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Why if the GOP picks Romney they will lose the election against Obama.

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posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:00 AM
1. Ron Paul is unlikely to endorse Romney just like he didn't endorse the GOP picked candidate in the last election when Obama won.
2. Ron Paul supporters are unlikely to support Romney just like in the last election when Obama won.
3. GOP loyalists will vote for Ron Paul over Obama if the GOP selects him.
4. Ron Paul has the vote of the youth unlike Romney and where Obama had the advantage in the last election where he won.
5. Ron Paul has done an amazing job despite the lack of MSM propaganda.
6. Ron Paul has the most 200 or less donations that are accounted for and which can be translated to individual voters.

Why the GOP is either $tupid or they don't really care about beating Obama as much as about having the right 2 candidate$ that will go along with the lobbyist and special interest groups.

1. Romney is likely to lose all the Ron Paul supporters.
2. Ron Paul is likely to get all the Romney supporters plus maintain his supporters.
3. Ron Paul has done equal or better than Romney or Obama in the polls among independents.

Why it will be the fault of the GOP party that they lose and not the fault of Ron Paul.
1. The GOP party is aware of these scenarios but they are still choosing to back the riskier of the two candidates (Romney).

So when Obama wins because the GOP didn't select Ron Paul don't cry.

edit on 7-5-2012 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by interupt42

and when Paul loses to obama... will you cry?

I see it being a toss up in the general if its obama and paul. free stuff or legal drugs and sex for money, thats what the sheeple will look at.

either way neither of them will be getting the conservative votes

edit on 7-5-2012 by LoonyConservative because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by LoonyConservative

I wont cry but would be surprised.

Why would the GOP go with the riskier candidate? Romney is going to lose votes that the GOP can't afford to lose among its own party.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by interupt42

Some interesting points, but as you will soon learn, I am Mr. Confusion and I am confused by your OP.

1. Ron Paul is unlikely to endorse Romney just like he didn't endorse the GOP picked candidate in the last election when Obama won.
2. Ron Paul supporters are unlikely to support Romney just like in the last election when Obama won. ...
1. Romney is likely to lose all the Ron Paul supporters.
You seem to be saying that Ron Paul and his supporters would rather have Obama win than Romney. That leads me to some unflattering thoughts about Paul and his supporters.

3. GOP loyalists will vote for Ron Paul over Obama if the GOP selects him.
2. Ron Paul is likely to get all the Romney supporters plus maintain his supporters.
I'm not so sure. There is a hypothetical going around that if it becomes a Paul-Obama race, many GOPers might say "Either one is going to wreck the country, we might as well have Obama bear the blame than a "so-called" Republican."

4. Ron Paul has the vote of the youth unlike Romney and where Obama had the advantage in the last election where he won.
Well, it doesn't seem to be enough to get him past 12% in votes, does it?

5. Ron Paul has done an amazing job despite the lack of MSM propaganda.
Yes he has. That's valuable and I'm sure future campaigns will learn from him.

6. Ron Paul has the most 200 or less donations that are accounted for and which can be translated to individual voters.
So? That doesn't seem to be translating into votes either.

3. Ron Paul has done equal or better than Romney or Obama in the polls among independents.
For me, that's a little vague and subject to change every week.

Why it will be the fault of the GOP party that they lose and not the fault of Ron Paul.
1. The GOP party is aware of these scenarios but they are still choosing to back the riskier of the two candidates (Romney). So when Obama wins because the GOP didn't select Ron Paul don't cry.
Is it because the GOP didn't select him, or that Republican voters didn't select him?

Do you see why I'm confused by your post? Please straighten my thinking out.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by charles1952

Its irrelevant the reason that the Ron Paul supporters won't support Romney. The part that matters is they won't like they didn't in the last election and Ron Paul is unlikely to endorse Romney this time either.

However, i will tell you that most RP supporters are not picking Obama over Romney but rather they see no difference between the two. Hence its better to vote for the better candidate then identical twins of the two evils. RP voters are either going to vote third party, who ever Ron Paul endorses, or write in Ron Pauls name in the ballot. This typically translate to a vote for the Democrats and hence Obama.

I'm not even telling you those are or aren't valid reason. The part that is relevant is that Romney is not going to get the Ron Paul votes and the GOP can't afford to lose those votes. Of-course unless they think its going to be a slam dunk which is doubtful.

So it doesn't matter if you think RP supporters are stupid or if they being manipulated by the Democrats to take votes away from the Republicans or if they are sell outs. What matters is , that is the card the GOP has been dealt with and they better have a strategy for it.

