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EU Plot to Scrap Britain

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posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:50 PM
Friday May 4,2012 -- - Daily Express

This sounds like a diabolical plot to somehow "eliminate" Britain and other "nation states" and return Europe to a Holy Roman Empire style arrangement !!

Apparently there is some possibility.

With the current state of the economy, could it be done ?

The old Europe Holy Roman Empire was set up over time and grew slowly.
Reversing back into that might not be easy --- or would it ?

SENIOR Eurocrats are secretly plotting to create a super-powerful EU president to realise their dream of abolishing ­Britain and other nation states, the Daily Express can reveal.

A covert group of EU foreign ministers has drawn up plans for merging the jobs currently done by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission.

The new bureaucrat, who would not be directly elected by voters, is set to get sweeping control over the entire EU and force member countries into ever-greater political and economic union. Tellingly, the UK has been excluded from the confidential discussions within the shady “Berlin Group” of Europhile politicians, spearheaded by German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle.

Opponents fear the plan could create a modern-day equivalent of the European emperor envisaged by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages. They are concerned that David Cameron’s coalition Government is doing nothing to prevent the sinister plot. The secret talks were uncovered by Independent Labour peer Lord Stoddart of Swindon.

“This is a plot by people who want to abolish nation states and create a United States of Europe,” he said. “The whole thing is barmy. These people are determined to achieve their final objective.

“The only hope for Britain is to leave the EU and become an independent nation.”

Is this all "economics" ?

Is this some kind of "Marxist" twist ?

Is there any evidence of this happening ?

edit on Fri May 4 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: ALL CAPS IN TITLE

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Why just Britain? It seems Holland and many other nations (or what are now former nations in the minds of many) are keeping some independence from the EU and don't want to completely capitulate to a one-person governing dictator. So for Britain to be the only target of such a move seems limiting. When will Andorra began to grow a spine! Andorra - the hope of the world (or not).

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:25 PM
IMO this is what they were after all along, doing it step by step with treaties and then currency, it is common knowledge that the EU is nothing more than France and Germany controlling Europe.

I hope we do get chucked out (UK), hell, we sure as hell not allowed to leave, even if a country votes against joining the EU they still get chucked in there with everyone else (Ireland).

My main worry however, if a European Army under the control of Germany. Not being racist here, but looking at Germany's track record of taking over Europe is not a good one, and with a collective army from 20+ countries, in the day and age such as now were super powers are see-sawing, I can't see it ending well at all.
edit on 3-5-2012 by Trolloks because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:41 PM
I suspect that the EU is establishing the beast with four heads. Some believe that the beast/NWO with four heads will be comprised of the European Union, North American Union, Pacific Union and Asian Union...or some variation thereof:

Daniel 7:6...This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule. "After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast--terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns. "While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it...
Some predict that the "ten horns" are ten kings from the various unions who will unite to give their power to the EU ruler.

Revelations 17:12 "The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.
As I mentioned elsewhere on this board, I believe that Obama with the help of the EU, UN, and Vatican will divide Israel after the election. He may give parts of Israel to the Islamic caliphate via the Palestinians. Some Muslims already believe that Obama is the Mahdi who is prophecied to 'rise in the west'. If Obama is successful in dividing Israel though, many more Muslims will believe that he is the Mahdi. So called peace may be attained in the Middle East at that point, which will give the EU the opportunity to organize into a four headed beast: possibly EU, North American, Pacific, and Asian Unions. Out of that four headed beast, the Vatican a.k.a. the Whore of Babylon, will present somebody that looks like Christ/Isa/Horus reincarnated, likely David Rothschild, a son of perdition. That Christ/Isa/Horus impersonator will play the part of Christianity's false prophet and Islam's Isa that has appeared to walk alongside the Mahdi/Obama? That Christ look alike will 'uproot three of the first horns' or possibly three of the unions....and it is in this way that the NWO will likely establish its dictator. Anyone who does not worship and accept whomever the EU and Vatican decide to play the parts of the emperor and the pope or Mahdi and Christ/Isa/Horus reincarnated will be killed by the Fourth Reich, or Fourth Kingdom, or Beast with Four Heads, which unites into the one beast that the Vatican likes to call the NWO.
edit on 3-5-2012 by chizeled because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:04 PM
I am not surprised,Herman Van Rompuy does have a face of evil looking in a way and also what did you expect? the European union is nothing more then a huge joke.'

