posted on May, 4 2012 @ 02:34 PM
In the last few years there have been some things that have happened that is making me thing that the Elite or the 1% or the Illuminati or whatever
you like to call them are starting to turn on each other.
First was the banks, everyone knows that all the banks are just owned by the same people (bloodlines) they are monitored and watched and very tightly
controlled, so what happened with all the backstabbing and bank closing and court cases etc.. late 2010 and 2011.
Secondly all the media and newspapers are owned by the same elite group, so we only get to see what the mainstream media allow us to see, but in 2011
The News Of The World in England was put through the ringers with phone tapping scandals and unethical reporting (what newspaper doesn't we all knew
this) and put Rupert Murdoch in court. Eventually Britains biggest newspaper was closed down after over 100 years of production.
In 2010/2011 there was a massive media circus about British politicians using there expenses to pay for second homes, and other such luxuries some of
the top guys were sacked and even taken to court and charged with criminal offences, but since politics began all politicians did this so why did it
come out then and got such massive media.
In Britain lately an MI6 spy was found dead in hotel room stuffed in a bag this has been shrouded in conspiracy and has apparently really unsettled
some big wigs in London.
There have been a lot of news stories that I can't remember at this moment, but when I see them I think there is something not right there, the elite
seem to be attacking each other.
Do you have a feeling that the Elite are starting to turn against each other and if so any information or links about this would be much appreciated.