posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:38 PM
Well as far as debunking it goes, i'll put my input in. it's not the best but I'll try.
The alien always seems to be in the same spot. "alex" may have taken the time to figure out how best to film the creature from the porch without the
puppet handler (f the creature is indeed a puppet) being in the shot. The creature it's self could be a puppet. the only real detail is on the head.
could be an expensive mask put on top of a life size doll. The creatures movements are stiff to me, but abductees always say the creatures seem to
move stiffly and very fast. So who knows. The distance it travels to get out of the frame is not that great. it could be a stiff mannequin
manipulated by some guy laying on the ground behind it (to the creatures right side , or to the left of the screen from the observers viewpoint) with
his arms stretched out holding the creatures legs. He swivels the creature, pulls his arms in moving the creature a good two and a half feet then
lets the creature fall so that it disappears behind the bushes. When "Alex" comes running around to look for the creature he doesn't exactly (to my
recollection) film where the creature was supposed to be standing. he gets within a few feet, but I don't think he gets the actual spot. For all we
know there could be a kid laying on the ground with a alien mannequin waiting for "alex" to shout all clear.
The door sliding open. he could be faking the difficulty of getting it open. it could slide open very easily for all we know. I would suspect
though that some sort of rope had to have been pulling the door open. Although I have no proof of that.
The orbs. dunno. could be dust in the air. but I really don't know.
I don't think anything is CGI'd though.
For a guy alone at night with aliens harassing him, he seems pretty confident nothing is going to happen to him. he's not staying behind cover. or
moving from cover to cover. he's not making any attempt to conceal himself from the creatures. he's not trying to stay away from windows. He's not
having a panic attack. he doesn't even seem to tremble the camera like one would expect if they were experiencing a adrenalin dump.
He doesn't show any fear of the creature(s) and he sure doesn't get away from an unknown laser type weapon when its being poorly aimed at him. If i
were in the same position, i'd be diving back inside and looking for cover.
I have an idea. the aliens seem to disregard the cat. Try finding a way to mount a camera on the kitty's collar. when he goes out n about you might
get better footage of the creature.
If all else fails. since the creature like so much the same spot I suggest you educate it in pavlovian associations to your house. you know what I'm
talking about. the alien stands in the same spot each time. get where I'm going with this. Punji Pit! Lets see it run after stepping into one of
Also in futer posts I will stay away from talking about the laser in the previous videos.
edit on 9-5-2012 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason