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Alien abduction database?

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posted on May, 4 2012 @ 04:05 AM
This is more of a question but i was wondering if there was a database that all the abduction cases are gathered?I only find the more "heard" ones like betty and barney hill,villas boas etc.Is there a database for others less known?

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 04:09 AM
I'm sure you'd be able to find this sort of information on alien related websites. I've always come across more abduction information on websites and also Youtube!

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 04:14 AM
Bud Hopkins books would be another good place for info. Missing Time, As is Abduction by John E MAck. Both authorities on the subject. I have searched Youtube under their names and have fond some vids and docs that detail some off their better cases. I wonder what happened to Bud Hopkins collection after he died. He had filing cabinets full of cases from all over the world, I hope its in good hands now.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 04:22 AM

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:01 AM
There are or were several web sites devoted to abduction cases. While not exactly databases per se, they may hold a stock of cases that have never been reported elsewhere.

Speaking as one such person, I've put the brief details of my experience on ATS a couple of times for other reasons (to make a point), etc. There is little point otherwise in talking about your experience most people simply don't want to hear it. They must protect their own beliefs at all costs.

Abduction cases are much like eyewitness reports of differently shaped UFOs: Not a lot of continuity between cases. Some folks tend dismiss the whole batch on that pretense. Now if the visiting ETs all wore blue berets or helmets and marked their equipment with blue paint as does the UN visitors to a country, we could make some headway or could we? (Sigh!) Maybe not. A grey wearing a blue beret would surely be labeled a hoax from the git-go especially if a Nordic next appeared wearing a blue helmet..

The increasing trend--which most abductees accept as a matter of fact is that hordes of different ETs visit Earth. Given that each is working in their own style--even within some iron-clad "cosmic" rules of general engagement--we can expect confusing data from these virtually unknown entities, their equipment, procedures, and operational philosophies.

There ae a lot of wantabees out there, chaff, so any collection of or individual cases may be worthless. Plus, we can assume that part of their work is to keep us from knowing or guessing too much about who and what they are and we have our own disinformation folks seeding the field also.

If you were to research one point such as where do the ETs say they originate from when asked by an abductee, you will get a ton of different answers. (But one answer you hardly will find is the simple and seemingly obvious answer, "Mars." Now why would that be?

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:32 AM
There's not much out there in terms of solid, statistical data on the subject. Worse, there is a lot of evidence regarding abductions where the victims are never returned, are returned dead / mutilated or are returned with evidence of manipulation of memory.

I became interested in what you could call "strange abduction cases" while working on a theory and database of missing persons in the US who were probably victims of serial killers that have managed to remain undetected. I found a lot of anomalous data in the missing person stats which led me to look into the research of a few other people. One of these studies human mutilation cases (extremely strange cases with a lot of unexplained evidence) and the other found clusters of missing persons occurring in State / National Parks, Forests, etc.

Here's a few interesting facts I found:
1. The FBI does not handle missing person cases (unless evidence of kidnapping is involved) but they do get involved in what they themselves refer to as "strange missing person / abduction cases".

2. Despite the fact that there are hundreds or even thousands of "strange" missing person cases every year there is an unspoken policy of not discussing these cases or releasing case files / information via FOIA requests.

3. I've contacted the FBI several times and asked for help with very specific questions about the missing person / abduction statistics and especially about anomalies in the data. Each and every time I've been assigned to an analysts who promises to respond to my questions and each and every time they never do so. (I've even sent them signed statements that I will not name them as a source in any article or book I publish, still no response).

Here's my take on the real abduction cases (not the hoax ones or the mentally unbalanced originated ones)

I believe there is a much more advanced civilization actively studying our planet and us. Just like we have no issues going into the jungle and studying the wild life there, they have no qualms about studying us as a less evolved species.

There is a lot of evidence that the US and possibly other nation's governments are colluding or even participating in this.

There is excellent evidence to support the theory that some people are taken for study and returned and some are never returned. Some are taken and dissected. Of the last group, either some of the bodies are returned and found or we just happen to find a small number of them.