Since Ron Paul supporters are about the candidate and not the party they will have no problem voting elsewhere. However Romney supporters are party loyalist and will vote for Ron Paul if selected by the GOP.

Therefore picking Romney is a bigger risk for the GOP because he has the potential to lose the most votes within his own party.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by interupt42

Dear interupt42,

Thank you for your thorough and helpful response. I'd like to set it to the side for a moment because I found some numbers that seem to contradict your estimate of Ron Paul's strength.Rasmussen poll

Sunday, May 06, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows Mitt Romney earning 47% of the vote and President Obama attracting 46% support. Three percent (3%) would vote for a third party candidate, while four percent (4%) are undecided. (Emphasis added)

Gallup poll

Presidential Election

Romney46%+1 Obama45%-1 5-day rolling average
These numbers seem to confirm Rasmussen's showing Romney with a 1 point lead (statistically insignificant). But what interested me is that 91-93% of the voters seem to want one or the other. Can Paul have a significant influence in the election if these numbers are true?

With respect,

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 01:40 AM
Let's get a few things straight here.

Ron Paul wasn't a part of the "Grand Old Party" initially.

The only reason he ran under that context is to have an actual chance in the general election.

This "hold the party line" reeks of sheepishness. Isn't the definition of sheeple defined as; following without thinking for themselves?

It makes me sick he has to play by the rules like this.
It makes me sick the rules can be circumvented by lies and shady behavior.
What really makes me sick is that people are still so brainwashed or stupid that they don't know a good thing when they see it.

I'm old, I have no children, I have no worries.

I'm voting for Ron Paul because I'm smart enough to see that YOUR KIDS are gonna be screwed if this goes on.


posted on May, 7 2012 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by charles1952

I love how the rasmussen report has Romney as the republican and Obama as the democrat in the presidential race.

I wonder how they came to this conclusion, lie until it becomes fact possibly?

It's so blatent, the lies, the manipulation.

Wake up!

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by litterbaux

Dear litterbaux,

Thanks for the response. But I think I got something different from it than you did. My understanding was that people were asked who they supported; Romney, Obama, Third Party (Someone else), or Undecided. I expected that Ron Paul supporters would have answered either Third Party, or Undecided.

I would like to know what would have happened if they put Paul's name instead of Romney's, but they didn't and I don't see Ron Paul supporters showing up in these numbers. How come Third Party isn't at, say, 20%?

I agree that Paul could be the nominee, but for whatever reason that's not the question getting asked these days by the press.

With respect,

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by LoonyConservative
reply to post by interupt42

and when Paul loses to obama... will you cry?

I see it being a toss up in the general if its obama and paul. free stuff or legal drugs and sex for money, thats what the sheeple will look at.

either way neither of them will be getting the conservative votes

edit on 7-5-2012 by LoonyConservative because: (no reason given)

I wouldn't cry. The reason is because a Paul/Obama race would be great for our nation, no matter who won. The biggest and most important thing about Ron Paul is his foreign policy and one of the biggest complaints about Obama is his foreign policy. The debates alone would change our political landscape for decades to come.

If Obama was scrutinized and made to answer for some of his more baffling stances, he would be forced to change his tune or lose the election.

Ron Paul would change the world if he won.
Ron Paul would change Obama if he lost.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 09:28 AM
Ron Paul voters against Romney will only count if Dr Paul decides to run as an independant.

Otherwise Ron Paul supporters probably just won't vote. It's not like they will suddenly side with Obama.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by charles1952

Thanks for the response. But I think I got something different from it than you did. My understanding was that people were asked who they supported; Romney, Obama, Third Party (Someone else), or Undecided. I expected that Ron Paul supporters would have answered either Third Party, or Undecided.

With respect,

Charles, the poll was skewed from the beginning. Why weren't the people asked who they supported Republican Party, Democrat Party, or third party. Many people already have negative associations with third party and third party can mean any numerous amount of candidates including strippers and even the Donald hinted at.

Why didn't they simply ask which of the QUALIFYING candidates they would pick, Ron Paul , Obama, Romney.

Another way of looking at it is:
If that was an IQ test you could ask which of the category doesn't belong between the three options
Romney, Obama, Third Party (Someone else) :

It was purposely worded that way to get the wanted results between Obama and Romney.

