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Out of all those UFO Reports....

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posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by thesearchfortruth

Okay, I edited my post above to add the same link you found. It's also described in Donald Keyhoe's book Flying Saucers from Outer Space, which, as most members know, is a free download from the NICAP Web site.

As long as debunkers refrain from ad hominem attacks, in this case against everyone aboard the aircraft at the time, they would have a hard time trying to shoot down this sighting.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:50 PM
You already have a thread basically asking the same question. Why start two threads?

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by cybersk8er
Don't you guys ever wonder if.. maybe even 1% or just a really really small percentage of all the reports was actually TRUE, something extraterrestrial and not from this planet?

Out all the millions of UFO sightings historically, it simply can't be all hoax or illusion can it? There's gotta be atleast a few reports that cannot be from this planet.
edit on 8-5-2012 by cybersk8er because: (no reason given)

Well with your logic fairies, Bigfoot, Greek gods, leprechauns, and everything else ALL could have the 1%. So to answer your question, no not even 1%....

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by cybersk8er

Show me ONE, just ONE report that defies any and all explanation.
I know of a few, actually, that are quite convincing, but, still, as of yet, only circumstantial.

Unfortunately, such is the nature of this phenomenon, unless we have a captive alien on public display, or wide spread public visitation and open interaction for all the world to see, most any evidence can be explained away by someone somewhere.

Not all evidence can be credibly explained away, Druscilla. Seems like you should know that. Being explained away by "someone somewhere" means absolutely nothing. There are many reports out there that defy any and all (credible) explanation. I'm catching a strong whiff from you. It's either rabid debunkery or intellectual dishonesty. Either way, I'm disappointed.
edit on 9-5-2012 by Orkojoker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by thesearchfortruth

It's amazing how bad eyewitnesses can be, a member on here reported seeing a UFO in the UK driving in his van with his brother iirc going to work one morning.

Both in the same van looking at the same object yet the discriptions were not the same

Now the simple fact that we have so many people with cameras/camera phones now and all we ever see is lights in the distance (which people directly below NEVER seem to report) out of focus lights at night, and the obvious aircraft,laterns videos all over youtube when will we see the real deal

I would love to see on here a nice shot that cannot be debunked but we get the same BS all the time!
edit on 9-5-2012 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by cybersk8er
Don't you guys ever wonder if.. maybe even 1% or just a really really small percentage of all the reports was actually TRUE, something extraterrestrial and not from this planet?

Out all the millions of UFO sightings historically, it simply can't be all hoax or illusion can it? There's gotta be atleast a few reports that cannot be from this planet.
edit on 8-5-2012 by cybersk8er because: (no reason given)

The truth of the matter is that the cosmos contains many humanoid beings and many are near identical to us , and before anyone dismisses this out of hand please consider its immensity. It also holds near infinite possibilities for other life forms. The odds are in favor of visitation for one good reason In my opinion.
The higher the species evolvement , the greater the chance that they have explored in ways we cannot have even guessed at yet.
edit on 9-5-2012 by bluemooone2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla:
"Show me ONE, just ONE report that defies any and all explanation."

Posted by thesearchfortruth, in reply to post by Druscilla
"Here are over 100
[snip 58 cases, plus links]
continued in next post.... "

Wow, nicely done. Impressive amount of work there!

Of course, nothing can meet Druscilla's and the skeptics' challenge, because no case "defies any and all explanation" in an environment like this, where a mindset that allows "explanations" to be as remarkably unreasonable as is required often prevails.

And we all know it's coming: someone will simply find one problem with one case in that list and then try to plant the inference that ALL of them could be similarly "solved", or that all are equally lacking. Which is of course far from the truth. The truth is that with some of the cases you've listed, it'd be hard to offer up ANY prosaic explanation at all without sounding completely silly and having to prejudge all witnesses and radars as simply mistaken or broken. Note that such cases are never touched by the skeptics in the individual threads, some of which you've linked to. Nice.