There are between 30 and 300 thousand missing person cases per year where the missing is never, ever found. (The number varies, there were extremely huge spikes in the number of this type of cases in specific years / groups of years). We're talking no body, no evidence, nothing. They just vanish into thin air forever.

There are some very strange cases out there of all kinds, some of the most compelling are cases where young children (age 2-7 or so) vanish literally out from under a parent's supervision and are found in places they could not have gotten to on their own. Even stranger, quite a few of the ones recovered alive tell extremely similar stories about talking animals who "cared" for them. As some of you probably know there are quite a few adult abduction cases where the person sees talking animals or animals with odd / impossible features or doing things that they should not be able to or cannot do.

The fact is that even if this is really going on, the most likely scenario would be that a majority of humans would not even be aware of it having taken place. This, the lack of a centralized reporting database and the number of fake / invalid cases makes coming up with an accurate estimate of the number of real abductions extremely difficult to come up with.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by ecoparity
It sounds like you may have a pretty good collection of data on this subject.
I'm interested in your line of research regarding Strange Abduction Cases.
What types of anomalies and unexplained evidence did you gather from the National Park/Forest cases?
I can think of a couple of cases were groups of people, outdoors, had unexplained things happen to them(some resulting in death.) The Dyatlov Pass Incedent, HERE, was one that really caught my interest. I don't recall hearing of any in National or State Parks/Forests.
I would like to hear more from you on this subject because I think you have more to share. I've often thought of the number of missing people, wondering how many came to be missing by a 'different' means. Further, I've wondered if any relation between anomalies has been detected.
Is there a link you could provide to any information you've complied on this subject?
Thanks for your input.


posted on May, 4 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by IMSAM

While I'm sure you could find a few, none of them will be "complete". Also, you'd have to decide if you're including ALL of them, or just ones you find credible, etc. Those you find, the creator of the database will have made this determination, which could filter out your results.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by IMSAM

sure there are books which are compiled databases of everything U.F.O related, Google around and you will find some

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 10:59 AM
A couple lists were posted here a few years back.
Not being interested I can't remember what I posted but probably wondered
why there was no FBI report like in Travis Walton, not sure even there but
he was reported missing and the FBI did interview or briefed him when he
arrived back home after awhile. I think the Alien abduction poster said there
was no FBI in Australia so I had no where to go and left them to their list.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by txMEGAlithic

Sorry for the delay, I wanted to take some time and look into the incident you posted. My research has been exclusive to N America and I was fascinated to find a case like this with so many common features to the N American cases not just on another Continent but so far away and in a place not influenced by American culture. (It has to be taken into account when people make educated guesses or even conclusions about evidence that they've been exposed to our media with all the references to ET's, etc).

The National Park / Forest cases in the US are extremely interesting because there are these clusters of similar cases in numbers that would surprise you. A lot of the cases have elements in common with the case you posted also:

1. A sudden, unexpected incident drives the victim to do things contrary to their training, experience and even safety. Examples of this are running uphill in cold weather (all experienced hikers know to head down hill, the higher you go the colder it gets). I have case after case of people choosing to run through waist or even chest high snow vs. taking easier paths nearby or even running into / through streams and rivers. The only reasonable explanation possible is that they were not thinking clearly or they were running away from something. Without exception in these cases there are no tracks found to indicate they were fleeing from an animal. We have hundreds of cases where we can track the missing doing these things and there are no animal tracks in the area at all to explain this behavior.

2. In numerous cases the victim removes clothing - shoes, shirt, pants, even underwear. Sometimes the clothes are found neatly folded and stacked, sometimes a body is found with only pants, socks and underwear on but they pulled their pants and underwear down. Boots are almost always found at accidental death / animal attack scenes but in these "strange" cases they are almost always missing.

