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The End of One American

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by petrus4

If they want same sex marriage, then I don't have a problem with that. Aside from that, however, I'm really getting fed up with their constant need to draw attention to themselves.

Humans were born to be free. It is in our nature to want to be free and to feel we are equal to every other human being. When a person or group feels their God-given freedom is being stifled or that they are not being treated as equals, they become vocal about it. They will get louder and louder the more they are ignored.

I don't believe gays are trying to take over the world or that their goal is just to attract attention to themselves. They are becoming more outspoken because they are being condemned by religious people and others who simply fear what they don't understand.

This is the same phenomenon we are witnessing with OWS protestors. People are sick of being treated like second-class citizens by bankers and their governments, so the people are getting louder....and it will not stop.

People complain about the outspoken and aggressive actions of many Ron Paul supporters. We see our liberties in jeopardy and we are responding in kind.

Humans were intended to be free and equal. These cries for freedom and equality are not going to stop until those crying out are heard and there is change. But many are still too blind to their own prejudices and fears.....nearly all of which are unfounded and causing humanity to remain at a stand still.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

Hell as a redneck gay in the south that wants to make a good move.
Since you Don't have a country that is better than The USA in mind.
Why don't you move to the Village in NYC. Or 14 th Street in DC.
Folks will put you up. You might even get LUCKY.
Are you cute?
I forgot you could go to Frisco even if you are not.
edit on 5/20/2012 by longjohnbritches because: FRISCO

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by longjohnbritches
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

Hell as a redneck gay in the south that wants to make a good move.
Since you Don't have a country that is better than The USA in mind.
Why don't you move to the Village in NYC. Or 14 th Street in DC.
Folks will put you up. You might even get LUCKY.
Are you cute?
I forgot you could go to Frisco even if you are not.
edit on 5/20/2012 by longjohnbritches because: FRISCO

If I have told you Once I have told you a thousand times,,
I will not move in with you in either the Village in NYC
Nor at your 'groovy' pad on 14th Steet in DC (which by the way is so 2010)

You are way too Feminine for my taste,, and you know I need a REAL MAN.
Sorry Girly,, you are verging on being a stalker here,,,, quit while you are ahead sweetie,,,
us Red Neck Fags are slow to anger,,,
but I am sure you have already had a 'scuffle' or two in your day,, right?
No one should have to wonder if they are as good as a homosexual,,,
sorry you feel threatened by homosexuals,, that usually means something lurking in your closet,, not mine.
but the media forces us upon you to take your insecure frail wounds towards some twisted revenge on someone you don't even know.

Get real buddy,,, you don't know me from squat, who are you to be so smug and come and try and derail what this thread is about.

not Me being Queer,,,,,, got it.

I can say those words,,,, with empowerment,, reclaiming the word itself so when you say it ,,, it has no effect on me.
you can call me those words too,,, doesn't bother me,, You can make snide remarks,,, you are the fool not me.

Because I KNOW I am a MAN and am secure in my sexuality, spirituality and morality,,, I don't need any help there thank you but no thanks.
Also I know that only Insecure (usually in the closet ''straight'' men who at least want to try it but are too chicken) tools such as yourself would bother writing the tripe you write for a post.

... bizarre and so gay.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

Thanks for writing something intelligent and thoughtful. Unfortunately,, if I didn't cause it myself in my last post,,, the trolls here have shot this thread down in flames... sad,,, it is part of the problem

I don't understand why everyone gets so concerned about my sex life? Never understood it.
It is like dealing with loud obnoxious little four year old boys,,, maybe two year olds,,, not sure.

Just wanted to say thanks,,, in case the thread gets the axe

Sad,,, really does make me wonder,,, Are we really so polarized?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

I don't understand why everyone gets so concerned about my sex life? Never understood it.
It is like dealing with loud obnoxious little four year old boys,,, maybe two year olds,,, not sure.

