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I want to build a free energy generator! Suggestions?

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posted on May, 15 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by GhettoRice

Im not sure how to respond to a denial of my statement only for you to repeate it with confidence.

Ummm, hey smart guy. How about you read what I said properly. You mentioned the resistor before the battery, I was talking about the resistor before the LED. And the resistor before the battery is there to help measure the power like I said, he states that near the start of the first video.
edit on 15-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Thanks I am a smart guy, where did I say it was the resistor before the batt, if it's in regards to the resistive inductor on the primary side the your getting the two confused. Don't get made just because you can't explain what you seem to know about this circuit.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by GhettoRice

Where did I say it was the resistor before the batt

Perhaps you need to touch up on your ability to follow the flow of a conversation...


For some reason he has put a resistor before the battery


Because the circuit doesn't work without that resistor before the battery


What do you "find" makes it so crucial?


I found that without the correct resistor before the battery the LED will not light up


The resistor is there to set the current for the led which is "current" driven


the resistor before the LED is used to change the current going into the LED

edit on 15-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
Please try to follow these points when making suggestions:

1) You must have reasonable knowledge that the device does work as claimed
2) You must provide full detailed schematics or instructions for building the device
3) I would prefer to attempt simpler machines rather than large complex machines

Firstly, if I knew how to build one, you think I would be here on ATS?
I would be over the Moon!!

Secondly, if I knew how to build one you think I would share my super secret with you?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

Secondly, if I knew how to build one you think I would share my super secret with you?

If you had any decency and care about the future of humanity you would...

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

ah I see what your talking about, either way the resistor before the bat and the one on the leg of the led are what is limiting the current into the coil and into the led, it's hard to follow your train of thought with no technical explanation to back it up.

Classic method of charlatans, argue wordplay not technical details and use words like "advanced scope" as if that verifies Jones claims.

As I said before the spikes he is reading on his scope are cemf pulses from the coil as the cap discharges and gates the thyristor. This is how you get a dc source to use mutual induction of the coil with comutated ac.

Again this is nothin amazing and the fact you emphasize his "amazing" equipment but won't say anything about actual apparent power use vs generation shows u have no idea how a RLC circuit work. Once you have inductance and capacitance u CANNOT use watts in and watts out without looking at capacitive and inductive reactance.

edit on 15-5-2012 by GhettoRice because: Sp

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by GhettoRice

Classic method of charlatans, argue wordplay not technical details and use words like "advanced scope" as if that verifies Jones claims.

If you had of read this thread I already explained that he was using a high end university tektronix oscilloscope. I'm just sick of repeating myself so I degraded it to "advanced scope". And if you watch the first video he explains clearly how he measured the total power out using the tektronix scope.
edit on 15-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Again u put faith in someone because of equipment and not results. This is akin to saying everyone with an expensive car knows how to drive it.

I have to end with the conclusion that you will be certain of someone who says watts in = watts out is a proper way of measuring energy use in an RLC circuit, unless your willing to understand the principals at work you are not going by this sites motto.

If you had an understanding of what was going on you would humor me with some technical details as i have done for you instead of repeating yourself.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by GhettoRice

I have to end with the conclusion that you will be certain of someone who says watts in = watts out

That doesn't even make sense and Jones never said that. Why don't you try watching the video and hear his description.

If you had an understanding of what was going on you would humor me with some technical details as i have done for you instead of repeating yourself.

I have never once claimed to be some sort of electronics expert. Once again, if you had read through this thread you will have seen that I simply tinker with this stuff in my free time. It just seems to me that the measurements recorded by the tektronix scope are fairly conclusive. He clearly knows what he is doing and he even describes several ways the power out could be measured, and explains why the method he is using is the most correct method. I just don't see much room for error, and I think it's more an issue of determining whether he is actually being truthful about the results. But once again, I have failed to replicate the circuit properly. But that may just be because I'm not using the exact same type of toroid as him.
edit on 15-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

This conversation is lost with this ignorance, you don't understand the electrical and magnetic properties at work.

I'll leave you to explain what about his results are so "conclusive" and not just what brand of scope he has.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by GhettoRice

I'll leave you to explain what about his results are so "conclusive" and not just what brand of scope he has.