There's a myth, even among experienced search and rescue team members and rangers that people suffering hypothermia will remove clothing due to a perception of being "hot". This theory is especially prevalent in areas that are not predominantly cold in nature. If you check with the same types of people who work in cold climates and ask them about cases where people have gotten lost, had accidents, been attacked by animals they will tell you they do not find these people with clothing removed or missing unless there is a valid reason (they were caught unaware, were undressed for sleep at the time of the incident, etc).

I do see a great number of common elements in the case you linked to with the N American cases. My gut feeling on it is that this group was frightened by something while in their tents sleeping or getting ready to sleep. They fled their camp, not even taking the time to dress and in at least one case cut through the tent in order to escape. Several froze to death while trying to return to the camp, probably "after" the incident was over and some were either not fast enough to escape or may have walked back too early.

It seems like there is little to no evidence of this incident being an animal attack. There are no wounds described consistent with a bear attack (if there are bears in the area even active at that time of year), no evidence of anyone having been eaten, even partially, etc.

I could post some extremely similar cases from N America ranging in time from current all the way back to the 1800's that would really make you wonder given the evidence in common.

The good news is that if you really wanted to track these types of cases, in addition to the usual private party report of an abduction- you could probably do it to some extent by setting up a reporting site, a database and gathering what data is available from various sources.

Since you asked, I got into this by studying a large number of missing person cases which were occurring on highways to people in transit. There have been so many and so many in clusters, it became clear to me that we probably have several undetected serial killers who operate that way. It makes sense, actually - abducting people who are in transit seems to give these monsters a head start against law enforcement and the combination of being able to cross state lines and no Federal / National group investigating the cases (sometimes the FBI will get involved but usually too late to do any good).

I was gathering data on these cases and looking into doing analysis to try and find some patterns which might help detect these people but neither the FBI nor state or local law enforcement is interested enough in it to contribute the data needed. Some of these highway incidents are close to these other clusters which led me to find other researchers and data. I also believe some of these highway abductions are not "typical".

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by ecoparity...
There are between 30 and 300 thousand missing person cases per year where the missing is never, ever found. (The number varies, there were extremely huge spikes in the number of this type of cases in specific years / groups of years). We're talking no body, no evidence, nothing. They just vanish into thin air forever.

I've wondered if the large numbers of missing are simply a bookkeeping issue. People are naturally more diligent about reporting a person missing than they are about reporting that person found. Has anyone tried taking a random sampling from the "missing" to determine if they are actually still missing?

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by ecoparity
Thanks for the information!
I had no idea there were so many cases from National Parks. I'm going to start looking into these to see the similarities. The Dyatlov Pass Incident really caught my attention. It was the first time I had heard of something like that happening. It really intrigued me.
I don't know why but all of this is bothersome to me. I need to know more about the N. America cases. Its just all too strange to be coincidence. Thanks for bringing your insight here. I appreciate it.
I'm off to do a bit of studying.


posted on May, 6 2012 @ 05:21 AM
Those are from the FBI statistics and do take into account closed cases. Once a missing person investigation goes active the police will not just "go away" and stop looking into it. People who are found or return on their own, etc within 3 years of the report will result in the case being closed. A case has to remain open for quite a long time to go "cold" and even then there are departments at every law enforcement agency who will continue to follow up on these cold cases for years, even decades.

Over a million missing person cases are open at any given month and of those, over 95% of the new cases are closed due to the missing being found (dead or alive). A small number of these closed cases would be classified as "strange" either due to evidence found at the scene of the remains or statements made by a living victim. More cases are closed each month most of the time than opened but the number of prior month and year cases still open result in a steady rise for the most part in the number of unsolved, missing persons. The NCIC accounts for every statistic that might affect those numbers - recovered people and bodies who are not identified, same but identified and more. (2010 is the last year posted publicly).

It's the remaining cases each month that make up the huge number of "vanishings". The numbers I've given also do not include cases that remain open for a long time and are closed later - the number is only cases which have never been closed.