Still that won't stop them from discrediting all 100 cases on a list through the use of just one weaker case. (That's the problem with lists I guess.) My bet is on it here being through use of the Hill abduction. Because no abduction case, let's face it, has support that's as strong as what's found in the most impressive radar-visual cases. Skeptics know this, and will trounce. Any time now..... Haha.

But nice work! There are many strong cases in there that defy conventional explanation.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
It's amazing how bad eyewitnesses can be.... Now the simple fact that we have so many people with cameras/camera phones now and all we ever see is lights in the distance (which people directly below NEVER seem to report) out of focus lights at night, and the obvious aircraft,laterns videos all over youtube when will we see the real deal.... I would love to see on here a nice shot that cannot be debunked but we get the same BS all the time!

But... you've not specifically addressed a single case out of the 100 that were listed!

Is it because those listed cases don't suffer from the "problems" you'd prefer to broadly attribute to ALL UFO cases? I won't say you don't make a single valid point -- you do -- but the idea here is that the cases listed have risen above the problems you cite. Which are, by the way, the same problems that most who are uninformed on the topic just automatically and mistakenly attribute to all UFO reports. That's why we need to be sure to address the specifics of each case.

What prosaic explanation could one reasonably offer for the Minot B-52 case, for example? (**Reasonably**)

Keep in mind, if there is even ONE single strong UFO case -- and above you'll see many dozens -- then the likelihood that other cases involve "real UFOs" has just risen, also. This explains why you'll see skeptics fighting tooth and nail over every single case, no matter how strong it is -- one solid case alone opens the floodgates of serious consideration. It also explains why you'll see some believers lowering their standard of evidence in a way no skeptic can probably understand. Someone who has seen already knows, has done the hard work of accepting the possibility and ramifications, and realizes that if one real UFO has been here, there have probably been others, and so that person is much more likely to accept other witnesses at face value.

Irrelevant ramblings? Maybe! But I don't think so. I think it explains what we're about to see in the remainder of this thread (entitled "Out of all those UFO Reports...."), haha.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by TeaAndStrumpets

Why did you edit the quote re eyewitnesses?

Even if one case was real that DOESN'T make any other real.

Don't get me wrong the reason I joined here was I was told I would see some real evidence, I do believe somewhere out there other life must exist and if I saw something on here I would back it to the hilt.

Do I think Mog from Zog visits here NO!

On here all you have to do is post a video or picture with this in the title BEST UFO EVIDENCE EVER and the stars an flags pile up.

I and others including believers get fed up with obvious videos of aircraft,out focus lights claimed to be morphing ufo's, and Zoooomed in pictures of the moon and mars with join the dot pictures of what they WANT to see rather than what you can see!!!!!

Many members on here are guilty of that!!!

So do you not think its strange that when MANY more people now carry cameras etc WE don't get a better level of evidence now.
edit on 10-5-2012 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

rendalsham forest thats hard for nick pope to debunk
he calls it better than roswell

ps if that avatar is you you have nice eyes

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
Why did you edit the quote re eyewitnesses?

Even if one case was real that DOESN'T make any other real.

Don't get me wrong the reason I joined here was I was told I would see some real evidence, I do believe somewhere out there other life must exist and if I saw something on here I would back it to the hilt.

Do I think Mog from Zog visits here NO!

On here all you have to do is post a video or picture with this in the title BEST UFO EVIDENCE EVER and the stars an flags pile up.

I and others including believers get fed up with obvious videos of aircraft,out focus lights claimed to be morphing ufo's, and Zoooomed in pictures of the moon and mars with join the dot pictures of what they WANT to see rather than what you can see!!!!!

Many members on here are guilty of that!!!

So do you not think its strange that when MANY more people now carry cameras etc WE don't get a better level of evidence now.
edit on 10-5-2012 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

Hi wmd.

1) I almost always edit quoted text down, to a) reduce clutter, and b) to leave more characters for ME! Haha. There was no intent to misrepresent your argument, and I don't think I did. I left your entire reply in this time.

