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The Polished Knob Sighting 21 Enhancement & Video Analysis

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by firegoggles

And explain why he fails to even mention the blinking and the fast moving orbs or are you just going to stomp your feet and cry hoax like a child?

Kid catches Alien on Film
Kid Catches Alien on Film Once again[HOAX]
Kid catches Alien on film for 8th time in Australia (VIDEO) + Witness[HOAX]

Video: Aussie Claims Continued Close Encounters With Alien Entities 1/19/11

edit on 9-5-2012 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by firegoggles

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by October
reply to post by firegoggles

Here's the cat footage

This OS what I was referring to.

Thx October

I tell you what I told him. I will look at it later.This thread is about this video

So far not one person has debunked ANYTHING at all.
edit on 5/9/2012 by firegoggles because: (no reason given)

Let me ask you this. Do you really think this video, posted on YouTube, is real?

If there is truly any proof of alien contact, you can bet it WON'T be a video on YouTube.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by firegoggles

Well the orbs don't really give us anything to go by at all, they really could be anything and it seriously can't be difficult to make some sort of puppet that looks vague on camera. As for the laser in the original footage we all know that can be done with a laser pen.

Why film in infrared anyway? I'll take a step back back because I feel this is just going to be a regurgatited discussion of something already gone through.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Glassbender777

How did he know to grab his camera is legit. I don't know. My opinion is that while allegedly this keep happening to him he keeps it on hand and is sensitive to any noise what so ever? I will look for the HIS explanation as to WHY he knew to get his camera instead of just my opinion though.

To answer your other question the being moves FAST after he already captures the being on camera. So the point your trying to make just isn't valid, unless I have misunderstood.

Here is the original video followed by the analysis video

edit on 5/9/2012 by firegoggles because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by amongus

I really don't know. I find some parts of it believable but not the actually alien being. I find the orbs more intriguing than anything. Your just trying to get me to commit to something so as to prove I'm just a "believer" and as stated although I'm an abductee MYSELF I remain skeptical.

That said your comment about not finding proof on youtube is just wrong. I know what they look like first hand and I know of about 5 videos that with out a doubt are REAL ALIEN BEINGS. I don't direct you to them because number one I don't want to argue about it and number to this thread is about this video not ANY OTHER VIDEOS.


posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by October

So by saying the orbs "give us nothing to go by" your really saying that you just can't explain them? Here is where I point out that it's very peculiar that those orbs look and move exactly like in other videos .. specifically about ORBS yet this guy is so caught up with the alien itself he doesn't even mention them that I know of... I find that to be very ... well intriguing to say the least .. don't you? Or are you addicted to debunker like everyone else on ATS? Just saying... Look closer and look around at things that match it.

I gather information from years apart on subjects like this when they match. It's part of having a mind like I do. I can see patterns that the average person can't see. Don't just trash bin these type of things right off the bat. There could be something to it or it could be a farce. AT least say the orbs could be a laser! Give me something here to prove your sincere in your method of debunking and not being knee-jerk about it. Dig it?


posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by gortex
reply to post by firegoggles

And explain why he fails to even mention the blinking and the fast moving orbs or are you just going to stomp your feet and cry hoax like a child?

Kid catches Alien on Film
Kid Catches Alien on Film Once again[HOAX]
Kid catches Alien on film for 8th time in Australia (VIDEO) + Witness[HOAX]

Video: Aussie Claims Continued Close Encounters With Alien Entities 1/19/11

edit on 9-5-2012 by gortex because: (no reason given)

I can roll my eyes too ya know. For now I will refrain. Let me take you by the hand and help you understand. THIS POST is about THIS video The video THIS POST IS ABOUT and here is the other one that is related The original video that THIS POST is about I have asked YOU to offer evidence of video mischeif or any deception and you have offered nothing but a few links to more opinions. You have offered absolutely nothing of substance.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:44 PM
When the video starts with the moronic ass words "hoax deterrent" the proceeds with idiotic music, it is obvious it is meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator among us and not worth our Should do well here then I suppose.

Sad, truly sad. Too stupid to know we are our own worst enemy. The very definition of USEFUL IDIOT. Carry on make us look like fools, by all means......

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by gameisupman

If you think you name calling and attitude move me.... your right! I chuckle!