That's one of the many anomalies in the statistics - there's just too many people vanishing into thin air. Either we have 10 to 100 thousand serial killers active right now (which does not fit any known predictive model) or there is some other abnormal cause. N America is a big place w/ a lot of places to hide a body and there are various ways to dispose of a body without leaving much behind but we're talking numbers so huge that we'd be up to our eyeballs in grave sites in rural America and the sales of products needed to dispose of a body or the even minimal remains left behind would be detectible to a certain extent.

If you want to get a decent grasp on the logistics research the history behind why the catacombs under Paris were built.

Originally posted by cloudyday

Originally posted by ecoparity...
There are between 30 and 300 thousand missing person cases per year where the missing is never, ever found. (The number varies, there were extremely huge spikes in the number of this type of cases in specific years / groups of years). We're talking no body, no evidence, nothing. They just vanish into thin air forever.

I've wondered if the large numbers of missing are simply a bookkeeping issue. People are naturally more diligent about reporting a person missing than they are about reporting that person found. Has anyone tried taking a random sampling from the "missing" to determine if they are actually still missing?

edit on 6-5-2012 by ecoparity because: Added NCIC missing person stats and found persons stats

edit on 6-5-2012 by ecoparity because: clarified statements

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 05:59 AM
I have to admit, after reading thousands of case histories I will not take my eyes off of my kids for even a second when we're outside, at the park, camping, etc.

The case you posted is unique in that it involved a group of people but there have been some really strange cases in N America where more than one child has gone missing from the same place on the same day (some siblings, some not).

The NCIC Missing Person's data up to 2010 is available online, as you can see they not only track the number of active cases, they also track new vs. closed and keep track of anything that might impact the stats such as bodies and living persons found who cannot be identified (imagine that, thousands of people just "appear" each month who cannot be identified by the police).

I went back and edited my previous post and added a couple of screenshots from the NCIC stats. Want to have some fun? See if you can find the anomalies in the data.....

Originally posted by txMEGAlithic
reply to post by ecoparity
Thanks for the information!
I had no idea there were so many cases from National Parks. I'm going to start looking into these to see the similarities. The Dyatlov Pass Incident really caught my attention. It was the first time I had heard of something like that happening. It really intrigued me.
I don't know why but all of this is bothersome to me. I need to know more about the N. America cases. Its just all too strange to be coincidence. Thanks for bringing your insight here. I appreciate it.
I'm off to do a bit of studying.


edit on 6-5-2012 by ecoparity because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-5-2012 by ecoparity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 11:12 PM
I'm working on gathering material for my own thread but thought you might be interested in some other statistical abnormalities in relation to abductions:

1. UFO Reports, missing persons and even mutilation reports all rise together in geographic lock step. If an area is becoming a UFO hot spot it also becomes a missing person hotspot and animal mutilation hot spot.

2. If you haven't worked it out by now, the NCIC numbers don't add up. I won't go into details here (this is what I've been working on creating my own thread with) but the statistics indicate someone is fudging the numbers heavily to try and hide / account for something.

3. Your natural instinct would be that "hey, N America is a very big place with lots of rural land mass, surely there's plenty of room to hide a lot of bodies". I'll admit, if you add up all the rural land mass and even urban areas good for this sort of thing it seems like there's a ton of room. In actuality though, we can bring those calculations down quite a bit for the simple reason that most killers are not going to take a body hours or days, weeks, etc into the wild to dispose of it. Historically most burial sites are found within a specific distance of a convenient roadway (I won't mention the distance figure publicly).

Also, every time someone goes missing the likely areas are searched by trained teams of observers, cadaver dogs, etc. There are some areas of rural America that get searched a few times per year but what this means is that these millions of missing bodies are not being found in the places where we commonly find bodies. The potential hiding places are less than you would imagine due to the number of searches made historically and the smaller area normally involved.