Really? Because you identified yourself by our sexuality and religion. A "Gay Pagan." I think that is probably why people jumped on it. You didn't have to offer that information at all, it wasn't relevant to these incidents in the slightest way. You are guilty of exactly what you are railing against. You stereotyped yourself voluntarily. If you had left that out, no one would have jumped on it, and your original post would have been just as moving, and probably taken more seriously.

I apologize for not reading through yet, but who garnished 62% of your wages? A debt collector?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

I don't understand why everyone gets so concerned about my sex life? Never understood it.
It is like dealing with loud obnoxious little four year old boys,,, maybe two year olds,,, not sure.

Really? Because you identified yourself by our sexuality and religion. A "Gay Pagan." I think that is probably why people jumped on it. You didn't have to offer that information at all, it wasn't relevant to these incidents in the slightest way. You are guilty of exactly what you are railing against. You stereotyped yourself voluntarily. If you had left that out, no one would have jumped on it, and your original post would have been just as moving, and probably taken more seriously.

I apologize for not reading through yet, but who garnished 62% of your wages? A debt collector?

No People 'jumped on it' due to their Hyper Sensitivity,, not mine. Lets look at what I wrote:

Being Gay and Pagan,, I fought against religious ignorance knowing that an American Taliban was forming in the far Right wings of our country,, and since God and America go hand and hand,, knew that soon we would be split down the middle by the shenanigans of Religious intolerance, to divide us against each other,, and then there is Race,, which also has crumbled from my vision of what America could be,, and now we are worst off than before the 60’s sometimes it seems in how we handle and treat each other of different races. Another method to keep us down and now..

It is in context,, because it is MY LIFE I was talking about,, my thoughts on this subject, not yours or any of the others who Hyper inflated this into a OFF TOPIC subject,, when it was stated clearly what the subject was about,, and my mentioning my being gay and pagan is no different than all those who say the likes of ,,,, I am a God Fearing Christian,,I was raised Catholic or Baptist or such,, I am in a community too,, just because your on one corner and I another doesn't mean we aren't from the same town. Geez ,, I mean really,,, are you serious,,, this is what is important to discuss here,,,

I spoke of how I have confronted the likes of the 'Trolling" in my life enough not to back down from it because it offends your feeble sensibilities because I am Vocal about what is Important in MY LIFE,,
, You do it,,, don't you?
One of the reasons Gay people have fought so hard is because of attitudes such as yours and your comrades in arms against the homo!!
To say that after all that I wrote,,,,, the words Gay and Pagan is all that Stood out,,,
come on fellows,,, how lame.
edit on 5/21/2012 by EarthCitizen23 because: change off to after and added s to word

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

Still, you opened the door, and it wasn't necessary to the subject matter.

You didn't answer my question..... who is garnishing your wages 62%? Is it a debt collector? There are very strict and specific laws regarding wage garnishment, and these days it is almost unheard of, except for cases of child support. Is it debt collection, or is it taxes or child support?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen23

Originally posted by longjohnbritches
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

Hell as a redneck gay in the south that wants to make a good move.
Since you Don't have a country that is better than The USA in mind.
Why don't you move to the Village in NYC. Or 14 th Street in DC.
Folks will put you up. You might even get LUCKY.
Are you cute?
I forgot you could go to Frisco even if you are not.
edit on 5/20/2012 by longjohnbritches because: FRISCO

Get real buddy,,, you don't know me from squat, who are you to be so smug and come and try and derail what this thread is about.

What do you mean by smug? I don't speak gay.

not Me being Queer,,,,,, got it.

What does the government have to do with you being gay.
Do you want to blame them for that too?

You can make snide remarks,,, you are the fool not me.

This sounds pretty gay to me.

Also I know that only Insecure (usually in the closet ''straight'' men who at least want to try it but are too chicken) tools such as yourself would bother writing the tripe you write for a post.

This is the very last thing you would ever know about LOl LOl

... bizarre and so gay.

Yes,I get you. You do not have to anounce it.
Quit being such a moaner and go get a job and some road kill for the kiddies.
edit on 5/21/2012 by longjohnbritches because: ea

edit on 5/21/2012 by longjohnbritches because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by longjohnbritches

It is people like you who are the reason America is going down the drain. What a loaf of crap you spew, don't you have hair to pull out of your ears or something. And actually being the bitchy snipe,,, you evidently speak gay very well. You would make a drag queen proud with your witty barbs.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

you sound like the kind of man who would tell a rape victim that she ''opened the door' by dressing as she does, what kind of logic makes either of you focus on two words as opposed to all the others.

and if you read as far as where I said 62% you would know I said IRS in big letters just a short sentence before. Either you now wish to go off on the ''well you should have paid your taxes'' BS,, or you just really don't have anything pertinent to say regarding the thread.

You are part of the problem here, why be so belligerent and attacking in your course of speaking to me?

I opened the door my ass.
Shut the Front Door.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen23
To get back to the real topic,, what hurled me into making this thread was my view and my view only.

The IRS branch of this organization takes,, not Half, nor 55%,, but over 62% of my LIVING Wages,, as garnishment.

I am small time,, pay check to pay check,,,Nickeled and Dimed to Death,,, this will take me down.
and I have held onto my piece of the American dream at a third of the income I made when I bought my home,,, for over 10 years, alone,, with no help,,, so any complaint is legitimate I assure you. I work hard,,, and expect equality by Law Enforcement,,, not strong arm tactics of an Owner,,,,

I AM NOT OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT,,, no matter what any say.

This is outrageous and worse than what the British did to get us to revolt,,,
but Apathy, derision and ridicule is all that Americans like myself receive who think a REAL CHANGE is in Order,,and needed for the New World ''Order" we have today.

We fight among ourselves,,, wasting mental, physical, emotional energy that could be used co-operatively to remedy our situation,, not add fuel to the fire of its destruction.

Sad state of Mind out there.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

You are part of the problem here, why be so belligerent and attacking in your course of speaking to me?

You really need to back up and tell me where I was belligerent or attacking? Just as I suspected, the heightened sensitivity is on your part, no one else's. Sure, some people do key onto specific words, but they are especially prone to do it when someone identifies their self with those specific words. Not once have I identified myself to you as a mostly heterosexual, deist, male, or a Mason, or a government worker, or a father, or a redneck, or a guy with a Harley, or chickens, or a pitbull, or a guy that might have even dabbled in some perversions that would make you blush. Although all those things are true, none of them are pertinent to this conversation, just as your sexual identity is not pertinent to an IRS lien, but you chose to include it.

I had planned to help, that is why I inquired more information from you. If you go back and read my thousands of posts, you wills see that I often try to help. But alas, I don't think you can be helped. I won't waste my time here fighting against your preconceived notions. Your loss, because I have several attorneys that work under my supervision, and I saved my ex-wife $1800 on delinquent property taxes just last week, and it only took a phone call and an email. Her husband and her attorneys took months to fail at what I accomplished in 48 hours.

Good luck on your own.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I would say that given the fact that you yourself stated you did not read my original post that started the thread, which if nothing else is rather rude to jump in on what others are saying inside of a thread without going and reading the originating post to begin with,,, that is rude, belligerent and yes,, attacking without thought of what is the true purpose of the thread.
You seem offended that I use these words, sorry that out of all that was said you wanted to focus on the use of the words Gay and Pagan. and again,, it was about my life,, and you know nothing about it,, so why would it not be up to me to say what I wish about myself in regards to how I deal with this situation. Why are people like you so angry that gay men and women are Americans too? You cry about,, in your face ,,, in public,,, not in the closet activities,,, do you secretly wish we would all go away??? Do we bother you that much,,, that is pathetic.

