posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 01:52 PM
I love these threads, really i do.
It is kind of fun when you see military activity to wonder if something is up. I think i have had one or two of these threads in the past myself. But
honestly. Everyone who goes berserk with "the NWO is here!!!" just doesn't have an idea of basic, day to day military operations (and the corporations
who build, maintain, refit, and sell the equipment). And when that's explained the, "how do you KNOW IT's Normal" hits.
Movement happens all the time! Equipment being sent to and from refurbishing is probably the number one reason. Units going to the NTC or JRTC
training centers is the next most common. Unit's and or equipment moving to a different base happens occasionally. Pre or post deployment is a
possibility, but I haven't heard anything about any heavy armor deployments, and that's usually announced. And Houston is one of the key places for
this. Units from Ft Hood, Ft Bliss, and possibly Ft Riley would all ship in or out through there via rail lines; and as mentions there are tons of
contractors and companies down there for this stuff.
Because this IS NORMAL, you wouldn't know if it was something nefarious or not. Well, other than the fact that any military units doing anything like
"martial law" or whatever would PROBABLY (but not certainly) move out on the road from their home garrison. Not packing up armor on rail cars. More
likely helicopter assault troops would be used, armor wouldn't be needed all that much.
I am in the Civil Air Patrol, and we had 3 vans out the other day on an exercise. I got to wondering if any pictures of us practicing disaster relief
would pop up here under the title of "look at these units, they must be secret UN troops". LOL.
Oh and a pet peeve i have seen twice in this thread..
Cavalry is armored scouting units.
Calvary is where Jesus was crucified.
edit on 10-10-2016 by SrWingCommander because: more detail