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Pet Dogs Arrested in Iran

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posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

I didnt insult you. I said not liking something just because of what it is, is bigotry.

I said I dont like dogs much. You are calling me a bigot.

The dog-lover has attacked my character.

Im happy to agree to disagree. I have a different opinion than you guys is all. So do the Persians. And I guess I posted because I dont like to see people demonizing the Persians.
edit on 11-5-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Germanicus
Its just their culture.

I dont like dogs much either. They are dumb compared to a cat. And they are dirty.

I like dogs and that is my country's culture.

Actually, you are mistaken that dogs are dumb compared to cats. Have you taught your cats any good tricks recently?

Its not that cats don't want to learn tricks. They are just not intelligent enough to understand what you are trying to do.

edit on 11-5-2012 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

Cats dont do tricks because its beneath them

They also dont chase cars or bark at lawnmowers or a million other dumb things dogs do.

You can also leave a cat for two weeks and it will feed itself.

Dogs are just dirty inbred morons at the end of the day.

Edit- I used to own a Staffie that I got for my ex-girlfriends son. He wasnt the best dog owner so the dog became mine. I loved it. I like dogs sort of but they really are dirty. And cats are smarter.
edit on 11-5-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

I would take a dog any day over a cat, cats # in places and then cover it up to hide it, they pee in potplants and kill them. They can never keep their damn mouths shut, and that satanic noise they make is cause enough to have to have them banned, especially when the've got the hots for each other!

I would love to see you leave your cat for two weeks with a camera set up so that we can watch it open the bag of food and dish it up, open the cans with a can opener and spoon the food into it's dish, clean its disgusting litterbox itself, Cat pee is also one of the most disgusting smells on the planet. And I am sure that somewhere on earth there are people who eat cat!

Go on teach your cat some tricks, get it to fetch your slippers, the newspaper, dial the police when you are about to have an epileptic fit, guide a blind person across busy intersections! Guard your house and children.....the list is endless... cats are worthless unless you have mice or rats, they kill birds indiscriminately for the fun of it....catch their prey and play with it until its dead and then just leave it to rot etc, etc, etc!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by Renegade2283

Sorry for digressing so much OP, but are they doing this because they dislike dogs, or ownership of dogs?

It was Muhammad who made it clear that dogs mean "one or two qiraats" will be deducted from a Muslim's good deeds each day.

Apparently an angel won't enter a house that has a dog either.


Maybe Muslim angels and dogs just don't get on?

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by wiser3

Ha! That was pretty funny.

You can teach a cat to use a toilet actually. Or kitty litter. I dont like kitty litter though. The best thing is to teach them to go outside. And you can.

And I wouldnt leave a cat inside for two weeks.

Cats hunt. They can eat birds or mice or lizards or a million other things. I saw my sisters cat kill a rabbit. They can look after themselves.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

No dog "demands" that it be walked once, twice, thrice or more times a day, if you happen to live where the dog can't run around in a yard you probably shouldn't be the owner of a dog, and actually if you live in a house/apartment where the cat can't get out you probably shouldn't have a cat! All of these domesticated animals deserve outside space that they can move freely in during the day when their owners are not at home!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
Dogs are just dirty inbred morons at the end of the day.

Im happy to agree to disagree.

Happy to hate dogs more like it.

Originally posted by Germanicus
I guess I posted because I dont like to see people demonizing the Persians.

You really didn't read the article.

The dog owners who were getting their pet dogs seized were also Iranian.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by Renegade2283

I didnt insult you. I said not liking something just because of what it is, is bigotry.

I said I dont like dogs much. You are calling me a bigot.

The dog-lover has attacked my character.

Im happy to agree to disagree. I have a different opinion than you guys is all. So do the Persians. And I guess I posted because I dont like to see people demonizing the Persians.
edit on 11-5-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

Well if your going to generalize your statement into "i dont like dogs". Then yes you are a bigot. That is not an insult it is constructive criticism. I believe you should love all living things, it is the best mind set on the path to success. And I would like all to succeed, because I love all living things. See how that works.

It just so happens that when something corrupt is occurring it involves a human being, not a dog. So through my eyes, both cats and dogs are more "humane" than most people are.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:22 AM
And just to add that dogs are loyal, cats are not!