Now please don't post again unless your willing to come up with something of substance. Most of the time when watching these videos myself I have them muted. So as not to be influenced by music(or startled by the jokers) I would think someone talking as you do would be doing the same but obviously.... not.

Do you have anything you can point out about this video that shows it being a hoax? Anything at all? Please don't derail the thread with your off topic name calling again, if you need help reading the ATS rules I will make an audio clip reading the rules to you so that you don't fail to understand just what they mean and what they are in place for.

Thanks so much

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:59 PM
seems suspect to me. I just saw the alien/cat/laser video. The laser is an issue. what the hell is the point of the alien flashing the laser around. it didn't seem to accomplish anything. Was the alien trying to scare off "alex"

Was it trying to distract him so that another alien could sneak up on him. Why not egress after being compromised if you were the alien. why do a laser show and then disappear. The laser it's self seems pretty standard and low power.

Ok enough with that video. one interesting thing I've noticed is that the aliens eyes seem to be at points reflective like they have a tapetum (the reflective part of nocturnal animals eyes)

I say harden your house from intrusion. The rear sliding glass door. Put a bar on the bottom so the little bastards are stuck if they try to get in or out that way. Try putting reflective powder in front of the door. That way you can track them. Or at least the aliens will see the reflective powder and be forced to come up with a different route in.

I notice they always approach your house from one direction and path. flood the crap out of that path so it leaves very obvious tracks if a creature tries to come through that way. If you don't want to flood it then lay out sand and comb it every time you check up on it.

If your power doesn't go out from emp fields stopping everything then set up infared alarms. cross it a alarm goes off. put it in choke points of your house. Keep your animals locked in your room with you so they don't set off the alarms.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by gameisupman

By the way.. I hear ya... Why don't you just come right out and say what you really want to say to me?
edit on 5/9/2012 by firegoggles because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:04 PM
I have a theory about the alien with the laser though. He was all like

"Alex! remember me from that rave we met at?!?"

"I'm back to PaRtY!!!!"

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by BASSPLYR

Finally someone with at least some real input! Thank you! And although I have scolded others about this thread not being about other videos since you only touched on it and moved on I will say that I agree with you. I find your input well..good stuff but I'm not him or anything of course but it is some good ideas in case others are having activity like this around them.

Do you have any theories about how this could in fact be faked? Do you think this alleged being looks like any other beings that could lead us to believe it's CGI? If it's a puppet it would cost as much as a car(slight exaggeration i know heh)? I'm still looking to debunk this and really was hoping from some intelligent comments. Other than yours all I have got is name calling and people stomping there feet and crying hoax!

Thanks for the input you have given and for respecting the thread and abiding by the rules of ATS!

You see ATS 2 pages and no debunking as taken place what so ever! Only name calling and slight of hand techniques. Observe and LEARN by this! Mark those that are addicted to knee-jerk reaction and move them to the pile.. you know the one...

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by BASSPLYR

I don't mean to be so harsh your other comment was much better as far as this comment you went back to the laser and im just a bit aggrivated at his point.. so just a reminder ...stay on topic please man!

It's all a joke I know.. Here have a cookie...

So far NO DEBUNKING HAS TAKEN PLACE WHAT SO EVER ATS! Come on certainly you can do better than name caling and comedy? Where are the professional debunkers? Come get some!
edit on 5/9/2012 by firegoggles because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/9/2012 by firegoggles because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by firegoggles

post by firegoggles
It's all a joke I know.. Here have a cookie...

Or take the biscuit


Its already been done in the threads I linked , if your video isn't in those threads then it will be in another .
As for the Orbs ...... Its Australia at night , it looks fairly rural so chances are they are bugs of some kind .

post by firegoggles
Where are the professional debunkers? Come get some!


edit on 9-5-2012 by gortex because: Edit to add

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:38 PM
Well as far as debunking it goes, i'll put my input in. it's not the best but I'll try.

