I've done a boolean search and didn't find this discussed anywhere. Was there a purpose for this link? Or have I missed a thread about this, which
didn't come up in the boolean search.
Someone relaly needs to write a good tutorial for the boolean search...cuz it sucks, or some people are too stupid to figure it out. (not implying
your the 2nd one)
In boolean, I firstly keyed in 'black' , then 'labyrinth' in the second column.
I didn't see it there. But now, when I key in blacklabyrinth as one word, it comes up.
All I can think of is that the black labyrinth is some sort of 'hand eye coordination' exercise with the pointer...I've followed the path but there
is no link whatsoever on the page...hmmm...maybe it's a conspiracy!
Going around the maze carefully makes my eyes go crossed and my guts clench about halfway through.
SkepticO...please...free me from this veritable prison before the Minotaur gets me!!! Tell me what it means, for certainly it is no fruitless
Too bad the thread on 21-9-2004 'what this? Very small link' didn't include anything with the term 'Black Labryrinth.' We probably all
would have come to the same conclusion you did. Keep it in one thread.