2) I join you in your frustration with the level of scrutiny sometimes displayed around here... though it is just a casual forum. All you can do is ask that people be informed on this topic. The daily youtube grind is tiring, sure. Maybe a few percent show something decent, but it's very hard to tell what's what. Nothing can be authenticated to even a skeptical believer's satisfaction, and many can be reasonably debunked. This leaves many hundreds of what I call A-minus videos out there... not debunked, seeming to be by credible people, but not confirmed either. This partially addresses the "don't you think, with all those cameras out there" question, and so does the fact that 'all those cameras out there' are mostly crappy and simply unable to produce much more than the blurry blobs we see. Zoom in to get closer, and any hand-shake at all (which is inevitable) brings forth similar jeers... but 'all those cameras out there' aren't being carried on tripods. Someone should be compiling a list of these A-minus videos that can be pointed to every time the old "don't you think, with all those cameras out there" question comes up....

3) You were told you'd see the evidence you want. Go get it! You were just handed a list of 100 cases, most of which have very solid evidence. Have you read any of it? I realize you want an alien body or a saucer -- we all do -- and that'll happen whenever what's responsible for this phenomenon allows it to happen. (Read Vallee.) Also, have you read the primary source materials? I list them over and over: Special Report 14, the Condon Report, critiques thereof by McDonald, Hynek, Sturrock, Page....

4) Of course no single UFO would "prove" another. One admission or confirmation would, however, immediately necessitate the re-evaluation of all other evidence.

Evidence is out there -- 100 cases above, plus more, and 1,000+ pages of scientific reading. It stinks that truth can't be spoon-fed to the skeptical with one easy read, but it can't. And one must be TRULY willing to discard the assumption that UFOs can't be real. Don't mistake the inherent denial we all at first harbor with a more discriminatory evidentiary standard.

I'll leave you with the below, from astronomer Dr. Page's published Condon Report critique. (Am. Journal of Physics, Oct. '69.)
"In fact, the [Condon] scientists' general refusal to take UFO's seriously may strengthen the "new left" view that science is based more on authority than on observation and reason. Intelligent laymen can (and do) point out the logical flaw in Condon's conclusion based on a statistically small (and selected) sample, Even in this sample a consistent pattern can be recognized; it is ignored by the "authorities," who then compound their "felony" by recommending that no further observational data be collected....

In my opinion, this "middle position" leads to the philosophical question: "What is the proper evidence for Physical reality?" Following the "operational" definition of P. W. Bridgeman (Logic of Modern Physics. The MacMillan Co., New York, 1927), UFO's have certainly been "measured" (detected) in a definable way.... In more modern terms, the UFO sightings show some statistical patterns that can be fitted to a theory based on the hypothesis of "extraterrestrial civilizations which know far more physics than we do, and have developed materials, energy sources, and field devices that we have not yet invented." How can we logically reject this theory when we accept theories of rotating neutron stars to explain pulsars?"

If THE scientific final word on UFOs is flawed, then aren't society's assumptions as to the topic also flawed?
edit on 10-5-2012 by TeaAndStrumpets because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by cybersk8er
maybe even 1% or just a really really small percentage of all the reports was actually TRUE

and i say only one need be true

then i dont even care about the other sightings.And the chances are that yes at least one is true

and i dont care what the skeptics say.only one is enough for me

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by cybersk8er

Nothing says extraterrestrial except the elite who own and run the Teslaships.
So plenty of UFOs are ships made in the USA.
Oval, Wing, Disk and Triangle have close up witnesses and great details.
Because saying much more than if it happened seems too out of place we sink
into hole dug for us by the elite and never climb up any higher.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:06 PM
In a single hubble photograph there are approximetly 2000 galaxys. In each galaxy, there are approximetly 100 billion stars. In a single huble space telescope image, there are about 2000000000000 stars. This is a small fraction of the total in our universe. In the words of Stephen Hawking, it’s a mathematical impossibility that life only happened once and I for one agree with him

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by cybersk8er

I think when you seriously listen to Linda Moulton Howe's whistleblowers, usually on Thursdays on Coast to Coast. You can glean a lot of info. Though not always does she have whistleblowers but some have been simply amazing.