The alien always seems to be in the same spot. "alex" may have taken the time to figure out how best to film the creature from the porch without the puppet handler (f the creature is indeed a puppet) being in the shot. The creature it's self could be a puppet. the only real detail is on the head. could be an expensive mask put on top of a life size doll. The creatures movements are stiff to me, but abductees always say the creatures seem to move stiffly and very fast. So who knows. The distance it travels to get out of the frame is not that great. it could be a stiff mannequin manipulated by some guy laying on the ground behind it (to the creatures right side , or to the left of the screen from the observers viewpoint) with his arms stretched out holding the creatures legs. He swivels the creature, pulls his arms in moving the creature a good two and a half feet then lets the creature fall so that it disappears behind the bushes. When "Alex" comes running around to look for the creature he doesn't exactly (to my recollection) film where the creature was supposed to be standing. he gets within a few feet, but I don't think he gets the actual spot. For all we know there could be a kid laying on the ground with a alien mannequin waiting for "alex" to shout all clear.

The door sliding open. he could be faking the difficulty of getting it open. it could slide open very easily for all we know. I would suspect though that some sort of rope had to have been pulling the door open. Although I have no proof of that.

The orbs. dunno. could be dust in the air. but I really don't know.

I don't think anything is CGI'd though.

For a guy alone at night with aliens harassing him, he seems pretty confident nothing is going to happen to him. he's not staying behind cover. or moving from cover to cover. he's not making any attempt to conceal himself from the creatures. he's not trying to stay away from windows. He's not having a panic attack. he doesn't even seem to tremble the camera like one would expect if they were experiencing a adrenalin dump.
He doesn't show any fear of the creature(s) and he sure doesn't get away from an unknown laser type weapon when its being poorly aimed at him. If i were in the same position, i'd be diving back inside and looking for cover.

I have an idea. the aliens seem to disregard the cat. Try finding a way to mount a camera on the kitty's collar. when he goes out n about you might get better footage of the creature.

If all else fails. since the creature like so much the same spot I suggest you educate it in pavlovian associations to your house. you know what I'm talking about. the alien stands in the same spot each time. get where I'm going with this. Punji Pit! Lets see it run after stepping into one of those!

Also in futer posts I will stay away from talking about the laser in the previous videos.
edit on 9-5-2012 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by gortex

Well at least you tried haha! I mean you did add at least something about the video. But tell me this.
What sort of bug can FLY THROUGH walls like we see in the video?
What sort of bug can FLY AT THAT RATE OF SPEED as we seen in the video here that this thread is about?

I better stop I suppose because I think I posted before the real pro's shift started. Not that they could handle me lol! Yes I better just stay in my cave and keep my mouth shut I know...ok ok fine... I'm about to leave ATS for good don't worry guys I was just having me some fun showing off

and yea if you have seen what I have and know what I know then you would say "Interesting" indeed right after you soiled your britches !

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:49 PM
One thing to add is to me the orbs seem to appear inside the room then move a short distance. I didn't see them going into and out of walls. just one that appears to be moving away from the door. It could be a trick of perspective and be closer to the camera than the 15 feet it appears on the film. It could be close, reflecting light briefly flaring in the camera. the speed seems exaggerated because it's possibly small and close to the camera thus traveling farther in frame than one would be led to believe.

But I can't explain away the orbs so easily, as to say they aren't something more paranormal or unusual.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:51 PM
My thoughts are these:

He goes through the trouble of pointing out how hard it is to open the sliding glass door. However, I looked at a few of his other videos chronicling his "Alien Problems" and came across another of his videos where he slides the door open 2 or 3 times with no real conscious effort at all.

Now, I could be a little skeptical because last night I watched a bunch of "Chronical" vids that ended with an absolutely silly "Blair Witch" type murder at the end. This smacks of the same thing.


Just my $.02

edit on 5/9/2012 by Cuhail because: tried to fix vid embed

edit on 5/9/2012 by Cuhail because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:59 PM
Yeah as I said the door may slide very easily and he's faking it. also those types of doors are on rails with a cowling covering the top or bottom part of the rail. Probably not using the right word but a lip that hides the wheels as they slide along the track. could be a excellent place to hide a string. tie it to the strut of the wheel. top or bottom but for logistics of the stunt bottom would work better. Thread string through the part where the two doors slide past each other so that it leads outside. Have a guy lay on the ground wearing black to the right of the window just out side of view of the camera filming through the sliding door. and just like with the mannequin trick pull the arms back quickly so that the string slides the door open. just a theory
edit on 9-5-2012 by BASSPLYR because: to correct spelling

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