At least they told people before this one....remember the last flybys of the Statue of Liberty for publicity photos? lol... This time, everyone knew
it was coming to get photos. Kudos to that change in planning! I wish I were there to have gotten a photo. My parents took me to see one of the first
landings of a U.S. Shuttle at Edwards AFB when I was a kid. It's one of those memories I'll go into the next life cherishing. I hope many young kids
got to see this and feel similarly for having the chance to view history. Nice pics!
edit on 4-5-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason
We have 4 Space Shuttle "orbiters" left:
Enterprise (never went orbital);
There should be one on the left coast landing area;
one in Texas (Houston / Mission Control);
one in Florida (Cape Canaveral launch);
one just outside D.C. where the lawmakers can't touch it.