Dogs rule!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:22 AM
I am quite sure Muhammed had some bad experiences with dogs in his day. Dogs are very sensitive and intolerant to people who have bad intentions towards their family. So, the guy who slaughtered so many people probably ran into more than a few dogs who attacked before he had a chance to reveal his intentions himself.

"Im happy to agree to disagree. I have a different opinion than you guys is all. So do the Persians. And I guess I posted because I dont like to see people demonizing the Persians."

Maybe you should move there and see how much they appreciate your tolerance....I'm betting not much. A nice caucasian guy like yourself should last about 30 seconds or so before you are sentenced to death for being a spy, or a christian, or an ex-dog owner, and so on, and so forth.

ETA: Dogs keep muslim angels from entering your home? Bonus! Who wants a demon around anyway?
edit on 11-5-2012 by americanwoman because: eta:

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

I try to be tolerant of other people's religions, and culture. But when it involves things that are morally incorrect, I believe that religion or culture belongs in history, with all the other dead cultures and religions. "Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past, are certain to miss the future"- John F. Kennedy.
edit on 11-5-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Germanicus
Dogs are just dirty inbred morons at the end of the day.

Im happy to agree to disagree.

Happy to hate dogs more like it.

Originally posted by Germanicus
I guess I posted because I dont like to see people demonizing the Persians.

You really didn't read the article.

The dog owners who were getting their pet dogs seized were also Iranian.

They were Iranian? What a shocker. Minorities within a culture do not always agree with it. Most Persians see dogs as dirty.You said that yourself in the opening post.

And like I said. I owned a dog. I loved it. Please dont insult me because I dont like dogs much and can admit they are dirty. I take great offence. When did I say I hate dogs? Saying they are dirty inbred morons is true. They are dirty. They are inbred. And they are not too bright. That doesnt mean I hate them.

And again,there is no need to attack me because we disagree. Attack my argument. Not me.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Renegade2283

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by Renegade2283

I didnt insult you. I said not liking something just because of what it is, is bigotry.

I said I dont like dogs much. You are calling me a bigot.

The dog-lover has attacked my character.

Im happy to agree to disagree. I have a different opinion than you guys is all. So do the Persians. And I guess I posted because I dont like to see people demonizing the Persians.
edit on 11-5-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

Well if your going to generalize your statement into "i dont like dogs". Then yes you are a bigot. That is not an insult it is constructive criticism. I believe you should love all living things, it is the best mind set on the path to success. And I would like all to succeed, because I love all living things. See how that works.

It just so happens that when something corrupt is occurring it involves a human being, not a dog. So through my eyes, both cats and dogs are more "humane" than most people are.

So I am a dog-bigot am I? Thats a new one

Do you love dog-bigots? Because if you love them you should not insult them and patronize them.

Also,you sound like a person-bigot if I use your logic. You dont like people as much as cats and dogs? Guess what? I agree. I dont like most humans much to be honest either. Especially westerners. I guess we are both people-bigots hey.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Germanicus
Dogs are just dirty inbred morons at the end of the day.

Im happy to agree to disagree.

Happy to hate dogs more like it.

Originally posted by Germanicus
I guess I posted because I dont like to see people demonizing the Persians.

You really didn't read the article.

The dog owners who were getting their pet dogs seized were also Iranian.

They were Iranian? What a shocker. Minorities within a culture do not always agree with it. Most Persians see dogs as dirty.You said that yourself in the opening post.

And like I said. I owned a dog. I loved it. Please dont insult me because I dont like dogs much and can admit they are dirty. I take great offence. When did I say I hate dogs? Saying they are dirty inbred morons is true. They are dirty. They are inbred. And they are not too bright. That doesnt mean I hate them.

And again,there is no need to attack me because we disagree. Attack my argument. Not me.

Well you are generalizing, which is what is the rather bigoted trait your displaying. Some dogs are dirty, some are inbred, and some are not too bright. While some are clean, pure bred(like that matters), intelligent creatures.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
They were Iranian? What a shocker. Minorities within a culture do not always agree with it. Most Persians see dogs as dirty.

So you don't respect the rights of minorities?

Originally posted by Germanicus
When did I say I hate dogs? Saying they are dirty inbred morons is true. They are dirty. They are inbred. And they are not too bright. That doesnt mean I hate them.

And again,there is no need to attack me because we disagree. Attack my argument. Not me.

I do not attack you. I merely attacked the fact that you call dogs dirty inbred morons.

Would you agree to disagree if someone called you a dirty inbred moron?

