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Israeli DM Accuses Olmert, Other War Critics of 'Serving Iran'

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posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:09 PM

Israeli DM Accuses Olmert, Other War Critics of 'Serving Iran'

Despite a growing chorus of former officials speaking out against the war, including former Shin Bet head Diskin, who accused Netanyahu of a “messianic” fervor to start such a conflict, Barak has insisted such a strike could come at any time.

... disagreements about the wisdom of attacking Iran can’t be “discussed openly without the discussion causing damage” to the war effort. ...government has been pushing the so-called “Dagan Law” which would criminalize former officials discussing the war i
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:09 PM
Messianic fervor sounds about right as a description of what's going on with Netanyahu and his cabinet. Shades of bar Kokhba!

And the use of Dagan Law to shut out any rational discussion or dissent is just plain despicable! IMHO

I don't know right off hand whether the "Dagan Bill" has actually been passed as law or not. It was written about as a bill back in June or July of last year, specifically to stop the former Mossad Chief from talking to the public.
Ex-Mossad chief inspires 'security' bill
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 4-5-2012 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:24 PM


Makes me think of another statement...

"Either you're with us... or you're with the terrorists"

Some people's kids....

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:45 PM
Here's a quote from Netanyahu, addressing the Evangelical Christian gathering in Jerusalem:

"When Iran is funding terror and violence all over the world and is calling for our annihilation, I don't have to explain to you why that regime can't have nuclear weapons," he said. "Our enemies don't hate us because of what we do, but because of who we are."
This line about rascism or whatever is a well known red herring, where before the massive influx of European Jews in the aftermath of WW II, the Palestinian Jews got along ok with the other people in the area. What set the rest of the Muslim world off was how they immediatly began a campaign that ended up driving out 4 million of the country's former inhabitants.
The first part of this quote is also a lie, where what Iran is calling for is the elimination of the farce of a "Jewish State" which is blatantly racist. The pro-Israel propaganda is to make it out that they are calling for genocide, while what they really mean is to remove the name, Israel, off the map. The idea being to have Palestine as one country, like it should be, rather than the Apartheid fascism that exists today.

There was a news article yesterday about the Simon Wiesenthal Center persuading

CafePress, the online retailer that sells custom made products, removed the “I Love Jews But Hate Israel” T-shirt from its site"
Israel National News
The reason, I believe, that they can not allow this slogan to be broadcast, is to not endanger Israel's facility to perpetuate this lie, that being against Zionism makes you an antisemite, which justifies Israel's style of war mongering that also allows them to make themselves look the victim.

edit on 4-5-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

The first part of this quote is also a lie, where what Iran is calling for is the elimination of the farce of a "Jewish State" which is blatantly racist. The pro-Israel propaganda is to make it out that they are calling for genocide, while what they really mean is to remove the name, Israel, off the map.

The name Israel isn't the problem, it's the Jewish State part that is the problem. If it were a Jewish State, then any natural born citizen would be Jewish by nationality, just like I am an American by nationality by virtue of being a natural born citizen of the United States.

If an Arab Christian or Muslim couple has a child born in Israel, is that child Jewish? No? Then Israel is not a Jewish state. If a political party or foreign country refuses to recognize Israel as a "Jewish" state, is that political party a threat to life, or merely a threat to a lie?

Will Israeli government slander people for not following a lie? Evidently. Will Israeli "Messianic" PM and DM wage war for a lie? Looks like it.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 09:54 PM


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