority of the comments, first thing that came to mind was MAGNET GENERATORS. I truely believe Free energy generators etc already exist..... However the idea of releasing these to the public would be crazy...........

FREE ENERGY, no more bills ever, no more queing at the pump ever think about how much industry is built around energy and power. Also, all the jobs that would be lost and those HUGE GLOBAL COMPANIES WOULD CRUMBLE OVERNIGHT!!

If they let the public have this tech, i believe they would modify the technology so it has to be heavily Maintained or serviced by engineers so good bye energy bills, hello extortionate servicing costs and maybe licences.

The powers that be would not let this happen, hell these companies pay the powers that be not to let it happen.

Im sure you already know but it would change the world forever. We'll still need fuels and oils for plastics etc.


posted on May, 11 2012 @ 07:35 PM
I can't say I know offhand how to build a "free" energy device... In theory it may take something like tapping into an energy differential created by somehow separating virtual photon pairs in the quantum foam. (I think goofing around with the Q-factor of inductors and their EMF and overlapping it on a diode or photosensitive material might be a way. But it's not the most clear thing, as I picture dialing the Q factor in the direction most people are taught to avoid in electronics in order to get the conditions needed.) Probably the idea behind some of the zero-point energy stuff.

However I think building a megohmeter might be a neat practice project. A hand cranked model would give you some practice on designing mechanical parts in addition to doing windings and basic circuitry. Also if it works well enough, it may be handy for actually testing stuff in later projects. Well, at least you'll be able to know if insulators break down and cause stuff like false readings or other anomalous behavior.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 07:39 PM
I'll put it to you pretty straight, Chaotic:

You will waste time and money pursuing pretty much any idea that claims you can make an over-unity device out of a box of electronic components.

Think about it a minute. Oil and energy companies are investing and funding, in absolutely massive amounts, renewable energy sources (such as solar, wind, hydro, etc). They are investing into the very things people on these sites claim "big oil" is trying to suppress and keep out of the market.

Why would they spend money on such complex and immature technologies if they could, with a box of used electronic components, create a device that simply breathed energy... and get the same thing for so much less and with far fewer drawbacks (no cloudy days to worry about, droughts, lack of wind, etc)?

I would encourage that you, first, build known, functional devices/circuits that generate power in more conventional methods. That way you get some experience working with electronics. Later - as you learn more, and are more sure-footed in your ability to turn a schematic into circuitry - then you can pursue "free energy" machines that pique your interest.

A little experience would help you spot the blatant nonsense for what it is, and allow you to sift through to find the ones that have some kind of potential at... if nothing else... being an interesting voltage transformer.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

I have absolutely no idea how to tap into the Zero Point Field but was surprised by the subject of your post because I just started reading a book last night called 'The Field' by Lynne McTaggart.
I've been meaning to buy the book for a good while now because I'm interested in and believe in, a naturally occurring energy source that we are all supposed to be able to tap into for healing, etc. A source that has been kept hidden from us by the usual suspects.

Anyway, the reason I'm waffling on to you about this is because my bookmark is actually on a page that says the following:

"... condensed charge technology " (Zero Point Energy ) " a sophisticated version of scuffing your foot across a carpet and then getting a shock when you touch metal. Ordinarily, electrons repel each other and don't like to be too closely pushed together. However, you can tightly cluster electronic charge, if you calculate in the Zero Point Field, which at some point will begin to push electrons together like a tiny Casimir force. This enables you to develop electronics applications in very tiny spaces."

That doesn't mean a lot to me ( it might do (?) as I get further along in that chapter ) but it might mean something to you.

You may well have read the book but it might be a help to you if you haven't.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Lear about Marko Rodin.
Vortex based mathematics

Also watch this video from youtube.

