posted on May, 6 2012 @ 08:48 AM
I have been away from ATS since thursday, so i need to give out some stars, here you go every one
Anyway, the stars is my apreciation to posters of a good topic or a good comment, plus everyone answering me gets one for doing so, no matter their
opinion.Flags are a bit more complicated, i flag a good and well explained topic, but only after i have seen what others opinion is about it, or in
some cases right away if it's an important topic that every one should look at.
One thing i do miss about the star system is, a way to disagree with people, not to punish them for beeing short or oftopic, just to show, "i do not
agree with you", and to make people think more about their answer.
So i would like to see a red star a side the current star, to agree and disagree, but you can only chose one of them.
You should be able to change your star choice within the edit timeframe.
But, i don't know, might be to much, just an idea.