posted on May, 8 2012 @ 03:56 AM
Reference for some borrowed
answers: Yahoo Answers
"Other" answers by "Bare Bear":
When preparing a turkey, it is best to remove all the innards from the rear orifice. A little Greece can help get a golden brown color to the skin.
Don't forget to serve Vodka from Moscow.
Dont ever use an aluminum foil roasting pan, no matter how shiny they look at the grocery store. They are cheap, very flimsy, have been known to
collapse, and when poked inadvertently with a large fork, they leak. Anyway you would still have to cover the turkey with aluminum foil to try to
prevent it from burning or drying out since these things dont come with a lid. And worse, the flavor of the gravy never seems as good from an
aluminum pan. I recommend highly a stainless steel roaster with a lid. These can be purchased for a huge amount of money at a bake ware store at the
mall, or, for a tiny amount of money at Walmart. Your choice.
My answer: Kentucky (KY) would be better.
edit on 5/8/2012 by reitze because: (no reason given)