posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35
Why would you expect Amy Goodman to screen her guests? Do you want reputable or spoon-fed propaganda? Seriously, I mean. I don't think that there
should be any impetus of selecting guests of a specific caliber to be on a news show.
Also, let's go ahead and separate out the first 10 minutes of Democracy Now from the last 50. The first 10 are news stories, the last 50 are filled
with one or more interviews. Is there slant? Yes. Clearly Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez are not Republicans, though they're obviously not
died-in-the-wool Democrats either.
That being said, the interviewees are people who have a certain agenda. This is no different than Fox News, CNN, Colbert, John Stewart, Oprah, the
View, etc. This is the one common theme between all shows with guests.
The difference between all these shows is the participation and/or influence of the interviewer.
Amy Goodman not screening the guests is exactly what you want. She's not supposed to provide you with the right or wrong answer (or a guru or
political mystic who shall be exalted as having that answer). She's doing what she's supposed to: provide you with a person and that person's
story. You, the viewer, go from there. This is hardly what CNN and FOX do.