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Still calling me a bigot.

You are such a nice loving person arent you?

Do you like murders,rapists,criminals,politicians,bankers....bigots?

You dont like everything so stop calling me a dog-bigot. This is the most ludicrous converation I have ever had in my life.

On topic- Like I said. I dont like dogs much either and I can see where the Persians are coming from.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Germanicus
They were Iranian? What a shocker. Minorities within a culture do not always agree with it. Most Persians see dogs as dirty.

So you don't respect the rights of minorities?

Originally posted by Germanicus
When did I say I hate dogs? Saying they are dirty inbred morons is true. They are dirty. They are inbred. And they are not too bright. That doesnt mean I hate them.

And again,there is no need to attack me because we disagree. Attack my argument. Not me.

I do not attack you. I merely attacked the fact that you call dogs dirty inbred morons.

Would you agree to disagree if someone called you a dirty inbred moron?

Its a minority within the community. I hardly think we can call them a 'minority' in the bs liberal sense of the word though. And no,I do not respect the rights of minorities. If they are Persian,they are Persian. They need to get with the program and remember where they live.

And yes,you have attacked my character and I have been called a dog-biggot. I am happy to agree to disagree with you guys about those things.

Edit- and in my opinion dogs are dirty inbred morons. Im sorry that upsets you.

And if you want to demonize Persians you should write a thread about how you cant be gay in Iran. That would work better than banging on about the poor Iranian dog owners.
edit on 11-5-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus

Originally posted by Renegade2283

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by Renegade2283

I didnt insult you. I said not liking something just because of what it is, is bigotry.

I said I dont like dogs much. You are calling me a bigot.

The dog-lover has attacked my character.

Im happy to agree to disagree. I have a different opinion than you guys is all. So do the Persians. And I guess I posted because I dont like to see people demonizing the Persians.
edit on 11-5-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

Well if your going to generalize your statement into "i dont like dogs". Then yes you are a bigot. That is not an insult it is constructive criticism. I believe you should love all living things, it is the best mind set on the path to success. And I would like all to succeed, because I love all living things. See how that works.

It just so happens that when something corrupt is occurring it involves a human being, not a dog. So through my eyes, both cats and dogs are more "humane" than most people are.

So I am a dog-bigot am I? Thats a new one

Do you love dog-bigots? Because if you love them you should not insult them and patronize them.

Also,you sound like a person-bigot if I use your logic. You dont like people as much as cats and dogs? Guess what? I agree. I dont like most humans much to be honest either. Especially westerners. I guess we are both people-bigots hey.

What I cant make up new terms

I do love dog-bigots, and murders, and rapist. But who they were, or who they could have been. Sure I would like to have those types of people die. But not because of hatred, or revenge. But for efficiency. I believe we must destroy that who is lost and will not find themselves.

Instead of them slowly being injected with poisons that cost the state good money, just so the people after revenge can watch the one who did it die. But the in,mate has to slowly watch poison be injected into his body and feel his life fade from him. Or he could be quickly, humanely, and cheaply killed in his sleep. But then the people out for revenge can not get their satisfaction.

I have very recently learned the power of forgiveness. It is one of the strongest, yet most difficult emotions to conquer. You can feed of the dark side of yourself, or the good side. But it is you who has to chose which side to feed.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:42 AM
I guess that's the only time i agree with something islamic. I completely despise dogs. Those ugly, disgusting, stinking creatures that # on the streets and in the end are just pussified wolves.
They are good for nothing, i always get a chuckle out of people who cry over dogs - even in movies. You know, like "a thousand humans die" that's not a problem. One #ty dog gets killed and the movie studio gets hundreds of complaint mails

If i could i would follow Metallica's first album title: Kill 'em all

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
Like I said. I dont like dogs much either and I can see where the Persians are coming from.

Religious convictions don't give the state the right to seize peoples' dogs off of the street when they are out walking them.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by Renegade2283

Still calling me a bigot.

You are such a nice loving person arent you?

Do you like murders,rapists,criminals,politicians,bankers....bigots?

You dont like everything so stop calling me a dog-bigot. This is the most ludicrous converation I have ever had in my life.

On topic- Like I said. I dont like dogs much either and I can see where the Persians are coming from.

"Well you are generalizing, which is what is the rather bigoted trait your displaying"- Thats actually what I said. That time I didnt technically call you a bigot

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