Very soon, all these honoured veterans will realise what they were really fighting for - to enslave most of the world and delegate all of their power
to a few elite families.
One can hardly blame those in their youth for their naivety in supporting an evil force, but they have since had time to realise, and every day more
of them are doing so.
They were not wrong to fight. Definitely not. The experience they received was all an essential part of their path to full maturity - a lesson they
needed. It was also a lesson that all people of earth needed.
They are now receiving the conclusion of that lesson that started oh! so long ago.
They are realising that not only themselves, but almost everyone else has been deceived and tricked into being enslaved through our financial
institutions, dumbed down through our education systems, made sick by our diet, poisoned by toxic fertilizers and vaccines, and misrepresented by our
Once this has sunk home, the question regarding the perpetrators arises, and a long search will eventually lead to the one mind that conceived this
entire plan - the mind of Amschell Mayer Bauer, who changed his name to Rothschild
(see story)
1776: Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Illuminati
It takes several years of being aware of the above before our mind can accept that all of what the modern world is today has come about as a result of
one man's plan followed for over 200 years, in complete secrecy until very recently.
Firstly, he took control of a large sum of money and used it to take control of more money, and to determine the family rules. This was then
perpetrated from father to son for well over 200 years, to the point that this one single family truly does hold all the purse strings.
They took control of medical education, then medicine, then education, and through these they convinced everyone that a capitalist system was the
best. But they never mentioned that it was the best for them, the Rothschild's.
They have managed to quell all dissent through murder, blackmail or embarrassment, and have ridden high while funding both sides of every war, to the
point where they feel so confident that they are able to ignore the public completely, leaving the citizens still in a daze and completely unaware
where two centuries of wealth has actually gone.
I bet the Rothschild cohorts get their laughs watching OWS live, and wondering if the police, the protesters or anybody in the street might actually
wake up.