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Masonic Handshake in the news

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posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 07:38 AM

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 07:40 AM

A source of handshakes!

To all you Masons out there denying these handshakes!!

[edit on 17-2-2009 by zerozero00]

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by zerozero00

Originally posted by Masonic Light
The only problem is that, in all the photos you posted, the only person there who was a Mason was Harry Truman.

They were not "Masonic handshakes".

"The Mason takes the fellow Mason by the right hand as in an ordinary hand shake, and presses the top of his thumb hard on the second knuckle, the fellow Mason presses his thumb against the same knuckle of the first Mason's hand."
And what's to keep someone who's not a Mason from grasping a hand in the same way? Why is that handshake exclusively Masonic?

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 09:36 AM
I like the way the Freemasons come posting on here demanding that people not be allowed to post about what they do.

Most people who aren't Freemasons know more about Freemasonry than the Freemasons do themselves, who are men-pleasers and believe in herding up in the pack and using dirty tricks to get their way of lording it over everybody else.

The sooner these people are exposed the better.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

Good point Josh!

My instinct regarding these handshakes are definitely "Members" of a secret society...
The fact these images show TPTB making the shakes makes it very suspicious...imo

Whether its between Freemasons , CFR , Club of Rome, Opus dei or just plain Bilderbergers its very very elitist!
I say freemasons because I can show proof of them using these shakes throughout history!
Something you can't deny!

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 10:22 AM
Most of them have never read Morals and Dogma. They are waiting for their next initiation hoping they get to find out what's next. They should get the book.

They are starting to look really silly the way they do their contortions and brotherhood stuff in public because with the Internet so many of us are on to them. They just look silly.

Ron Paul, what an Illuminati shmucko. He looked so evil on Bill Marrs show with his Freemason handshakes big as life to Bill Marr and all the guests too.

Ron Paul reminds me of Bugsy Seigel.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
I didn't see anything in that article about it being Masonic. How do you know exactly? Especially considering the aweful picture quality...

Well, If you analyse the images posted on this thread you will see the most telling point of the shake is the Pressurizing of the thumb onto the knuckle....very hard to mistake
I have provided the info on this thread for you to cross refer the images with the info..


posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

The only problem is that, in all the photos you posted, the only person there who was a Mason was Harry Truman.

They were not "Masonic handshakes".

Well I'm surprised at you

Remember the handshake is an ancient greetings not just for the present day masons, it should open peoples eyes as to the meaning of it and exactly how far back and widespread the secret societies are.

If you noticed many religious leaders understand this and use it. Note the picture of the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox both use it as a form of recognition. Obviously there is more here than meets the eye.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 12:05 PM
Sorry not Masonic...........

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by solomanskey
Sorry not Masonic...........

Thanks for clearing that up!!

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 12:48 PM
your welcome!

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 07:37 PM
So let me see if I have this right:

Everyone pictured shaking hands is a Mason. Including those who at one time may have; vilified Masonry, persecuted and/or eliminated Masons and generally do not conform to the tenets and teachings of the Fraternity.

Makes total sense.....

A hand shake does not make a person a Mason, adherence to the foundations of Masonry-Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth-make a person a Mason.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 10:14 PM
Sorry to keep busting your bubble, but the OP is not a Masonic handshake.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus
A hand shake does not make a person a Mason, adherence to the foundations of Masonry-Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth-make a person a Mason.
Well, that and a current dues card. Once a Mason, always a Mason, unless you're delinquent on dues.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by zerozero00

Well, If you analyse the images posted on this thread you will see the most telling point of the shake is the Pressurizing of the thumb onto the knuckle....very hard to mistake
I have provided the info on this thread for you to cross refer the images with the info..

I think the main problem is that there is no universal "Masonic" handshake. Those things differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In other words, what is known as "Masonic handshake" in Ireland may be completely different than a Masonic handshake in France, and Nevada Masons use different handshakes than Masons in Ontario.

Masonic handshakes are purely ritualistic and are not used outside of the Lodge. A Mason from one place visiting a Lodge in another jurisdiction often cannot make himself known by handshakes because they differ. That's why he has to present a membership card showing he's in good standing, in order to be received in a foreign Lodge. It's also why all the accusations around here of different people giving "Masonic handshakes" doesn't hold up to close scrutiny.

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