I fear Israel is been set up in a trap, Romney will do the same thing, do you honestly think America cares about Israel? nah they dont well in front of the sheeps eyes they pretend that they.
edit on 3-5-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:19 PM
First of all, bear in mind this is the Express. A somewhat nationalist paper, but I don't doubt the gist of the story. They have been talking about this for years, even going so far as to push the break up of the UK and then further divide England into regions so we cannot unite.

However, I think the general consensus in the UK is one of being fed up with Europe altogether and a story like this will only fan the flames.

It is curious they didn't release this story earlier, however, but wait until after the local elections....

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:19 PM
First of all, bear in mind this is the Express. A somewhat nationalist paper, but I don't doubt the gist of the story. They have been talking about this for years, even going so far as to push the break up of the UK and then further divide England into regions so we cannot unite.

However, I think the general consensus in the UK is one of being fed up with Europe altogether and a story like this will only fan the flames.

It is curious they didn't release this story earlier, however, but wait until after the local elections....

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by stumason
First of all, bear in mind this is the Express. A somewhat nationalist paper, but I don't doubt the gist of the story. They have been talking about this for years, even going so far as to push the break up of the UK and then further divide England into regions so we cannot unite...It is curious they didn't release this story earlier, however, but wait until after the local elections....
I came across an article a few years ago that pointed out that seat 666 in the European Council was empty. I actually checked the EU website at that time and saw for myself that the seat was supposedly unoccupied. Several sites then suggested that the seat was being reserved for the antichrist/EU ruler. The EU's current rosters indicate that the seat is currently being occupied but, depending on which site or roster you may choose to check, is occupied by different people. My point is that rumors about the EU have been going around for quite a while now although mainstream media is just beginning to pick up on it.

It sure would be interesting if Obama struts himself, with his nose high and chest puffed out, over the EU after the election and takes seat 666 for himself. I doubt that Obama has any intention of being the U.S. President next year. I believe that he intends to go cause whatever chaos he can over at the EU and Islamic caliphate. The white obama/Romney is likely intended to take Obama's place in order to free Obama up to play the part of the Mahdi. However, there is no difference between Obama and Romney. I don't believe that it really makes a difference if Obama or Romney is the next U.S. President. They are both just the Vatican's NWO puppets.
Ron Paul, on the other hand, wants to retract troops and support from the Middle East and Israel. This too would empower the EU, UN, and Vatican to divide Israel and establish the EU's Fourth Reich without U.S. interference.
edit on 4-5-2012 by chizeled because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

At least we could then deport these f'in twats who are intent on causing problems here....

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

This series of vids will go some ways to explaining this whole Europe sham !

Please watch all, informative !


posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:18 AM
I don't think Britian will give up its own government. It's not like the EU can just say "Okay, we've got a new leader for all of us, now you can just give up you leadership."

Britian would tell them to bugger off.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by chizeled

None of this stuff you're typing makes sense. It is the paranoid rambling of someone who is so disconnected from reality that it simply does not exist in their world.

If we drop the religious crap, we can clearly see that this article comes from a nationalist newspaper and may or may not have some truth as to the current spat between Britain and the EU.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by wdkirk
I don't think Britian will give up its own government. It's not like the EU can just say "Okay, we've got a new leader for all of us, now you can just give up you leadership."

Britian would tell them to bugger off.
There is no reason to believe that the establishment of the NWO will be a smooth process. Obviously, a lot of liberals/socialists/communists amongst us will be all for the one world government. However, the individualists amongst us will oppose the one world government. In all likely hood, the situation will eventually dissolve into civil wars between those that support socialism and those who do not. Furthermore, the NWO is not just a political organization but also a religious one. Many people will join the one world religion of universalism that the Vatican proposes, however, everyone who realizes what a farse the Vatican and its one world government/religion is will oppose it.

