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Purported U.S. Invasion of Iran Preliminary Draft? Selective Service to Resume Duties?

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posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:01 AM
So, I was going through the files in the Wikileaks storage file, and stumbled upon a file titled, "purported-us-iran-preliminary-draft.pdf". This appears to be a speech which would be given by our President while invading and bombing Iran, not beforehand. I'm not sure if this is real, but it appears most things in this Wikileaks storage file are real.

Problem is, it can't be copied, or uploaded, that I know of. However, you can type this "http://(nolink)/file/purported-us-iran-preliminary-draft.pdf" , leaving out the "no link" part which comes up when linked to ATS. into google, and click on the first link to pop up to read it in full. I'll take some time to type some of it, but you'll need to go view it yourselves to see it in full, unless someone has an idea how to upload it onto ATS, which I don't think is possible, although I don't have a scanner either.

I found it following this link "http://(nolink)/file/" in google, which does not link to ATS and appears to be blocked, as has been discussed in the Wikileaks File Dump thread.

What I will do is take the time to type the first sentence of each paragraph, but as I mentioned earlier, just link the storage file into google and view the first link to read in full. This is quite scary if true.

"My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iran, to free its people and to defend the world from a grave danger.

On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's ability to wage war.

To all the men and woman of the United States Armed Forces now in the Middle East, the peace of a troubled world and the hopes of an oppressed people now depend on you.

The enemies you confront will come to know your skill and bravery.The people you liberate will witness the honorable and decent spirit of the American military.

I want Americans and all the world to know that coalition forces will make every effort to spare innocent civilians from harm.

We come to Iran with respect to its citizens, for their great civilization and for the religious faiths they practice.

I know that the families of our military are praying that all those who serve will return safely and soon.

Our nation enters this conflict reluctantly --yet, our purpose is sure. Now that conflict has come, the only way to limit its duration is to apply decisive force. For this reason I have asked Congress to authorize the Selective Service to resume its duties. The draft will be a burden on this Great Nation, however I hope Americans will realize the noble purpose motivating this unfortunate measure.

My fellow citizens, the dangers to our country and this world will be overcome."

Please, type "purported-us-iran-preliminary-draft.pdf" , again, without the "no link" part into google and read in full as linking this to ATS will not work. I don't know if this is real/true, but given it's based on an Iran invasion and the draft is once again a reality for many young men and women, I felt it was potentially too serious not to start a thread on.

Hope someone can debunk this.
edit on 11-5-2012 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:09 AM
If anyone knows how to get this PDF document uploaded into this thread, please do. I messed around with it for awhile before posting this thread, and was only able to get it into Adobe Reader, where the only option was to "copy image". The image however could not be saved or pasted elsewhere, anywhere, to the best of my knowledge.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:09 AM
If this is real, however I question its authenticity, it would be the biggest blow out for the government in quit some time. Might wake people up for once, but only if its authenticity is proven.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by MysticPearl

Print screen and copy into ms paint. Then save. Its archaic, but it will work.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by AaronWilson

Sorry, no MS paint for me.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:15 AM
They can't draft us, we're far too worthless as a society. The athletes who scored well in Physical Education though, they're the first pick. After all that's why the government standardized fitness testing and made passing 4 years of gym in high school mandatory.
Give me a draft card and I'll probably smoke it!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:15 AM
Times have changed, things have changed. The so called leaders of our nation had better hope that they do not make an attempt to force young people to fight for something they do not support or believe in because this time around it will not be the same. Doing this would in effect cause an uprising in the United States of America in a time of war, which is obviously not a good idea. Arrest those unwilling to fight for their country? Good luck with that. I have a feeling people would choose to deny doing this simply to fight for their own rights on their own land. Oh they will be forced to fight, but not overseas. I truly hope it doesn't come to this.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:16 AM

in that thread they are discussing the authenticity of wikileaks files being found all over the net, there is some pretty debatable stuff like steve jobs having aids and what not, as far as searching for the pdf i found alot of wikileaks references and will assume that's where it came from, hopefully its not authentic, as i am registered

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:18 AM
I ms painted the whole thing. It is quite the read. It does seem like it was typed up and scanned. Maybe a pamphlet someone scanned. It is only the speech. No names, numbers, anything, BUT the speech. Does make me question its authenticity. But who knows. Time will tell.

