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P. G.'s Reptilian Experience

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posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 01:36 PM
If you see a "military area: authorized personnel only" or anything similar sign, it is really best to take it seriously.
We have something called the "Patriot Act". If the government chose to it could "disappear" you. Of course it always could anyway, but now it's legal.
Of course if this story is true, it's even a better reason to take such signs seriously.
I don't have any desire to be abducted, and there is no reason to think that reptoid space aliens worry about the sanctity of human life. Especially since some earth reptiles eat their own young. No use tempting fate.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 03:06 PM
well, ever since finding out about The Disclosure Project, I became very interested in Sergeant Clifford Stone and what he has to say. He was one of the witnesses that provided testimony.

He has been working for some ordinance retrieval sect for the government for 20 years now and came out with similar things. He stated that early on in his career that he was taken down an elevator in the Pentagon and was being shown around.

He mentioned that there is a whole vast underground complex there and the guy showing him around pushed him. Clifford tried to catch on to the wall thinking it would stop his fall, but he fell through the 'projected' wall to find two scientists and one little 'grey' alien at the end of the table.

I dunno, it seems to me that you have to believe a man like Sergeant Clifford Stone that has decided to come forward with iformation that he knows. All of this certainly sounds plausible. Each new story that comes out just makes all of this more and more a reality. Someone concocting some story would not have too much of a point in posting some outlandish story any more since there have been hundreds told before his.

There needs to be some vigilante team to go back down into the 'Underground' to try adn get to the bottom of things or we're gonna go on for another 50 years with lies and mystery..

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by wangho
There needs to be some vigilante team to go back down into the 'Underground' to try adn get to the bottom of things or we're gonna go on for another 50 years with lies and mystery..

I posted a link in this thread to my own legitimate exploration of this "Underground" (or at least one about a hundred yards away from it that supposedly connects to it).

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 05:13 PM
Aren't there any rich philanthropists on here that will fund an exploration mission to this place? lol. I'm hereby volunteering my services (and possibly my freedom, if not my life!) as an explorer. All I need is airfare and equipment, and I'm there!

Or if we can't find a rich ATS person, let's start a fund of our own! Everyone can throw in a few bucks and we can do it.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 09:22 PM
If the government were to say, yes indeed, the world is being run by reptiles from another galaxy and we are just it's pawns and if we don't work with them, they will use their death star to blow up the earth, what do you suppose would happen?
PANIC PANIC PANIC. People would be running for the hills and fleeing to the valleys. Think of Manhattan. All of Manhattan would be trying to get off the island while thousands of people were trying to get on the island to "save my momma", get their relatives to "safety". Thousands would die in traffic accidents. Well, if a death star blows up the earth, there is no safety anywhere.
What could we do if we knew?
The TV evangelists would be screaming "IT'S THE ANTICHRIST!!! SEND ME MONEY!!!
People who are not that stable now would lose it totally and start jumping out of windows.
People would poison their children to keep them from being taken to slavery on another planet. People with physical defects would be accused of being space aliens and get lynched.
People would stop going to work. THE END IS HERE!!! Who cares about paying rent? The economic system of the world, a house of cards at best, would collapse. No electricity because the electrical workers all ran to their grandparents farm to wait out the end. No food because the truck drivers ran away too.

Life is a bytch and then you die. But it can always get worse. I don't see how knowing that the planet was run by reptoids or insectoids from gamma reticuli would increase the sum total of human happiness.

I DON'T want to believe.

[edit on 14/7/2005 by christianpatrick]

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Azure Twilight
Sry for the bump but it has been a LONG time and now im almost completly sure this was a hoax. So either post the audio tape or something to prove it's not a hoax or everyone will think of you as a liar and you will not be welcomed at ATS
. Sry if I'm a little rough but please at least give life signals. Oh and the part about nobody welcoming you is a joke

Hi Azure. Sorry for not posting anything lately. I simply don't have as much time as I use to to post and read everything being that I am working as a stay at home Dad for the next few months. God, I miss work...

Now in regards to the audio tape. To be quite frank, I have been to lazy to sit down and transcribe the entire thing into writing. I was never able to get it properly transferred to mp3, so that is why it isn't posted.

My offer of sending someone a copy of the tape is still on the table if one would be willing to transcribe or digitize it. UTU me with contact info if you're willing.

