posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:46 PM
I'm kinda surprised really that this hasn't already been done, but since it hasn't, I'll take a humble swing at it.
With A vs X (Avenger vs. X-Men for those unfamiliar) now kicking off in full swing, I thought thread on the subject would a cool idea.
After all, it has all the things ATS is infamous for. There are moral ramifications of government rights and authority (Is it cool for Cap. to seize
Hope as a potential threat to the planet?).
There's the question of national sovereignty (Like when the Avengers invaded Utopia with SHIELD back up.).
And how about Scott (Cyclops)?, is he totally off his rocker, or with his experience with the phoenix (arguably the most any mortal has, save maybe
Rachael, but since she was a host, I don't know how "mortal" you'd define her as. After all, she lives all the way to the years Cable was a baby
in the mini Cyclops and Phoenix, where Scott and Jean take a honeymoon in the future to raise the future b.a. Cable.), is he justified in saying "Let
us handle this, we're the X-Men, this is what we do."
Also, what about Wolverine? Is it right to kill Hope to stop the Phoenix before she can become it's host?
See, there's a ton of controversial points in the series, and as the event proceeds, we'll only get more divisive issues along the line.
When it first started off, I wasn't too sure about this super-hyped event. It came off kinda forced, and it seemed to me both team leaders are acting
a bit out of character to justify selling a comic. But after reading A vs. X #3, I've been drawn in.
At full discretion, I'm totally X. Scott's made the hard calls for some time since M-Day, and united mutants in a way neither Magneto, Xavier or any
other come along lately ever has.
But I will admit, Cap. earned alot of my respect when he kicked Wolvie off the transport (well, actually Pym did the kicking, but anyways...) after he
let Wolverine know he won't be supporting the murder of a teenage girl.
It looks to be an exciting series, and I'd love to hear ya'lls thoughts and opinions of Marvel/Disney's first big cross over.