We have all these statistics that always seem to come up about the same and then we have this huge number of cases that don't fit the models and are not talked about. I'll go into a lot more detail in my thread and will hopefully post it soon but for now let's just say that someone is going out of their way to try and minimize the number of cases the public knows about.
edit on 6-5-2012 by ecoparity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 12:54 AM
I was trying to do a research on abductions and gather them in one spot but i see that there is not a single database and teh sites that exist are hardly helpfull.I did see many "sightings" with alot of information but very few abduction cases posted.Either people dont talk or they are few.And i dont believe the latter

the time of all abductions are nightime right?

thank you very much all of you for your inputs!

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by IMSAM

While I'm sure you could find a few, none of them will be "complete". Also, you'd have to decide if you're including ALL of them, or just ones you find credible, etc. Those you find, the creator of the database will have made this determination, which could filter out your results.

I understand what you are saying Gazrok but i am interested in everything.If the creator of one has filtered some cases hopefully another will not have done so
edit on 7-5-2012 by IMSAM because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-5-2012 by IMSAM because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 01:20 AM
Actually, No. The abductions occur at just about every time of day. In most cases the investigators would agree that someone / something was watching the victim and chose the absolute perfect time to strike.

In the rural abduction cases I researched I quickly came to the conclusion that whatever was doing this was visually extremely frightening (people running into dangerous or difficult areas in what seems like an effort to escape) and that in every instance, whoever / whatever is behind this is very, very good at it. We have zero reports of attempted abductions of these types. Meaning that Mom, Dad, etc don't suddenly turn around and see what's going on. One second the abducted is there and the next they are gone with no tracks / evidence of anyone or anything being there.

There are cases of children being taken literally 10 feet away from a parent who was within visual range and not a sound being heard. There are also similar cases where the child screams which is what alerted the parent, or siblings / friends with the child screaming which is what alerted adults in the area.

Tell me what kind of human or animal abductor would be able to snatch people (adults and children) with other people nearby and never once be seen in the attempt?

Like I said, these cases I refer to are EXTREMELY strange and what little I've posted isn't even the half of it.

Originally posted by IMSAM
I was trying to do a research on abductions and gather them in one spot but i see that there is not a single database and teh sites that exist are hardly helpfull.I did see many "sightings" with alot of information but very few abduction cases posted.Either people dont talk or they are few.And i dont believe the latter

the time of all abductions are nightime right?

thank you very much all of you for your inputs!

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by IMSAM

While I'm sure you could find a few, none of them will be "complete". Also, you'd have to decide if you're including ALL of them, or just ones you find credible, etc. Those you find, the creator of the database will have made this determination, which could filter out your results.

I understand what you are saying Gazrok but i am interested in everything.If the creator of one has filtered some cases hopefully another will not have done so
edit on 7-5-2012 by IMSAM because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-5-2012 by IMSAM because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-5-2012 by ecoparity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 09:51 AM

i thought ufo abductions only occured during night hours or at least after 8 o clock.Also what ages are being abducted?and what age ranges are we talking about

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by ecoparity

1. UFO Reports, missing persons and even mutilation reports all rise together in geographic lock step. If an area is becoming a UFO hot spot it also becomes a missing person hotspot and animal mutilation hot spot.

That's interesting. Its got me wondering about my area. The Central Texas area, IMO, and probably in the opinions of others, has been a hotspot since before 2008. It's predominately cattle country and that coupled with all the sightings, makes me wonder if mutilations have been occurring in and around my area. I also wonder if the number of missing is on the rise. I tried finding some statistics but haven't been successful yet.

and then we have this huge number of cases that don't fit the models and are not talked about. I'll go into a lot more detail in my thread and will hopefully post it soon but for now let's just say that someone is going out of their way to try and minimize the number of cases the public knows about.

It bothers me that the really strange cases aren't ever mentioned and the fact that it is being covered up (with the numbers) is also extremely bothersome. I ,personally, can't wait for your thread. I must know more.

Tell me what kind of human or animal abductor would be able to snatch people (adults and children) with other people nearby and never once be seen in the attempt?

That's a good question. Will we ever have the answer? If we do get an answer, I think it will shock us as much as the sight of it shocks those it abducts.
I can't wait till your thread is finished. I will be keeping an eye out for it. This is important.


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