Not much info at all, but from there you can follow the path of similar videos to a vast amount of info. Free energy exists and is very real. Just the meaning of "free" is the problem. In this "world" nothing is free. Not even death.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by cloaked4u
Here, this will help you out greatly. Find a plot of land with a deep stream or a small river running thru the land.
Get yourself these items: One large generator that will power enough electricity to a home, one home made gear box that is made last.,cement,4 beirings,2- 4 by 4's length is determined by water wheel diameter and bank hieght. Also the 4 by 4's have two holes you cut at one end where the beirings get pounded into with rubber hammer,grease,metal gears you can weld on,One large metal pole,2 plastic bags with no holes, 3 metal rings, one gets welded to metal pole in center for a stop, and build a large water wheel with a hole in the center and the center has to be metal so that you can weld it to the metal rod once it is in place. When making the water wheel of metal make sure you attach the fins last, so you can adjust it to the water.
Dig two holes 4 to 5 feet down 6 to 8 inch diameter next to bank, don't worry about the water in the holes you dig. When done, Put a water tight plastic bag in the hole and put the 4 by 4 in the hole. Attach string to 4 by 4 and tether it so that it sticks straight up with level. Pour cement and let dry, now repeat other side of stream/river. don't forget to measure difference between the water line and bank height so you know what distance to put the poles in the ground.
one 4 by 4 on each side with a hole on top where two beirings go, 4 total, two to each 4 by 4. Put the beirings in hole tight and pound in with a rubber hammer. Fill with grease to both poles. Get a metal tube or rod that extends to the other side of the water, and also weld a metal ring stopper in the center. Make sure the large water wheel will be able to touch the water at low river levels and high when paddles are connected. You will need 3 people to put the water wheel on. One man on one side of the stream,river and another on the other. Both men lift the pole, and the 3rd man puts on the water wheel. You let it slide down the pole till it hits the ring stopper in the center. Both people can then put another ring stopper on and thread the pole in the holes. Once the pole is threaded on both sides then a person can weld the ring stopper to the metal pole next to 4 by 4 on both sides. When cooled down grease the ring stopper on the side next to the wood pole that is cemented in the ground. so that the wheel will not slide all over in the water. Next get yourself a boat and two ropes so you can go out in the water to weld the water wheel to the metal pole. Once the water wheel is secured then go to the side of the river where the generator will be located. Next weld a metal gear to the end of the metal pole. Next, Construct a concrete flat square where the generator is supposed to sit. Next figure out how to construct gear box so that the generator is spinning fast enough to push out enough energy. Next build a small water tight shelter over the generator and gears. Next run an underground pcv pipe and waterproof cord 2 to 3 feet deep from the generator to the home fuse box.
Build yourself a nice home with all the essentials like a wood stove that you can cook over. Get an electric water heater,stove, dryer,washer and electric small heaters and energy efficient light bulbs. Get everything you want that is powered by electricity and always have a backup generator so that you can replace the other one in case something goes wrong.
I wonder if this is legal in some states. Once you build the generator that can push out the required electricity for the unit or units.

here is your FREE ENERGY. Now just go to your local stores and go buy the stuff and build it and be off the grid, unless your state says it is illegal to put a paddle wheel in water or some other dumb law so you can not do this.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:49 PM
I'ts free energy, now go do it.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Folks, it's not a matter of whether this technology exists or not. It does. If you're to ignorant to accept that, that's your issue. You only prove you haven't done your research. MANY technologies, like this, have been discovered but hidden quicker than they were found. Reason; Things of this sort can cripple an economy, and more than likely completely crash certain aspects. Think about this, it's not just free-energy. I promise.

Look into Nikola Tesla, EVERYONE!! He designed many devices, including free energy, during the WWII era, along with many other technologies that would STILL revolutionize todays modern world. One of the more popular being wireless energy and LF waves, which are much safer than all of today's HF waves; Distribution of energy via a wireless tower. (THIS IS BACK IN WWII, FOLKS) His MAIN concept for free energy is harnessing the cosmic energy, available ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE in the universe in UNLIMITED amounts. It was as simple as sticking a tin-foil like sheet of metal in the air, 2 wires running from it, one acting as a ground and the other as the positive feed. Look up his work, he is BRILLIANT.

You may wanna look into multi-ferroic alloy, as well. Beautiful. Fairly simple to make as well.

This alloy produces an EM field when heat is applied. Through the variations of heat, there is a respective frequency in the EM field. If one was able to harness the power of the magnetic field line, he/she would come across good power. How to make it free? Well, you could use this EM field, finely tuned, to spin mercury. Using mercury for obvious reasons. This GREAT heat could be used to power the alloy, creating a loop of perpetual energy. Yes, you would need something to start it, but once it's up and running, it'll stay that way. The only potential hole in this theory is the integrity of items & materials used to produce the apparatus to contain all of these happenings.

edit on 11-5-2012 by mrbleh123 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:58 PM
Try using an alternator to create HHO via water electrolysis. Then use the gas to run a engine, which is connected to the alternator. Use the extra power that's created that isn't required to run the system. It wouldn't be free, as you would have to add more water every so often, and possibly PM the operation from time to time

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Dusty Shoe

that doesn't work

the energy you get from burning the HHO fuel in the engine is less than the amount of energy it requires to to generate the HHO.

power from the alternator is not free, puts load on the engine and uses more fuel as a result.

its a case of you can't generate more than you put in.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 09:16 PM
Step 1: Find a well flowing stream or river
Step 2: Make watermill


Not a ton of energy, but hey, it works..just make sure you do a bit of research about any tidal issues, flooding, dry seasons, etc. I recommend finding a mountain stream...those are typically pretty steady.

You could eventually build a hydrodam and get fancy with it all...more energy. Will cost a bit more to sort it out. Long term plan.

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