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Rochdale Pedophiles

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:28 PM
Why is this topic not getting more attention? There are so many things going on here and there is a real conspiracy at work.

Here is the background information on the case:

Nine men who ran a child sexual exploitation ring in Greater Manchester have been jailed. The men from Rochdale and Oldham, who exploited girls as young as 13 were given sentences ranging from four to 19 years. They were found guilty of offences including rape and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.


Firstly as already has been mentioned, the BBC, on Radio 5 Live, are spinning the non-racist angle. They are saying that potentially there are many more victims of these animals, and that possibly there could be asian girls amongst them who have not stepped forward. They even tried to say that white girls are more promiscuous and thats the reason they were targeted, and that asian girls have a stricter upbringing. Yeah, that really is unbiased reporting.

One of nine men convicted for his part in the Rochdale child sex ring is to appeal against his conviction claiming a breach in jury confidentiality. Adil Khan, 42, of Oswald Street, Rochdale, was jailed for eight years for conspiracy to have sex with a child and child trafficking for sex. Nick Griffin, leader of the British National Party, tweeted on Thursday that seven men had been convicted.


Then theres that ass clown Nick Griffin who apparently tweeted the verdict before it was announced to the court. What a complete moron. Seriously ,what does he have to gain here other than publicity for his disgustingly racist and bigoted political party? He has opened the floodgates for an appeals process which will put these victims through even more hell. This man and his influence needs eradicating from the face of the planet. What a vile, disgusting thing to do. Then theres the person who leaked it to him, who also needs dealing with because this is simply not on.

One of nine men convicted for his part in the Rochdale child sex ring is to appeal against his conviction claiming a breach in jury confidentiality. Adil Khan, 42, of Oswald Street, Rochdale, was jailed for eight years for conspiracy to have sex with a child and child trafficking for sex. Nick Griffin, leader of the British National Party, tweeted on Thursday that seven men had been convicted.


Then there is the ring leader who cannot be named for legal reasons. WHY? He got the biggest sentence of all the men involved, 19 years, so why can he not be named and shamed? He is an animal and people need to know who he is so if he does not die in prison, people will know who to protect themselves and their children from.

Lets just hope in the appeal, that the judge does the right thing and upholds the verdict and sentences, and prosecutes the sources of the leak, including Nick Griffin, for contempt. Any further prolongation of the hell these poor girls are going through is totally unnecessary.
edit on 9-5-2012 by Firefly_ because: (no reason given)

And theres more. A girl reported abuse in 2008, and the case was not taken to court. These animals could have been convicted a lot sooner and some of their victims could have been spared their hellish experiences at the hands of these beasts, but due to our woefully incompetent legal system, they were failed, as is often the case.

Three years ago, a Crown Prosecution Service lawyer dropped a rape case involving an under-age girl which could have left a sex grooming ring undetected for years. The teenager was arrested outside a takeaway in Heywood in August 2008 for being disruptive. She alleged one of the workers had groomed and then raped her. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) investigated Kabeer Hassan and another man, aged 59, but it was nearly a year later when a CPS lawyer decided to drop the case.

edit on 9-5-2012 by Firefly_ because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2012 by Firefly_ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Firefly_

"Then theres that ass clown Nick Griffin"

Worthy of a star and flag just for the ass clown statement.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:35 PM
I think a lot of people in the UK are afraid to point out the problems associated with immigrants because they will be labelled a racist.

EDIT: "It's just apart of their culture."

edit on 9-5-2012 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:49 PM
But the BBC are indeed reporting and encouraging debate on the race aspect of this case.

Mr Straw said there was a "specific problem" in some areas where Pakistani men "target vulnerable white girls".

Following the latest convictions Mr Vaz, who chairs the Home Affairs Select Committee, told the BBC: "I do not believe it's a race issue."

And assistant chief constable Steve Heywood, of Greater Manchester Police, said the case was not about race, but "adults preying on vulnerable young children".

But some disagree.

Mohammed Shafiq, of the Ramadhan Foundation, which aims to promote better understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims, said: "Clearly, as members of the Pakistani community we've got to say to ourselves, yes, we've got a problem. We've got a problem because these people think white girls are worthless, they think they can use these girls.

