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Want to Shoot Bigfoot? It's Legal in Texas!

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posted on May, 8 2012 @ 12:38 PM
WATCH OUT Bigfoot!! Ted Nugent has been given the go-ahead to shoot you.

Want to Shoot Bigfoot? It's Legal in Texas

Want to shoot Bigfoot?

Anyone seeking ultimate proof of the existence of Bigfoot should head south. In Texas, it is legal to shoot and kill this legendary giant ape, known in other parts of the world as Sasquatch or Yeti, which has never been discovered.

According to an official with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, Bigfoot isn't listed as an endangered species, so you're free to kill as many as you want.

"If the Commission does not specifically list an indigenous, nongame species, then the species is considered nonprotected nongame wildlife," David Sinclair, direction of the law enforcement division at Texas Parks and Wildlife, wrote in an email response to a curious Bigfoot believer. "A nonprotected nongame animal may be hunted on private property with landowner consent by any means, at any time and there is no bag limit or possession limit."

John Lloyd Sharf of Salem, Ore., contacted Texas Parks and Wildlife to inquire whether Bigfoot was protected in Texas. As one of the 29 percent of Americans who believe Bigfoot inhabits the country's remote woodland areas and is just really difficult to find, Sharf was apparently motivated by the concern that the as-yet-undiscovered creature could face extermination in the state.

"So, it is the case all individuals of an unknown species … could be exterminated without criminal or civil repercussions — essentially causing extinction?" Sharf said he replied to Sinclair. At Cryptomundo, a popular "cryptozoology" discussion forum and blog, Bigfoot believers are forming a plan of action to deal with what they see as the potentially disastrous outcome of this loophole in the Texas hunting laws, which would allow Bigfoot to be hunted to extinction before a living specimen could be studied. [Hunter Captures UFO in Nevada]

"I would advocate a small group of trained hunters, under close supervision and observing all necessary safety precautions shooting a SINGLE individual to provide a type specimen," wrote a user who goes by the name AreWeThereYeti. "Then, once the existence of Sasquatch was proven, immediate steps could be taken to attach an endangered/protected status to both the species and its habitat."

What do you think? Would you shoot Bigfoot?

I bet all the rednecks are drooling over this decision. "Lets GO boys we gone be eating fried Bigfoot tonight!"

As much as I am on the fence about the existence of Bigfoot, I find this new law deplorable. Lets say Bigfoot does exist, one would assume that it is pretty much endangered, given the small number of sightings. Then there's the theory that Bigfoot is an intelligent creature (almost mystical), yet these neanderthals want to hunt and kill it.

Lets see how long it will be before some poor tall guy is shot while walking in the woods. "Your honor, I coulda sworn I saw a Bigfoot."

At least there won't be many hoax videos coming out of Texas now.
edit on 8-5-2012 by chrismicha77 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 12:44 PM
LORD forbid they find them and they are armed......

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77
I'm from Central Texas and am currently working in South Texas. I haven't heard this news. Pretty crazy to think Texas Officials would be okay with shooting one given the rarity of the beast.(if he exists). They must not be to convinced Bigfoot is a Texas Native. I wonder about other states? Do any have laws in place to protect such a creature?

I must say, to defend my apparent redneck up bringing (I prefer the term 'Farm Boy' as I grew up on a farm.):

I would never shoot Bigfoot unless I was being threatened by the creature. While I am an outdoors kinda person who likes to be in the wilderness, I usually don't carry a gun that would inflict any real damage to a Bigfoot. Where I go 'adventuring' the only real threat comes from rattlesnakes, and a little .22 caliber rifle with rat shot takes care of any rattler. (not that I shoot any rattler I see, but some times you gotta do what you gotta do!) Anyway, a lil .22 wouldn't hurt a big, muscular, hairy beast so no worries about me doing anything stupid.

I've said many times too.....I'd rather shoot with a camera. You get better trophies that way.


Interest bit of news.
edit on 8-5-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-5-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 01:50 PM
This totally fits the Texan mentality..."shoot first, ask questions later."

Hopefully Bigfoot packs heat and shoots back.
edit on 8-5-2012 by solarstorm because: (no reason given)


posted on May, 8 2012 @ 01:55 PM
Why on earth would they want to shoot the thing for if it does exist?

This could be one of just a few, if again they do exist. Just leave the damn thing alone.

If they really have to annoy yet another species, i agree with the camera idea. Send David Attenborough in there with his crew for a few months, should get some nice veiwing without having to make yet another species extinct.


posted on May, 8 2012 @ 01:59 PM
Well, I guess this guy won't be moving to Texas anytime soon.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by solarstorm

Texan mentality..."shoot first, ask questions later"

That may be the mentality of SOME Texans, but then again, I hear of a lot of people from every other state exhibiting the same mentality. I think it may be the mentality of every redneck, hillbilly, country hick, or back woodsy kinda person anywhere in America. And trust me, their are some in every single state, not just Texas. Not all Texans are the same. I certainly don't share the view that a living thing must die and then I'll ask questions. I'm not offended by your statement I just don't want you to think all Texans think like that. (Although I do know a few) I usually don't associate with people that have those urges to kill kill kill.
I'm also sure a few other states have similar views on the subject. I wonder what the stance of Alaska, Louisiana, Kentucky, and similar wilderness states would be.

edit on 8-5-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-5-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 02:20 PM
A huge majority of folks in Texas are FULLY under the spell of the bible which basically sets forth the message that animals are here only for our entertainment, SACRIFICE, or for the thrill of savagely hunting them them down just to hang their heads over their fireplaces at home.