Well, the accuracy of any measurement often depends on the accuracy and quality of the equipment one is using to make those measurements. I don't claim to understand why his methods of measuring the output are better than any other method, but his background as a physicist indicates he certainly knows which methods are the most accurate and that he understands the principles you are talking about.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:05 PM
I support your efforts completely it is completely possible for I spent the longest time perfecting a perpetual motor just to be told when i was finished and started taking the route to get this released I was told that if i continue to pursue manufacturing and distributing such a device would surely sign my own death certificate. I would suggest if you create such a device to keep it for your own benefit because any other route will either bring death or pennies for your thoughts and efforts. The device I made can literally be made with less then $100 worth of materials and could be applied to individual electrical items or a slightly larger scale item for residential use. For the government to release this would destroy the structure of all the things we have become accustom to. Also to aid some of your research i would say create it with your own pure thought rather then using outside influences for this is what i did and continue to do with other experiments and inventions of mine. you would be surprised with what you can acheive when trying to make something you have never seen heard of or studied for this is truly EUREKA as i say. But good luck and may you make proper decisions when doing this.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

More than not it is people with a bit of background that know what they are doing to mistify those without the technical background.

I know how this works and understand and have plainer the principals at work. If you are unable to accept this it's your prerogative.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:15 PM
Secondly if you still want to use others help and ideas you should do tons of research into Nikola Tesla for he created such devices which are twisted through history and are described as alternate devices to influence the readers mind into believing that the device shown is what they say it is rather then having enough logic to create your own words and meaning to these inventions and to also put into play some of the missing peices that they dont show in his layouts to throw most people off of even attempting to recreate.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by TrulyGifted

I would suggest if you create such a device to keep it for your own benefit because any other route will either bring death or pennies for your thoughts and efforts.

I am fully aware of that, I've been on ATS and forums like this long enough to understand the fate of those who try to commercialize such technology. I am mainly interested in doing this for educational and intelectual reasons rather than monetary reasons. "Profit" and "free" energy are not compatible.

Also to aid some of your research i would say create it with your own pure thought rather then using outside influences

I know what you mean, and I've put a lot of thought into this subject, but I have yet to think of something myself. If you're feeling nice PM me details about your device and I will attempt to replicate it. I wont share the results if you wish me not to.
edit on 15-5-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:51 PM
Sorry im still new to the ins and outs of the member features of this site so for me to PM might not be accomplishable at this exact moment. Well i achieved my feat because i did no research into the device or how to make it until i had a finished product. It may seem weird to create something prior to doing research but this is one of the ways my mind works that i cant explain. Once I looked into such a device i couldnt help but laugh at the failed attempts and how all physics books try to narrow your mind into beleiving its impossible. My device involved electro magnets set up in a specific manner to cause continuous rotation if you dont properly position the magnets it will cause the device to seize up. Make multiple Layers of this set up to increase the amount of force the rotation generates. To keep the electro magnets charged is my little secret simple engineering should help you figure that part out. Also the magnets themselves need to be able to be adjusted to so you can increase power and also stop the device when it doesnt need to generate electricity to decrease some of the heat. You should also look at magnetic friction free bearings to reduce energy being transfered into heat. once you accomplish that peice the rest is already made for you connect an alternator and a set of batteries and boom you can take your house off the grid.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:56 PM
I also made a device to generate electricity from the water going in and out of your house but IBM beat me to the punch because i focused more on this perpetual motor which i then discovered will never be released. Sort of kicked my own a## with that one because i wanted to focus more on efficiency and world changing rather then a simple less efficient idea that could of made me millions.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:59 PM
This thread is chock full of lies and people who are wasting tremendous amounts of time solving nothing.
edit on 15-5-2012 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by TrulyGifted

Sorry im still new to the ins and outs of the member features of this site so for me to PM might not be accomplishable at this exact moment.

Well I think you need at least 20 posts or something like that before you can send a PM anyway. Thanks for the explanation though.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by libertytoall

Lies? For that is only a perception depending on how much your mind has been deceived.
The comment about solving nothing. Seems to me like you arent capable of mentally self gratifying and deny the fact that impossibilities are completely possible just not yet acheiveable, and what makes you so sure that it will solve nothing?

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