Here Rasmussen accidentally (I'm assuming) included Ron Paul

President Obama and Mitt Romney are tied in a national head-to-head match-up, according to the latest survey from conservative polling outlet Rasmussen.
Each pulled 45 percent, while Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R) edged Obama 44 to 43 in the daily tracking poll.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:08 AM
Wait, people are surprised Ron Paul won't win against Obama? Seriously??? Like you are kidding me right??

I'm pretty sure Ron Paul would do worse than Romney...

This just comes from solid facts, not the rants of Ron Paul fans, fake news organizations, online polls, Ron Paul himself or Junk science math..

Thank you
edit on 7-5-2012 by DrNotforhire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by interupt42

Dear interupt42,

I think you're right about the poll not being designed to give the most possible information. It does appear to only answer one narrow question and leave other important ones unanswered.

The conclusion that I drew from the Rasmussen poll you mentioned is that, at the time, it didn't matter who the GOP nominee was, they would tie against Obama (within margin of error). Doesn't that mean that, at least then, Romney was as likely to beat Obama as Paul was?

That may be why I'm having trouble with the thread's title.

With respect,

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by interupt42

Dear interupt42,

Doesn't that mean that, at least then, Romney was as likely to beat Obama as Paul was?

Exactly Charles, However as I have stated above Ron Paul is not likely to endorse Romney and RP supporters are not likely to vote for Romney. However, most of Romney supporters are GOP loyalist and they would vote for RP since he is the GOP candidate. Hence that is why Romney is the Riskier candidate, because he has the potential to lose votes within the republican base voters.

That does not even take to account how more popular RP would be if the GOP would market him like Romney.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 04:29 PM

edit on 8-5-2012 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 01:31 PM
Apparently it looks like the MSM party cheerleaders are beginning to see that without Ron Paul supporters they have a good chance of losing to Obama.

Bottom line if you are a republican and Obama wins the coming election don't blame Ron Paul or his supporters. Blame your party leaders for choosing to go with the riskiest candidate that will cost them the most votes within the republican party.

1. Its highly unlikely that Ron Paul nor his supporters will endorse Romney.
2. Ron Paul didn't endorse McCain in the last election and Obama won.
3. Ron Paul has a large loyal following that the GOP can't afford to lose.
4. GOP loyalist will vote for Ron Paul if elected as the nominee , but Ron Paul supporters will not vote for Romney if elected as the nominee.
5. Ron Paul has the youth vote that Obama had when he won the last time.
6. Ron Paul despite the media blackout,purposely intended errors against him, and negative smears against him has done well gathering devout supporters.

7. etc.............

edit on 1-6-2012 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by interupt42

Dear interupt42,

Thank you for your thorough and helpful response. I'd like to set it to the side for a moment because I found some numbers that seem to contradict your estimate of Ron Paul's strength.Rasmussen poll

Sunday, May 06, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows Mitt Romney earning 47% of the vote and President Obama attracting 46% support. Three percent (3%) would vote for a third party candidate, while four percent (4%) are undecided. (Emphasis added)

Gallup poll

Presidential Election

Romney46%+1 Obama45%-1 5-day rolling average
These numbers seem to confirm Rasmussen's showing Romney with a 1 point lead (statistically insignificant). But what interested me is that 91-93% of the voters seem to want one or the other. Can Paul have a significant influence in the election if these numbers are true?

With respect,

Also, Obama received some devastating economic news today.

Jobs Growth Report - only 69,000 jobs for May

Unemployment Rate - rises to 8.2%

Stock Market Crashes 200 points

Obama is doomed.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by interupt42

3. GOP loyalists will vote for Ron Paul over Obama if the GOP selects him.

And here is where I think you are very very wrong.

The GOP hasn't selected Ron Paul...I'll play fantasy world and pretend that Ron Paul has a possibility of getting the nomination.

You then have over 85% of the GOP primary voters who knows that their vote did not go to Ron Paul and it will be exposed that his supporters sneaked in as delegates and voted against the will of the voters.

If Ron Paul would become the nominee...I see a very very low GOP voter turnout in the general election.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Obama sucks arse , but he hasn't even gone into full swing Campaign mode. He has a loyal following and there are more registered democrats than republicans.

I don't think this is going to be an easy race for the GOP by any means, and that is why i think the multinational and special interest groups are so adamant about ensuring that their two candidates are the only choice in the next election (Obama and Romney).. They want to ensure a 100% chance of getting one of their greased candidate elected.

That is why the GOP is willing to go with the riskier candidate (Romney versus Paul) because its not about which party is in control its about which candidate is controlled.The GOP and the DNC are not there for ideals they are there to ensure that the right candidates are picked on both sides of the two party system.

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