"This is not sex, this is rape, these were children and I think we've got to speak out against this very openly."

It seems to me that in this specific case that race definately played an important role.
A group of Pakistani and Afghani viewed local white girls as worthless and nothing but pieces of meat to be used and abused as they saw fit.

That doesn't mean that all Pakistani's see things the same nor does it imply that all similair cases are committed by Pakistani's - but the statistics seem to suggest that there is some disparity.

I think the local community has been quite restrained considering the severity and extent of the case.

I wonder what the reaction would have been if the roles had been reversed?
Let's hope that such a situation never occurs.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:01 PM
I think it would be being naive to say this was not a race issue.
I do feel extremely sorry for these young girls , what they went through is unimaginable. It's disgusting how these men have behaved and it is disgusting the attitudes they have to British women. The reaction of the Polices and CPS has also been shocking. They have had knowledge of what has been going on for years and have failed to act.

This is all going to blow up again as there is another case underway in Oxford with another gang of 12 men accused of exactly the same crimes. this is obviously a massive problem with many aspects to it.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

I think the key is woody that it needs the majority within the Pakistani communities to recognise that they have a problem and start taking responsibility themselves.
Of course there are people like Mohammed Shafiq of The Ramadan Trust who is speaking openly about this but unfortunately he is very much in the minority.
We all know that burying one's head in the sand cure's nothing at all.

Whilst I am in no way suggesting that the majority of Pakistani's are involved in such practices, a disproportionate number are and their communities do very little to stop it or alert the authorities.
This is not acceptable.

It needs to be taught and preached within these communities, by community leaders, that this is totally unacceptable and illegal and those guilty of such crimes should be reported immediately to the relevant authorities.

Until such action is taken then cases like this will be common place and with it being such an emotive and passionate subject it will continue to be exploited by right wing extremists as well who will use it as a recruitment opportunity.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:01 PM
"More coverage"?

Its on the bbc, in the newspapers, its been mentioend several times on the radio...

Mow much more coverage do you want? Airplanes to be flying banners about it maybe?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 11:29 AM
This is as disgusting as any human trafficking is.
But, seriously, the police didn't want to look racist? Maybe they were being payed off and then made that up after it came out? Why do the sexually perverted target orphans and foster children? The neediest of all young people!!!!!
There will be hell to pay.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 03:51 AM
A second pedophile ring has been exposed in Rochdale, just how common place is this?

It is interesting that British Sikhs and Hindus are angry at these men being labelled 'Asian' as they were "almost always of Pakistani origin"

Groups representing Sikh and Hindu communities have complained about the term "Asian" being used to describe the men involved in grooming trials.

Earlier this month, nine men were jailed for being part of a sex ring in Rochdale which groomed girls for sex.

The groups said the men involved were "almost always of Pakistani origin" and the term "Asian" was inaccurate.

The Ramadan Foundation has said grooming is "a significant problem for the British Pakistani community".

The joint statement was released by the Network of Sikh Organisations UK, The Hindu Forum of Britain, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK.

It says the reluctance of the media and the government to discuss the "disproportionate representation of Muslims in such cases" and the fact victims are "almost always non-Muslim girls" is adding to the cause of far-right groups such as the BNP.

It said blanket use of the word "Asian" was "unfair to other communities of Asian origin".

"We believe that in this case the government itself is sanctioning the use of term Asian as a way of clouding responsibility," the groups say

A very interesting read that gives a perspective that is rarely given exposure in MSM.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 03:55 AM
so christians (worldwide) have their 'altar boy' rings scandals that go back millenia

and muslims (afghan & paki) have their 'white girl' that go back how far back and where... europe.

based on those facts seems like an 'anglo' thing

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

based on those facts seems like an 'anglo' thing

Don't know how you quite got to that....and it is slightly off topic.

Care to elaborate?

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 04:19 AM
Let me get this straight...children are being abused..but what bothers some is a race issue?

Some of you people are idiots.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

It's worth noting that 95% of those serving sentences for Rape and Pedophilia are white. The problem though is with this specific case in Rochdale and in other parts of the country. A culture has established itself within certain communities, that young british girls are being targeted by groups of Asian men, predominantly from Pakistan. So there is a racial element to this and to deny it, just plays into the hands of far right groups.

