posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:24 AM
According to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, Christer has been anything but consistent when it comes his own take on the incident over the
"I happened to be arrested, now I'm hardened, but it could just as well has happened to someone else."
Aftonbladet, 1989.
"I haven't shot anybody"
TV3, 1995
"If I would have murdered Olof Palme, I think I would have been able to keep almost as straight a face. But only almost ...only almost."
Barnjournalen, 1989
"I, the killer and one more knows who shot Palme."
(According to a friend). Aftonbladet, 1997
"I could have been the one who did it. I don't think so, but it can't be ruled out."
TV3, 1999
"I was the one who did it..."
(According to an old friend). Aftonbladet, 1988
"It was for the money."
Petterson retracts his confession on television, 2001
"I have shot Olof Palme, but there is no proof. They can't convict me, because they'll never find the murder weapon."
(According to an old friend). Aftonbladet, 1997
It should be noted that all of his actual "confessions" were made to a friend of his. Over the years the media has also been highly critizised for
using Christer, who allegedly was payed to appear on television - a number of times - and make controversial claims.