You're right, the Brits will tell the NWO to buzz off as will the rest of the world but that won't stop the people with control of all of the money and resources from establishing it anyways. Besides that though, the UK is already infiltrated by Islam. All the NWO has to do is rile the Muslims up against any of the Brits that refuse to accept shariah. We can already see the NWO riling Islam up to enforce socialism in France. I mean socialists wouldn't be able to establish the NWO if it weren't as easy as waving a drawing of Muhammad in front of Islam to get it all riled. All the NWO would have to do is tell a jihadist that some anti-NWO Brit drew a picture of Muhammad and then you can imagine how that will go. The NWO knows that Islamic propaganda is so rampant in the world today that people aren't even able to discuss it without moderators, socialists, jihadists, and universalists getting offended about it, or at least acting offended, and then squashing any discussion or opposition to it. Islam and shariah law are an essential part of the NWO which is why I suspect that the Vatican wants to use Obama to try and gain control of it and the Islamic caliphate. The Vatican wants to wield Islam for its own one world religion purposes.
edit on 4-5-2012 by chizeled because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by chizeled

By the sound of that post, you don't seem to be living in the UK, if you were, you would know that the british public never give up for what they believe in. It is the reason why Hitler was reluctent to fight us in WW2, and even the USA had written it in their war plans on the UK.

The UK has not been taken over by Islam, yes there are muslims here, but many live by our laws and are happy with how life is here, and do not wish to change it. Yes, there are extreamists who are pushing for sharia law, but i can say with full 100% confidence, that this will never come to be.

I did remember also reading an article on how the EU wanted to split the UK up (a poster wrote about this further up), they wanted to do this just to try and split up the UK so we can't join together and fight back, because they know full well that they will never be able to take over control of the UK, which is why they want to kick us out to save them problems further on.

Britain will never surrender its power, we will never be taken over by Islam.

And the whole thing about socialists/communists bowing down to the EU, I believe you have it the wrong way around. Socialism and communism are typically heavy on the nationalist side, what nationalists would want to be ruled by the EU? It makes no sense! By your logic, anyone who voted for Labour pre-1994 would be happy to give up their country, by your logic, the only people who are loyal to their country are torries.

Your posts are making no sense and is taking a huge paranoid step into the situation. Keep calm and revise.
edit on 4-5-2012 by Trolloks because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by chizeled

for your post. You're being berated for your beliefs by a few members(so so typical), but I for one enjoy trying to make correlations between real world events and Biblical prophecy. When the end times do come, you can rest assured that it will play out according to Revelation.

Just as people scoffed at Noah and were swallowed by the flood, so it will be with the second coming. The scoffers will be left wishing they hadn't been so foolish.

Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a “fool” so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness”; and again, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.” So then, no more boasting about men! All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephasc or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.
1 Corinthians 3:18-23 ESV

For ATS to preach open mindedness and respect for others, Christians don't seem welcome. That's to be expected though.

Luke 6:22-23 ESV
"“Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man! Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets."

So, thanks ATS.... you know not what you do

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Trolloks
Unfortunately, you don't seem to be aware of just how oppressed the UK already is, but that's ok, because you soon will be. Islam by itself may not take over the UK, however, the Vatican's one world religion of universalism that consists of Islam and Christianity, or Chrislam (as it is currently being called), with tenets of paganism and environmentalism thrown in, will most definitely take over the UK. And if you doubt that the false one world religion of universalism can take over the UK then I suggest dropping by any of the dead and empty Christian churches all over the countryside. The majority of Brits have completely abandoned Christian churches and will likely be more than happy to accept the Vatican's "everybody is going to heaven regardless of how depraved you choose to be" hedonistic religion of universalism. You may not see it yet but you will within the next few years. The Vatican knows that everybody is tired of Catholicism which is why its just going to offer a religion that everybody...even Nietzsche admirers...can buy into. Didn't you know that the Whore of Babylon is for sale? any of the UK's enemies can simply buy into the Vatican and, with enough money, can and will use the Vatican to take over the UK.

