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So You Mad Huh? [MAD]

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posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:27 AM
So you mad huh?

Yeah, we’re all mad, mad for change. I see you all out there, your fists in the air, your heads held high, all smiles and somehow apparently knowing that even without words that “you mad as hell dammit!” And you gonna change the world.

Yeah I see you all. See you all for what you really are. Your minds and mouths scream change, that you’re mad as hell and you’re not gonna take it anymore. That’s good. You’ve entered into a larger world.

But of this I ask of you all. What change will you really see in the world? What change will you bring by flooding out into the streets, screaming yourself hoarse with your same words? What then? When it all subsides, will you just decide it’s not worth the actual effort involved, and go back inside? Turn on your television sets and get your dinners made for your families, using the genetically modified food the giant global corporations sold you at a ridiculous markup? That you use the electricity these multi-trillion dollar industries sell you at three times their worth? That you iron your shirts and press your pants in anticipation of the job you dutifully trudge off to at a particular time and place? Because what? Because society demands it?

So you mad huh?

It has been three days since that mad rant on TV. All the Occupy people raised their flags in anticipation that this was it. This was the BIG ONE. Time to show ‘em who’s boss. That we are the people, and we run things.

Here’s the reality people.

They know you mad. They know you don’t like ‘em sticking their hands into your pockets and cleaning you out of your hard earned cash. They know you pissed at sticking cameras on every damn street sign so they know who you are, where you are, and what you’re doing at any time. Think they care? You just a number. Or a bunch of numbers. You really think they’re gonna be quakin’ in their boots at a few thousand people lining the streets with their fists in the air? Hell no. They laughing. Laughing at YOU.

They know you got bills to pay. Hell, that half-mil house and Beemer don’t come cheap hey? And what the hell will your wife or girlfriend think if you throw down that silk tie and join those smelly greenie tree-huggin’ protestors? Think she’ll have it? What will her girlfriends say? Think she’s gonna put up with those stares from the local housewives brigade? Hell no. Even worse, what kind of hell you gonna put your kids through with that kind of acting up? Think your teenage daughter is gonna be happy with the Facebook posts her friends are making about crazy dad? That your son’s gonna get any kind of respect with an attitude like that? Hell no. Up with this they will not put.

So you mad huh?

Let’s get to the bones of this. Tomorrow you gonna get up when that alarm tells you to, get dressed, eat your store bought toast and butter, and watch the morning news on your 50 inch plasma screen. You’re gonna kiss your wife and kids goodbye, get in your flash new Beemer and toodle off to your workplace. You’re gonna talk about crap at work that doesn’t draw any heat, and of course, someone mentions this “I’m as mad hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore” jive, you’re gonna laugh along with the others, and make some stupid joke about those idiot protestors, and how you’re so much better than them. After work you’re gonna go buy some dinner for your family, fill up your Beemer with our overpriced petrol, and go home to your fancy mansion.

And tomorrow you’ll do it all again. Why? Because it is in your programming to do so. Because that’s the way we made it for you. You didn’t have to go and bury yourself in debt so the guy next door has something to bitch about how well you are doing. You didn’t actually need the trophy wife, the expensive car, the plasma screen. We just told you that you did. Told all your neighbours and friends that if such and such doesn’t have all this stuff, then he is to be made ridicule of. That he is a freak, an outsider. A weirdo.

So you mad huh?

In all reality, you should be. You should be marching in the millions, right up to our doors, and tearing them down. Dragging us out into the streets and hanging us up by the necks for what we have done to you. Taking back what we have taken from you. Forcing us to admit we have terrorised you all in the name of profits. That we have killed your own countrymen and women, all for the sake of gaining what isn’t actually ours to begin with. That we have gone to war over and over again, all throughout history, just to make ourselves a buck. That at every turn, and every post, we rip you off, we strip you of your dignity, make you a slave. A slave to our system. A system you all willingly line up to, and bow your heads down to be cut off as we see fit. While we laugh at your stupidity. We know you mad as hell. We know you want change. But we tell you to accept this is the way it is, and like good little sheep you fall into line, and bow your heads for another slice of reality.

So you mad now?

The world has a choice. It always has. Either we live in fear, or we live in hope. We all know something is wrong. Yet the most we do is scream those immortal words, never taking action.

The time for fear has passed. The time for inaction has passed. We are the people. This world is ours.

So you mad now?

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:03 AM
Damn right,Im MAD!!!


posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

End result of a really bad day, where some idiot actually said those words to me...

"So you mad huh?" Funny where inspiration comes from sometimes hey...

Cheers for the SnF


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