If it gets taken off wiki leaks, i have a copy

EDIT: Type this "purported-us-iran-preliminary-draft.pdf" into google and you get the pdf.
edit on 11-5-2012 by AaronWilson because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:24 AM
Thanks for the heads up and it is definitely an interesting piece, but upon searching Google, in the way you advised, I didn't find a single link from Wikileaks website. All that came up were torrents with odd torrent file names, which is a no-no for me to download. I have a feeling this is more of a hoax or someone trying to say, what if, in order to get people's attention to a possible reality of a war with Iran. I don't feel this is associated with Wikileaks in anyway and as such I don't believe it is authentic. Could you tell me if you have any links to Wikileaks actual site that contain this document? Now, I don't think they post every single page they obtain on their site, but an article of this significance would most likely be posted and very likely would be discussed in the mainstream news, if not the typical media the alternative media for sure. I, personally, won't lose any sleep over this and I don't think you should either. That said, I am sure they have speeches prepared for every realistic scenarios as they definitely have the plans for a war with Iran drawn up and calculated down to the finest detail. It's up to our spineless Congressmen to stop any conflict with the Iranians. Maybe, you should lose some sleep? lol

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by KillThePoor

Go here: [rapidlibrary]

Click the blue "purported-us-iran-preliminary-draft.pdf" and then poof. Pdf in adobe reader.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:27 AM
Now why do we do draft copies of anything - in preparation for the real thing. God Help us all!!!!! They're never happy unless there's a new war on the horizon.

If this kicks off - and to me it looks like it's just a matter of time - it really will be 'The Killing Fields' and if there's any People Power at all - now.s the time to use it.

S&F OP for an excellent find - just hope your wrong.

edit on 11-5-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:28 AM
I'm about to start reading. I just wanted to point out: I googled the name of the doc, and on the 2nd or 3rd page of results there was a link to I checked to see if maybe there would be more stuff like this, but the link to isohunt comes up with

Torrent has been censored, as required by US court.

Curiouser and curiouser...

ETA: Good find! Authentic or not it's fascinating, and I can totally hear Obama or Romney or even W. Bush giving this speech in my head.
edit on 11-5-2012 by ZeroReady because: more

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by DoctorMobius

They can't draft us, we're far too worthless as a society. The athletes who scored well in Physical Education though, they're the first pick. After all that's why the government standardized fitness testing and made passing 4 years of gym in high school mandatory.
Give me a draft card and I'll probably smoke it!

Well, first, I gotta say I didn't see this referenced at anything I'd call reliable enough to accept something og this magnitude yet.

Having said that though... I wouldn't count on that idea about how the modern draft will work if called up. Obama is the friend of the little guy and great symbol to equality? Remember? It would be explained as necessary for the balance and needs of the nation, but the poor will get scraped up and dumped into the meat grinder like the nation has done before. Michelle Obama could even see such a thing as a great opportunity to help those with weight issues, given her super-health food crusade. I wouldn't even count on that to disqualify....

Heck, I'm 38 and I'd never say never these days. Depends on how big a bear trap Obama walks us into over there...IF this actually happens at some point.

If I actually hear those words in my lifetime, I just hope I won't have had a great meal recently. I won't, afterward.

A big S/F on finding and sharing tho!
edit on 11-5-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by ZeroReady

If thats true, we are hooped. Isohunt is a decent site. Ill check demonoid forums. If its true, they'll know.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:32 AM
There is no way the president would announce ANYTHING that calls for support, by claiming it "unfortunate".

I have a very hard time believing this. The entire speech would have taken just over a minute to read, and that isn't right either.


posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:41 AM
I knew I heard this before! This is taken straight from (or used in the writing of) W. Bush's announcement to invade Iraq.

A lot of it is word for word.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by MysticPearl

"""Fabricated US Presidential Iran invasion contingency speech from the the office of the White House Press Secretary. Undated, unnamed, unsigned and un-numbered. A metadata analysis shows the document to have been scanned on June 6, 2008.
The page appears to have had a header, which has been removed. The font is at a low, possibly FAX resolution.
The document is clearly based on the 2003 Iraq invasion speech

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by DoctorMobius

I wouldn't put it past big pharma to cook up something that would overdrive metabolism and allow people to get into shape quite quickly. It would certainly be something that would be useful for the reasons you describe.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by DoctorMobius

They can't draft us, we're far too worthless as a society. The athletes who scored well in Physical Education though, they're the first pick. After all that's why the government standardized fitness testing and made passing 4 years of gym in high school mandatory.
Give me a draft card and I'll probably smoke it!

Actually NO

I was in the Army.

They turn weak little pansies and fat ass potatoes into fighting machines...

First day on Sand Hill I did 15 pushups before getting my head pushed into the sand...
The Next day I did 57 pushups all at once within about 4 minutes...

They can train anybody, trust me.

OH, and speak for your own worthless societal self. Some of us are not like that.

and if they ever try and draft me, well, they won't... I'll first try and evade. If this doesn't work...
I'll die fighting old white men rather than live blowing up brown babies...
edit on 5/11/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

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