Also,, it didn't really seem like you were extending a helping hand with smarmy remarks right from your entrance into this discussion. "Really?"
You think that I didn't know you were a Mason from your other posts/threads,,, I have seen your posts before,, and yes even agree with some of what you say,, but stereotypes,,, you are the one who seems to want people to think you are something you are most likely not,,, which is important. Paint a pretty picture of yourself? I don't really care what you and the other tools think about me,, and I can handle myself very well thank you very much.
I have worked hard all my life to achieve what I have now, and you were not there giving a 'helping hand' so,, your backtrack,,, ''oh I was going to help you,,,''' and look how I helped others like you ,,,,,, attitude is condescending if not outright BS.
Oh,, and glad to know you know how to screw the system back,,, which again is part of the problem. Tax payers should not have to hire anyone for anything,,, it should be fair, square all around ,, for the billionaire to the rock bottom serf such as myself. The System sucks,,,, and you did nothiing but help divert this thread from showing that,,, except that I do realize that Americans like you are the reason nothing gets done in Congress,,, divert attention,,, attack what is perceived as a weakness,,, and don't let the intelligence of an argument come to light,,, yep you are part of the problem my friend,,, not liberals, not Homosexuals,, or anyone else,,, it is you who are helping to bring this country to a halt..

. good job,, instead of really helping each other we are now Rivals I see,,,
you went and put me on your list,,,,,, that is classic,,, maybe you should reread some of your own posts where you were a bit more diplomatic and see that you came across as a tool from your entrance here. I would apologize in the same kind of situation if I were you,,, and you can look over my posts and see where I have in the past,,, but really you entered this on a wrong foot,, sorry to call you out,, but you hardly seemed like you were here to help.

People learn to cheat, lie and steal to avoid taxes,, but when someone refuses to be part of the sham dealings and are screwed over by a ruthless and TOO POWERFUL branch of the government,,, and fellow Americans can do no more than focus on the fact I said out loud,,, I am Gay and Pagan. It pushes one to really give up on trying.
Your snarky attitude is why Americans are hated,,
, oh great Harley riding Masonic One who knows someone that can help with my taxes... right.

but maybe you do,,, since you are part of the burden of weight of our OverEmployeed government..

government worker,,,, that is an oxymoron if ever

Good luck to you,, no hard feelings,,, I don't see you as a rival, you haven't the qualifications, aptitude, or inherent ability to be such to me,,,,

thanks for the laugh though,,,,,, 'rival'.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

The "rivals" list for me is just to help me keep track of who I don't need to waste time conversing with. I've been here 3 years, and I only have 8 people on the list. Each of the 8 were not only rude or impossible for me to deal with, but just rude, sensitive, and impossible for everyone in their threads to interact with. I didn't put you on the list to make any kind of point, I only did it to remind myself to leave you alone.

Have fun with your thread, I wish you all the best, you say you can make it on your own, and I'm sure you can. In fact, I'm sure you're used to making it on your own, because with the attitude you have shown in this thread I doubt people are lining up to be your friend.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen23

you sound like the kind of man who would tell a rape victim that she ''opened the door' by dressing as she does, what kind of logic makes either of you focus on two words as opposed to all the others.

All he asked was "who" is taking 62% of your wages???

Its easier to help someone with advice,if their willing to give a little information,instead of shooting the person,holding out his hand.....

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Don't sweat the bitty potatoes. Cry me a river shills are pouring onto ATS like pee in a barnyard.
This guy should take a number.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Thanks for the advice, now I know what to use the Rival list for myself,,, you are such a helpful person, thanks.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

All I think anyone asks here on ATS is that you AT LEAST read a threads very first post.
Helpful hand,, sure,,, seen those kind before,,, very helpful.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:50 PM
There are alot more people out there who feel like you do OP, then there are who don't.

So don't leave... LEAD

Many people are just waiting for a spark

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen23
reply to post by sonnny1

All I think anyone asks here on ATS is that you AT LEAST read a threads very first post.
Helpful hand,, sure,,, seen those kind before,,, very helpful.

I did read your opening post....I responded with this.

ANYONE can quit,cause of circumstances.Takes a stronger person to say and do when their body and mind might be telling them to do the opposite. Again,he asked a simple question,and got a rant thrown back at him.

My personal advice was blunt. I give you someone who's advice you cant argue with......


An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

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