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My encounter with the Mothman( possible discovered how to summon it!)

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posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:49 PM
Finally i got my 20 posts here on ATS! Now i can tell my extremely creepy experience that i wished to tell a long time ago. Me, my brother and my mom were living quietly here on São-Paulo Brazil some months after a great disaster that generated chaos all over the country for almost 1 week.

The first time i heard of the mothman was in a TV show at discovery channel. I got intersting by the creature and decided to search about it on google. I stayed months if not years searching about it's reports and speaking his name constantly with my friends and my brother but never to my parents. Sometimes i feleed if was being watched even at home even with all windowns closed. The sensation was much stringer when i was alone.

Finally when i was around twelve i was heading back from the mall around 12:00 pm to my house. It was very dark and there was almost no one at the street. The street was extremely small in shape (only one car could pass trought it behind each other). My mom was driving and my brother and me were looking to the left windown. But then at a garage entrace i saw something that would change my life forever.

The thing was extremely huge. And by the size of the size of the road i could say it was like 9-11 feet tall. His skin was light-grey with some white parts, and i could see his muscles and as well huge bath wings laying on the ground. His head was extremely similar to the grinning man descripitions. No ears, no nose and no mounth and a some kind of smile going to the ears. His eyes were yellow, orange , red and huge, just like the other descripitions. When i saw him, he changed position and started to look to me in the eyes. He turned his head like if he was thinking "I hate you" or like "I was watching/waiting for you." Then immediatly the car behind us started to honk like crazy. Then something weird happend with his eyes. Some kind of pupiles appeard almost immediatly. The pupils were black and had no Iris and were very smiliar to the chamaleon one's. One of the pupils looked to the car behind us while the other to me. On that moment he turned from us and walked away like if he got shooted on his leeg ('ve Inever saw anything walk away fast like that). When he dissapeard there was a huge blackout on the entire area. My mother dind't saw the thing, homever she saw the blackout. Some meters afront of the car, two girls were crying and huging each other like if the thing were staling us (but i dind't saw it folowing the car). More upper the road two guys were running like if they were at the olympic games.

After that thing dissapeard (he standed there for like 5 seconds before moving) me and my brother got like a hearth atack. I never feleed such a pain in the hearth before. After that me and my brother were hidden down the car chair's. For almost all the travel. When we arrived the next bus stop the two guys that were running before were standing there, crying and hugging themselfs like if they were in a freezer.

While i was walking towards the building i lived i feeled a very strong sensation that i was being watched. When i finnaly arrived home i turned on the lights. i found that extremely weird. Since the light in the entire region was cutted off. When i asked the housemaid if happend a blackout earilier, she said nothing happend. Then i just don't remeber nothing more. But for entire months i couldn't sleep, i never searched anything about crypits for almost 2 years fearing the mothman showed up again. But the legacy of the mothman was going to start latter than i tought.

It was like 8 months after the encouter during that time i had extremely weird dreams (with an angel like being on almost all of them) and i was always feeling being heavily watched. On that time my grandmother was with us, around the same time wee saw mothman something happend that would change the way i see the future.

A huge blackout happend. On that event i was dreaming so i dind't saw nothing, just my brother and my grandmother. For like 30 minutes, many blackouts happend in 16 states here in Brazil. The result was chaos, fire because of the broken circuits, cops everywhere, bandits invading the houses everywhere, people dying, people running desasperated and many more things. Just like the Silver bridge event, the reason of that disaster was never explained. On the day after the event, i never feeled anything strange and my life camed back to normal. But even after all those years, i still refuse on it's speakng it's name with fear of summoning it again as i discovered with later studies about powerfull paranormal entities. Now i just refer the mothman as:

"The dark angel of black wings in the dark that teached me on what i should belif."

Somethings that i can't forget to add about my history;

- The blackout happend at the sametime when i saw the mothman.
- Some kind of sound played when i first spotted the creature (ideas anyone?).
- The governement later here on Brazil decided to build another light factory at Amazonia in order to avoid future disasters like that. Homever the costs and the consequence to the forest and the people who live there would be massive.
edit on 10-5-2012 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2012 by Frocharocha because: grammar erros.

edit on 10-5-2012 by Frocharocha because: More grammar errors.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:58 PM
It may be possible the being you observed caused an emp. You would have felt this in your heart and it would have effected the electrical devices around you. The two men being cold could have been a result of a cold spot the being created. This occurs when telekinetic action utilizes the kinetic energy that exists as heat focused to move an object.
The sound or tone you heard before hand now that is interesting can you please describe its texture?
edit on 10-5-2012 by Shirak because: spelling

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:03 PM

So it had no mouth, but smiled?
How is that possible?
edit on 10-5-2012 by amongus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Shirak

It's extremely dificult to describe. I can describe the sound as "the begging of a horror soundtrack" it was something like "Twoooooooooom" like if someone picked up a big bell and then hitted it with a mallet.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:09 PM


So it had no mouth, but smiled?
How is that possible?

The movement he made with his checks was like if he was smiling to me.
edit on 10-5-2012 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Frocharocha

I can't believe you were using Google for years before you were 12!
That in itself is extraordinary.

I stayed months if not years searching about it's reports and speaking his name constantly with my friends and my brother but never to my parents.