A pathetic book of nonsense that has its cult members firmly believing that the only life-form on the planet which is worthy of existence is their particular religious flavor's cult members. All other life-forms and humans beings on the planet are lower than dirt. Stupid bible nonsense.

To them, if it isnt a "Christian", its ok to KILL it. No surprise here...

edit on 8-5-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by txMEGAlithic

There is a big difference between 'country folk' and 'rednecks'. I live in MS and the rednecks around here are of a different breed! They would shoot the Easter Bunny and eat him for supper if he was real. Then again, some of them around here probably think he is real.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 03:22 PM
I guess if you are big tall and hairy you may not want to go camping in Texas!

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77
Yeah that's true. Their is a difference. Here though, they all carry guns or at least own one or two. I know a few country folk or hicks that would take a shot, probably out of fear. I feel like my dad would be one of those to do it out of fear. He's expressed his fear of Bigfoot(or as he says, a wildman) before and he is definitely a gun toting 'county folk'. He's not crazy or a redneck but I wouldn't put it past him to shoot, although I hope he would be smart enough not to shoot at something he couldn't identify.(because it could just be a hairy redneck trespasser)
I don't think he lives in, what would be considered Texas Bigfoot Country, so he'll be okay.

As to your area, I would imagine there are some pretty rough rednecks roaming around. I had to work in Louisiana for a while and I rented this cool house on stilts, down by a river. It turned out to be a major 'back woods hang out' if you know what I mean.....
Oh yeah you said it....

They would shoot the Easter Bunny and eat him for supper


posted on May, 8 2012 @ 05:38 PM
What do you want to bet it is legal to slay dragons, drive wooden stakes through vampires, shoot werewolves with silver bullets, step on fairy's like they were bugs, and decapitate Medusa too?

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

I like this from the respect that we need a body to establish unassailable proof.
Once that's established, there can be laws writ to protect the species if such exists, and then science can finally take an interested view.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Ignorance is frequently unrecognized by its owner.

Most of your posters seem to think that the Texas Parks and Wildlife department accepts that Sasquatch creatures are well known by TPW and that they simply shrug when asked if it is OK to shoot one. All the offical did was to cite the regulations for non-game animals which is clear as stated by the OP. by their rules, their hands are tied. But I'll bet that anyone that kills one will be in a heap of hurt from about six different agencies from the UN on down..

Now if you want to propose a change in the regs, please start an effort to do so and I'll gladly join you as I have a personal reason for believing that they are in Texas. Send those emails to
or call (800) 792-1112. I would greatly appreciate it!

Also please consider what states that do have laws against taking Sasquatch creatures. Perhaps some in the northwest, but they will be few in number. So this thread is much to-do about nothing, but it does raise an interesting point, so let's make it something!. Ya'al email the TPW and demand that they list the Sasquatch as an endangered species in Texas. It can't hurt. I know for a fact that they were reaaal slow in acknowledging that mountain lions were in the state a couple of decades ago. As a matter of fact, they are still a non-game animal

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
LORD forbid they find them and they are armed......

Oh the mental image of Texans finding armed Bigfoot is too funny. Seriously however, if they do shoot one I doubt they will recover the body. I have heard stories of these creatures being injured and just disappearing leaving dna like hair/blood with no trace of where they went.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 07:04 PM
Texas isn't the only state like that..

and I agree with it, Yeti is darn good eating.

that's coming from someone who has actually eaten monkey before

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Bigfoot is seen in every state, so no I would think it is not endangered. One kill would provide proof of existence, and laws would be enacted.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by chrismicha77

I like this from the respect that we need a body to establish unassailable proof.
Once that's established, there can be laws writ to protect the species if such exists, and then science can finally take an interested view.

I always wondered why the guys that go searching like the 'Monsterquest' guys never carried tranquilizer guns with them. That would be the ultimate prize. Tranq one and take blood, tissue, and hair samples. Also measure and photograph them and then leave the area and let them awaken undisturbed. Also put gps trackers on them to track their movment. That is if they exist, which I believe they do.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by chrismicha77

I bet all the rednecks are drooling over this decision. "Lets GO boys we gone be eating fried Bigfoot tonight!"

We wouldn't eat a big foot, how insane is that!? No, we'd just sell em' to Fox for an autopsy!

(I kid, I kid. Last time I said as much with an alien in the back yard some took it a little too serious.)
edit on 8-5-2012 by Lasr1oftheJedi because: confused my twos

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Thank you! I will e-mail them tomorrow morning.

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