There is also a problem with the way the police handle these sorts of crimes. Knowing that these cases are extremely sensitive, they tend to wait too long before acting upon the information they receive. In the meantime, more girls are being abused.

There is also a problem with the way we look after our young people in society. Young girls of 13 and 14 should not be roaming the streets in the middle of the night taking gifts from strange men, no matter their ethnic background.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

Of course the core issue and primary concern is the children who are being abused.

But if further cases are to be prevented then the root cause needs to be determined and appropriate action taken.

Just as the Roman Catholic Church needs to address the problems that it has with child abuse so does the UK Pakistani community.

Whether we like it or not some far right groups are trying to exploit this for recruitment purposes.

I can understand the concerns expressed by the Sikh and Hindu communities who do not want to be tarred with this brush, and why should they?
And that does not detract from the primary concerns of helping those abused and trying to address the core issues.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:27 AM
Heres another asian running a brothel for 13yr olds. In his curry house in Carlise. This is on the 10th of may. So its still happening in the asian community.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by illuminnaughty

Let's point out how Asians are pedo's yet forget the American male who travels to other countries to for child sex.

3 Americans Charged With Traveling to Cambodia for Sex With Children

The point being that pedophiles are of all race and set of people does not have it worse.

Everybody has their sicko's.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:51 AM
I have always wondered why most pedophiles are white? You read all over the net that they even make up stats to make you look the other way...saying all native americans, blacks and other races or more likely to.

Yet the fact is is white males. Watch to catch a predator...who shows up the most...whites...the news..who is more in it...whites...I also read somewhere that the pedo vids downloaded are mostly of whites...and it is mostly of their own children.

Actually it doesn't matter..they are all was just something I wondered.
edit on 17-5-2012 by kerazeesicko because: I CAN

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

I have always wondered why most pedophiles are white?

Because most people are white. If you want to compare, then compare per capita. I read somewhere that pedophilia is one of those offenses where races are more or less equal in relative prevalence.
edit on 17/5/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

It's worth noting that 95% of those serving sentences for Rape and Pedophilia are white.

That's probably because 90% - 95% of the population are white.

And whether some admit it or not in certain sections of society abused children and their families are reluctant to report such instances due to the stigma attached to the abused and the honour of their family, in addition there is a perverse sense of loyalty to members of their own community.

These are issues that have to be dealt with front on and with candour if we are to try to stop the abuse happening in the first place rather than just dealing with the consequences.

Young girls of 13 and 14 should not be roaming the streets in the middle of the night taking gifts from strange men, no matter their ethnic background.

In an ideal world girls, women, whoever should be able to go about their business without the fear of attack, rape and abuse.....unfortunately we live in a real world and we all know that this simply isn't possible.

With the breakdown of the family unit it seems that more and more youngsters are left to their own devices and are wandering the streets etc.

But this shouldn't take any of the blame away from the perpetrators.

Of course all races have their problems with pedophiles.
But people have a perception of who are the main culprits and they are always keen to believe that the majority of problems lie in other sections of society.
I read recently that despite all the recent publicity and justified outrage over the abuse committed by some priests etc within The Roman Catholic Church and the evil cover up by church leaders pro rata there is more abuse committed by Anglican clergy in the UK and Presbetarian / Evangelist preachers in the USA.

Rather than having purely reactive policies to deal with pedophilia and child abuse we need to start seeking root causes, some of which maybe unique to certain communities etc but to do this requires a level of honesty and openness that few seem capable of.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:24 AM
When a stalwart of Cameron's Conservative Party like Baroness Warsi acknowledges that there is a problem with grooming vulnerable white girls within the British Pakistani communities then we know that there is indeed a problem.

Just as the Roman Catholic Church needs to address the problems it has it is now time for the Pakistani communities to step up to the plate and do something about the obvious problems it has, acts and deeds.

Suggests to me that the lack of attention this thread is getting is because people are either reluctant to pass comment or are uncomfortable with the sensitve subject.

Perhaps that's why we seem to have a policy of expressing disgust over such occurences and then dealing with the consequences rather seeking root causes and preventing the abuse in the first case.

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