reply to post by libertytoall
No the people that tend to OWN pit bulls are violent psychopath's most of the time. In other words complete gang banger, affliction wearing, IDIOTS!
I grew up with German Shepard's, great dogs, my last one had to be put down due to getting hit by a tractor out on the family farm (broke both back
legs and crushed his hips RIP Renegade) I went a number of years without a dog at all. About 4 years ago some friends of mine rescued a blue nose Pit
Bull, the dog looked terrible when I first met her, hair matted, dirty and had patches missing, very skinny, and skiddish like she had been beaten.
The first weekend they brought the dog out to the lake I bonded with the dog like no other. She went from being timid to playing fetch, and having a
good time. A few weeks after that my friend called and said she wasn't eating and starting to act aggressive towards their other pets. I agreed to
take her in, when I pulled up to the house she perked right up, bolted out of the door and jumped right in my truck. I guess maybe it was just meant
to be, after having her for a month she went from weighing 45lbs to just under 70lbs, her coat filled in and got nice and shiney.
I had her for about a year and a half and she got pregnant by a friends pit bull. She had a litter of puppies then I had her fixed. I ended up keeping
one of the puppies, he was the biggest dufus looking little guy lol(now he weighs 140lbs). So now I have a pair of pits. I will say this, while they
are both well mannered, they are extremely territorial. When I walk them they don't even pay any attention to other dogs or people. Ring my doorbell
or walk in my yard and those two raise hell. In the 17 years I've lived in my house, I've been robbed twice, since I've had these dogs, no way. I
have no doubt if anyone came in my house uninvited or while I wasn't home or asleep they would be torn to pieces. I have no problem with that, my
kid is grown, and I live with just the dogs. My friends and family know not to just walk in my house and I never let them around kids. Not that I
don't trust the dogs, but all it takes is 1 wrong ear pull, or something else and it could get bad quick, that could be any dog though.
TO me these dogs are lovable, loyal companions, to others they are unruly beasts. I do however treat them like a loaded gun, I muzzle them in public,
kind of like keeping the safety on my handgun when I carry it. Like others have said, any dog can bite, but the way a Pit locks on and shakes makes
them deadly, a lot of fools tend to not respect that. I never considered myself a 'pit bull' guy, I can defend myself lol. I love these dogs, but I
also respect how their nature is what it is, as such I do what I can to keep people around me safe and the dogs safe also.
My girl loves the water
My boy feeling my pain on a hungover Sunday