Why would people think I am a liar? All I did was post something that happened to someone I have spoken to. This is not my story, but PG's. Please don't shoot the messenger. Could he have hoaxed it? Sure he could of. But like I said before, from the tones and fluxuations in his voice, he was very believable. But know this; if I believed it was a hoax, I would have never posted the experience in the first place. If if it does turn out to be a hoax, believe me when I say I will be just as upset and irritated as the next guy. But untill that happens, PG has my faith in him.

Blessed be, and may peace be unto our souls.


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:19 PM
I really wanna hear those tapes,it would give more perspective of what happened.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 12:03 AM
Thanks Third Destiny. Again, i can't u2u you just yet, but I'll follow your advice. I did some looking into the matter already, and that was the name and email address I had come up with, I just wanted to double-check since you're his friend. Thanks again.

Also, you people should listen to White Rabbit. He's a friend of mine, and he knows what he's talking about. You don't need a vigilante team of elite explorers funded by some millionaire philanthropists to see what's in those tunnels. We've done it. I was there, and we'll no doubt go back. If anything, you can leave the exploring to us.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 01:57 PM

You went in to those tunnels that Thirddensity talks about?
Well,did you find anything out of this world?
I would go there,but i live very far from there anyways.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by KREATOR


You went in to those tunnels that Thirddensity talks about?
Well,did you find anything out of this world?
I would go there,but i live very far from there anyways.

Sertile and I have both been there. The Underground we explored is about a hundred yards away from the Underground in the tale, and they are supposedly connected. Take a gander, we have plenty of proof:

You guys don't have to keep asking for a crack commando team to go in there and verify anything.

We've been there

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 12:58 AM
The underground lake was out of this world, in my opinion, and the sheer size of the place was overwhelming. However, the parts we were in have been abandoned for some time. The currently inhabited portions of the underground are basically across the street from where we were. We never happened upon any Naval testing/storage areas in the parts we were in, so I can't say with any certainty whether or not such a thing exists there. It's certainly possible.

Aliens, on the other hand... who knows? No holo-walls so far, though.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 01:39 PM
Hello all. I see this is an older thread, but I live in the Carthage, Mo area. And it is very interesting to me, this tunnel/reptilian thing of P.G.'s. I live in the springfield area which has alot of caves and tunnels. I used to work at Kraft, cheese place, and the forklift guys were always talking about the storage caves being so huge and like cities down there. Years ago there was a story in the news about a "swamp monster" being sighted in this area. Of course, it was ridiculed. I have heard you can drown in one of the many underground rivers and your body would come up in Arizona. Rumors of satanic things going on in caves. Supposedly the Klan used to meet in some of them. Some are open to tourists, some not. Some unusual people own some of them. Like Wayne Newton owns property in Branson with a major cave on it. As far as I've ever heard, he doesn't really perform there. SThere also is a big masonic presence in that area. I think there's alot of stuff going on cave-wise. SilverDollarCity, is in the are of Branson and it is on major caves and it is owned by some wealthy people named Herschends, I may have mispelled that. Also, Eureka Springs nearby. Also Mena Ark not too far away. Part of the Berlin Wall is in Eureka Springs. I personally think alot of weird stuff goes on here. I lived in Joplin Mo, about 20 minutes from Carthage, and alot of old abandoned mineshafts there too.But there was a guy in Joplin that was in his garage and notices that after dropping an item on his garage floor that it sounded hollow, so he chipped up part of the floor and found a bottomless shaft under his garage. This was in the newspaper. Alot of rumors of satan stuff and missing women all sorts of crazy stuff. Anyway, those tunnels are supposed to be public places to go in case of some attact. Then why don't we know exactly where to go or what route or whatever like when there are hurricanes or tornados? Maybe it's just me, but I think it is strange that Kraft stores its stuff in these caves and Kraft is german right? What a nazi type coininkydink. And the Herschends owns SilverDollarCity atop caves again, is that german/jew/nazi connection or am just reading too much?
Also, another Branson attraction is CelebrationCity and it's place where it holds it's 4th of July celebration looks just like the alter at Bohemian Grove in Alex Jones' video. I'm rambling and I sounds crazy, but maybe not. Something to think about. I live over here. I think there is something going on in this area, all around, something we don't know about, unless we try to learn what to look for, then it is all over the place when we realize what the symbols are. Also, Fritz Springmieir has a list of mindcontrollers and places and Lampe, Mo is named in one of them. This whole thing is a very long story and I need to write it down in coherent form. I'll p ost more if anyone is interested.

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