Finally when i was around twelve i was heading back from the mall around 12:00 pm to my house.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:18 PM
one day i'll post my encounter with mothwoman and her sister.

and before anyone says pics or didn't happen, i got that one covered.

i have 45 mins of hd video.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by randomname
one day i'll post my encounter with mothwoman and her sister.

and before anyone says pics or didn't happen, i got that one covered.

i have 45 mins of hd video.

Something tells me that we may not want to see that video...Or will we?
I don't know about this whole thing OP...I've never believed something like that existed. I believe that something happened to you, or that you think something happened to you, but I will not say that you are purposefully lying. I've learned over the years that it is better to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when it sounds crazy. Most of the time it will turn out that the person's perception and processing of an event are skewed to others' reality, so there really is no intention of deception...With that said though, I have no idea what you saw...I suppose something like that "could" exist, I just don't find it very probable.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Doodle19815
reply to post by Frocharocha

I can't believe you were using Google for years before you were 12!
That in itself is extraordinary.

I stayed months if not years searching about it's reports and speaking his name constantly with my friends and my brother but never to my parents.

Finally when i was around twelve i was heading back from the mall around 12:00 pm to my house.

Personaly i find that Altavista is a far superior search engine for these topics when you are under the age of 13.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:05 PM
Somethings that i can't forget to add about my history;

- The blackout happend at the sametime when i saw the mothman.
- Some kind of sound played when i first spotted the creature (ideas anyone?).

The playing of the sound indicates that it may have infact been The Creeper.

Did the sound being played sound anything like this:

Does this look like the face:

If so what you saw was The Creeper.

As far as your government building a new power plant, this would not stop blackouts caused by these creatures. You need to get out and educate people on this, if they build this power plant it will wipe out that habbitat of many animals, and do nothing. If I were you id start printing out flyers, and starting patitions to get people educated on this issue.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Frocharocha

May I suggest taking a english writing course to go with your creative writing skills.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by randomname
Well......POST it already!


posted on May, 10 2012 @ 10:05 PM
Spider your the OP right?

You should stick to one username, this is confusing lol.

Edit: oh I see you were quoting the OP, sorry haha.

Originally posted by txMEGAlithic
reply to post by randomname
Well......POST it already!


I have a feeling his video will be against ATS rules.

edit on 10-5-2012 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 10:17 PM
no i am not the OP. I forgot to ad the quote tag.
edit on 10-5-2012 by spiderbadarse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by spiderbadarse

Booth things you suggested sounded nothing like what i've saw. The head looked like that:

But with no ears, no nose and no mounth. The eyes resembled the mothman descripitions.

It's body resembled something like that (as also the head) but he had much more muscles:

edit on 11-5-2012 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Frocharocha

Maybe it's some kind of evil spirit?

I dunno the i've always found that of all the mysterious creatures people talk about, the moth man is kind of hard to believe. Sounds like some sort of cheesy old super villain or something

I'm not discounting your account or anything because you are the only one that knows what really happened, none of us were there. Just saying

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:18 AM
I took the liberty of correcting your grammar in the following quotes from your post for the purposes of my reply:

Originally posted by Frocharocha
....He turned his head, like he was thinking "I hate you" ....

....But for entire months I couldn't sleep. I never sought anything about cryptids for almost 2 years, fearing the mothman would show up again.....

.....The result was chaos, fire because of the broken circuits, cops everywhere, bandits invading the houses everywhere, people dying, people running desperate/exasperated and many more things......

....But even after all these years, I still refuse to speak it's name for fear of summoning it again as I discovered with later studies about powerfull paranormal entities.....

You describe all these negative, horrible feelings and occurrences. Then you make the following statement:

.....Now i just refer the mothman as:
"The dark angel of black wings in the dark that taught me what I should believe.".....

How did this alleged entity teach you what to believe?
And why would you belive whatever it "taught" you when so much negativity is associated with it?
edit on 13-5-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:39 AM
Sounds alot like a draco. I find that really alarming. And focus is important, having intense focus can bring something to you.

On the other hand, its like if the Devil appeared, I would thank him and tell him due to this, you have 100% knowledge that your faith in Goodness is real and justified. Even negative supernatural proves your immortality. So aking to having an NDE, the curtain has lifted. I would keep my focus very positive. On Good things.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by stupid girl

Thanks for correcting my grammar. Anyway, if you readed about all the Mothman sighting you will realize that he was trying to warn us about our incoming deaths (not all withness died at the Silver Bridge disaster). His intetions may be good, evil or neutral, but in fact, his apperance make's me wish not see him again.

About him teaching me in what i should belif, well... Spot such a creature gives you a good clue of what's real and what is not, doesn't it?

Edit: Wheel, in the begging of the sightings at Point Pleasent the people started to fear it, hunt it, kill themselfs after seeing it and so on. But for another side, the Mothman bringed with him fame to the small town.

People now builded a statue for him, a museum to him and now respects him but still fears him. The same can be applied to me. In some way, I thanks and respect's him but I still fears him.
edit on 13-5-2012 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:20 PM
These beings are fallen angels. They probably feed off of death and suffering and may even cause the disasters. They have noted you and you will be infested with them until your put your faith in Jesus Christ and repent of your sins. Only Jesus has the power to defeat these dark forces.

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