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Human race being terminated by ‘scientific suicide’

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posted on May, 7 2012 @ 08:34 AM
I had a very similar pattern of thought before reading this article and was going to write something like it. It seems that everything we do is about advancing our civilization from a scientific perspective, at all costs. While this can be a positive thing from a certain perspective, it can also cause us to lose everything that defines us as human beings, since we are stripping away our uniqueness and replacing it with mathmatical equations.

The “science” practiced today is a science of domination and control. It is almost never carried out for humanitarian purposes to benefit humankind. Even the entire intellectual property “ownership” system of patents and trademarks is set up to grant corporate monopolies over innovation, thereby denying the People access to such innovations. Intellectual property laws have been twisted and exploited by corporate giants to hijack the innovation process and use it to crush competition. All corporations ultimately want a global monopoly over their particular industry sectors.

Science is killing us. As a race, we are committing suicide by allowing science to dominate our medicine, agriculture and military industries. To the degree that we allow scientists to unleash their dangerous experiments onto the world without legitimate testing — and no, flu shot vaccines are never scientifically tested for long-term safety — we only accelerate the digging of our own graves. If we don’t learn to restrain the blind ambitions of arrogant scientists who are all too easily enticed by the chance to roll the dice in their “let’s play God” games, the blind pursuit of science without wisdom will only lead to our total destruction.

In the name of science, humanity has developed remarkable technologies. But as a species, humankind operates as infants in terms of wisdom and maturity. We are worse than children with flamethrowers –we are children with nukes!

Because next we can count on the rise of the robot drones in the name of science — a new race of Terminator machines (unmanned AI drones) with the capability to mindlessly unleash bombs and bullets on civilian populations. Such drones will be developed in the name of “science,” of course, with all the predictable ego-driven fantasies of their geek-headed inventors who, with all their superior intellect, have still failed to study human history.


We've seen the scenario play out countless times in sci-fi movies, but the movies themselves will never be taken seriously, and it seems we will be responsible for our own extinction. That is, unless you consider that to be an "evolution."

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0
Taking away our humanness? I disagree with that. This has been our natural path for some time. When we were ever not destroying something around us? Even native americans left a footprint, even if a small one. It's entirely possible that nature intended us to be this way, just as it's also possible that we are naturally out-of-balance and a detriment to the earth. In any case, people scoff at my ideas about the human race, but more and more evidence supports my conclusions. We are social primates that are ruled entirely by our animal instincts and yet don't even realize it and even refuse to accept our very basic nature.
edit on 7-5-2012 by Balkan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

I think you are missing the point.

It's only when the science is twisted by the military and government, that it becomes a problem. Science, in and of itself, isn't a problem.

Hell, they didn't even WANT to invent the nuclear weapon, but the government made them.

It's the government, the rulers, those in control of the toys, who unleash the horror. If we could wrestle the controls out of their hands we'd be fine.

And what the heck does copyright have to do with science? Again, the scientists aren't the ones patenting discoveries, the people who own them are. Scientists dig science, and want to create and explore, for the betterment of mankind. Sadly, it's an expensive endeavor and most have to resort to grants and other sources of income, thus giving up control of the final product.

Science is the one thing in our civilization that we got right, it's every other aspect that is butt-backwards.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Balkan
reply to post by v1rtu0s0
Taking away our humanness? I disagree with that. This has been our natural path for some time. When we were ever not destroying something around us? Even native americans left a footprint, even if a small one. It's entirely possible that nature intended us to be this way, just as it's also possible that we are naturally out-of-balance and a detriment to the earth. In any case, people scoff at my ideas about the human race, but more and more evidence supports my conclusions. We are social primates that are ruled entirely by our animal instincts and yet don't even realize it and even refuse to accept our very basic nature.
edit on 7-5-2012 by Balkan because: (no reason given)

What a load. This is the small 1 % of evil doers making a huge footprint and keeping humanity in lies, and a really repressive bubble for a very long time.

Nothing reflects humanity here in the least, only their massive programmings from cradle to grave. This is a mirror of TPTB not us.

Germany was cloning humans for more than 100 years........

Every problem has been solved, and what they are using for space wars, death star, and to hold humanity hostage, for their eugenics and control/slavery, has the flip side of being clean free energy, and heals for earth, nature, and humanity.

We need to wake up more, that is only problem.
edit on 7-5-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 12:22 AM
To a degree he's right, but on the other hand, this reminds me of how a year or so ago, I cancelled my email subscription to Natural News.

I think Mike Adams has been slowly going insane for a while now, to be honest. That isn't said vindictively, either. I genuinely pity the man. His posts, however, have become increasingly more hysterical and laden with apocalyptic doom porn as time has gone on, to the point where I finally got tired of it.

I primarily attribute his possible insanity, to his ongoing coverage of Monsanto. The actions of that company have been documented as driving numerous Indian farmers to suicide; so it's not surprising that they've possibly also sent Mike over the edge.

It's tragic.

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