posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:26 PM
I'm glad to hear that it was confirmed as stretch marks.
My initial thought that if it wasn't that it could be what is often called "road rash". My boyfriend has similar markings on his legs and back from a
motorcycle accident when he was younger.
The reason that they appear redder than "normal" stretch marks may be that in that particular area of the body the blood vessels are closer to the
surface and the layer of fatty tissue that covers the muscles is thinner. When my boyfriend works out, or has done an exerting task, the marks he has
turn a reddish/purplish color. If you have been "working out" lately it is entirely possible that you got these. Stretch marks are caused by tears in
the lower part of the dermis. This is usually caused by sudden, or quick growth (which is why they are common with pregnancy), and can easily be
caused by "working out" because you are stretching (and actually tearing) the muscle and dermal tissue. The repeated tearing and healing of muscles is
what causes them to "grow" and become stronger, much as a broken area of a bone is stronger than it was before the break.
I didn't see if any one had asked you if you started a new exercise program recently, or if you had begun lifting weights. If you are overexerting
yourself, by lifting too much from the get-go you could easily develop stretch marks (which is why they say to start with a lower weight), because you
are suddenly tearing the muscles and in turn stretching the dermis as well. Doing it slowly causes smaller (and usually nearly unnoticed) tearing that
the body can acclimate to and heal more quickly.
Hopefully this might give some insight as to how you may have developed these stretch marks now that they are confirmed as such.
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5/22/2012 by ThreeSistersofLoveandLigh because: to add