Aliens in the Forest is an incredible account written in book form, I think probably from the planet Mars but I based it on white uniforms and small beings. Which is similar to Lonnie Zamora and Gary Wilcox on April 24th 1964. And seems to add up with all the incredible anomalies. Then you mix that up with Ernest Norman's telepathic account.

But that may be a shot in the dark for some but I have a very strong feeling there is indeed beings that are living under the planet mars and have lost their resistance to living above ground and Nasa is keeping it a top secret because they don't want to scare the public. Just way to many OBVIOUS artifacts and structure for sure. At least I seriously think so.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:26 PM
The Cash-Landrum Case

It has never been resolved. Someone in the U.S. knows exactly what happened to Betty and Vickie and Colby but they have remained silent despite all the suffering - and ridicule - those three endured."


It is also interesting to note that Whitley Strieber, in his books, or Budd Hopkins, in books such as “Intruders”, never mentioned Vicki Landrum, et. al., even though Landrum said they had interviewed her. She said she adamantly refused to say “...what they wanted me to” - that she’d seen “aliens”, been “abducted”, or “suffered time-loss” - and instead continued to insist that what she saw were “government aircraft”, (including the saucer) and nothing more.

This was apparently the reason she was threatened, slandered, and never compensated for her health damage and losses, by our wonderful government. It is obvious as to how most witnesses are induced to say what their interviewers want them to, but not Vicki, a tough little lady who deserves respect.

People ignore the story that the elite are in control.
Of all the people that ever said there might be something wrong going on must have quit their
search and joined the ranks of following the elite excuses party.

edit on 5/12/2012 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 11:35 PM
I will re-post what I wrote in another thread,it pretty much sums up my opinion overall on the question/subject at hand -

~ There are thousands,maybe even millions of supposed alien abductions,I imagine there are those who have experienced something and are either afraid to tell anyone what happened,for fear of ridicule,being labeled 'mentally unfit' or they could very well be in denial of their encounter. That leaves room for a lot more unreported experiences.

All it takes is for only one of these reports to be true. Only one to be proven without a shadow of doubt,then it becomes a fact,an unavoidable and irrefutable fact.

Of course we are still left with not much in the way of conclusive evidence,other than witness testimony.
If you are one who has already experienced something "otherworldly"/unexplainable...Then you do not need anyone or anything to prove what you already know to be the truth.

I believe some form of non-human intelligence is interacting and communicating with mankind.What that 'intelligence' is,where it comes from and what it's true motives are remains a mystery.

I am 100% positive that something is going on,I just do not have the absolute answers I desire,So continues the journey. ~

[bold print emphasis by me]
My original post

I would like to add that there are individuals out there who no matter what they are shown,no matter what they see or hear...They will remain skeptical until they truly have their own personal unexplainable experience.

It is one of those subjects with open ended questions that tend to have unsatisfactory answers. You have to experience it for yourself before you can really say you are a believer.Otherwise,it is merely a speculative belief and hope of the phenomena being real.

Or...In the skeptics position,they remain in doubt until a irrefutable scientific discovery/study/explanation comes to light,finally putting the nail in the undeniable coffin that Yes,we are being visited by an as yet unknown,intelligent non human intelligence.

Once the day comes that the skeptic like the believer is able to conclude something absolutely unexplainable is transpiring.there will always be doubts,debunkers and disbelief.

I had an experience that I cannot really explain,one part of me knows that it was "unnatural/otherworldly"- the other part of me denies what I experienced,attempting to rationalize and explain away what it was.

So in saying that,I can sympathize with the believer and disbeliever alike.

There are no easy,simplistic answers when dealing with this enigma.

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." - Carl Sagan
edit on 13-5-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by thesearchfortruth

Kickin it ol'skool.. you 90s babies know what i mean

"Circle gets the square!"

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by mookid

I love the picture in youre post!! Looks real to me!! Good ones!

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