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What is society coming to??? what is a police man's job???

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posted on May, 8 2012 @ 06:13 PM
All I know is the OP really really needs a hobby. These people were doing nothing to you. If you want to enforce the rules so badly become a cop. I bet after you chase down a few people on bikes and give them hell you won't be a cop to long.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by GuidedKill

They weren't doing nothing to me. They were impeding my travel and they were endangering my and others well being by creating an uncontrolled risk that myself or other drivers could be held legally liable for.

I don't want to have to chance being held liable for them choosing a stupid action and I don't trust our legal system as it stands to not hold me liable for their stupidity.

Besides nothing makes me angrier than idiocy even when it doesn't directly affect me. these morons have a right to vote so I will call out idiocy when I see it.. period...

BTW, I'm positive I have more hobbies than


posted on May, 8 2012 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Masterjaden
You guys are ridiculous....

All I did was say "obey the law..."`

By your own account, that is not 'all you did'.

Chill out. Breathing can be an amazing thing for the heart and mind.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Masterjaden

You are correct that a lot of cops could care less about the law and real law breakers. I watch them break the law all the time. I remember this one cop zipping down the highway for forty or fifty miles, outside of the town he was empowered for. no lights, no sirens, doing a good clip. I was right behind him. When he slowed so I could pass him and be stopped I slowed to his speed and we played this game for forty miles or so.

Truth is, they don't care. They get a pay check and feel like the man, that's it. I have met so few actual honest policemen that I don't trust any of them because of all the bad ones I see.

And that is why criminals no matter how slight, get away with crap. And you the law abiding citizen gets called a whiner and to mind your own business.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

You are correct that a lot of cops could care less about the law and real law breakers.

How much less?

OP it sounds like you had a bad day. Bicyclists infuriate me on a regular basis. They are annoying, get in the way and break many laws. At the end of the day, is this really something you want to be mad about? I get that it's an example of the apathy you feel the majority of society has towards crime, but it's a pretty lame one. Also who among us hasn't messed up while driving or biking? I've ended up going the wrong way on one way streets, completely missed stop signs, and have had a number of other dumbass moments behind the wheel.

I think the cop was irritated with you for escalating a situation that didn't need to be escalated. Yelling at people out the window is a good way to start a fight, and a bicyclist being an idiot is less of a concern than some guy in a car having a temper tantrum and possibly provoking a fight.

I doubt the guy riding set out to break the law and inconvenience you personally. Let it go. Now let me buy you a beer and we can make fun of those idiots for wearing spandex.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:28 PM
I need to predicate this thread with something...


The following article is something that just happened last week down the street from my house that I witnessed where a bicyclist was struck by a van.

The bicyclists today were about two blocks away from where this occurred in a MUCH more dangerous situation because of the road construction...


f you read the article, you'll see that the bicyclist in the above case was an idiot who rode right in front of traffic on a red light. They think they own the road and act like you'll just avoid them even if they ride right in front of you.

I'm just hoping that this guy really thinks about what happened today and the same doesn't happen to him or his wife...

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:01 AM
My issue in this discussion has to do with the cop. While he said something to the OP, he said nothing to the actual law breakers. That is the problem. The cop was simply earning some good old union pay for no work. Kinda the way things seem to be going these days. So the question needs to be asked, why is he a cop if he doesn't do his job ?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove
My issue in this discussion has to do with the cop. While he said something to the OP, he said nothing to the actual law breakers. That is the problem. The cop was simply earning some good old union pay for no work. Kinda the way things seem to be going these days. So the question needs to be asked, why is he a cop if he doesn't do his job ?

Thank you, that was my main issue as well. If a bicyclist wants to be stupid fine, I'm still gonna call him out on it, but then he has the audacity to involve police when HE was the only one breaking the law and then the cop only chastises the one NOT breaking the law...


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