reply to post by MeesterB
Thank you, MeesterB. The scriptures that you quoted about how the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God are proven true by the fact that the EU and Vatican are playing out the same old 'emperor/pope/pharaoh as gods' routine. Even the humans with the most power and money and so called 'knowledge' in the world aren't even wise enough to figure out that they will fail just like all of their predecessors:

The ancient Chinese rulers of the Qin Dynasty claimed to be the “Sons of Heaven.” The Roman Emperor Julius Caesar became “the Divine Julius.” Imhotep, the ancient Egyptian physician, was elevated to deity after his death when he was declared the god of medicine and healing. The early kings who ruled Europe often thought they were privileged with divine rights. Some modern day rulers are certainly so drunk on their own power that they also believe they are divine or have at their disposal divine power to rule over the mere mortals of earth. link
With all their resources, the EU and Vatican aren't even capable of coming up with an original idea! Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? indeed He has in the EU as well as ATS. Most ATSers can't obviously come up with anything more intelligent to say than an insult. Their love for foolishness will ultimately lead them to fall for whatever the EU and Vatican are selling though. Its like a blind man leading a blind man but both will fall into the pit and so it shall be with all of the ATSers that ignore truth but prefer to follow after the foolishness of the world.
edit on 4-5-2012 by chizeled because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by chizeled

I don't know if you have noticed, but the UK is not very religious anymore, not many christians around anymore compared to the old days or USA. Just because the vatican comes out with some new religion, doesn't mean all the athiests are going to change their way of thinking and believe whatever the vatican says for no reason.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Trolloks
I have noticed, Trolloks, which is why I mentioned all of the empty churches. However, I suspect that the Vatican's one world religion/government is initially taking form by way of various social engineering programs. For example, I can already see social programs that are promoting rebellion against national identity while promoting solidarity with global identity. The Occupy movement is one aspect of that social engineering program. Identification with global identity will eventually evolve into a religion in much the same way as environmentalism has. Environmentalists are taught social responsibility and spiritual fulfillment in being the one person in their environment to make a difference. They experience a oneness with nature, themselves, and other people. The Vatican will use that same concept to try to sell its global government/religion. We can expect to see many programs designed to encourage people to be the one that takes responsibility for their environment, themselves, and the globe. People will be encouraged to believe that they are their own gods; they are the only one that can make a difference in their environment. The religion that Oprah made up already teaches that everybody is their own 'creator'. However, this concept is atheistic in nature because it implies that there is no God that impacts our lives on our behalf. It implies that we are all we have so we have to do what we can for ourselves because there is no God. You can then see how atheists don't even have to believe in God in order to participate in the Vatican's global religion/government of 'one for all'.

Another aspect of this one world religion that I can already see happening is that the Eye of Horus is being used as one of its symbol. The Eye of Horus will eventually come into play when the Vatican gets around to presenting its Christ/Isa/Horus impersonator to play the part of the pope. In the meantime though, the Eye of Horus is being marketed everywhere around us: magazines, television, billboards, etc. Madonna's superbowl half-time show exhibited an Eye of Horus. We can also expect to see the one eyeball symbolism in the London Olympics this year. Celebrities are wearing it on their clothes and jewelry. Many different religions already attribute religious significance to the one eyeball symbolism. The one eyeball is also illustrated on American money. However, I suspect that the one eyeball symbol will also eventually come to represent the 'one perspective' of global identity; having one global identity with which everyone can have one unified perspective. Vigilant Citizen documents some of the vast marketing of the Eye of Horus that is already taking place. Just think of the Eye of Horus as the new swastika; the new symbol of socialism/communism. Have you heard that socialism just took over France? and Nazis gained power in Greece? Communism is retaking the EU which, according to my logic, affects Britain.

What it basically comes down to is whether we believe in the Bible or not. If you don't then you'll believe in anything which is what the Vatican is about to give you; an anything goes kind of religion. The Vatican is not Christian. Catholicism is a babylonian religion, but that's a different discussion. When you see all of what I have discussed here happening around you just know that the only reason that I saw it before you did is because its in the Bible. I understand why you want to scoff at me and call me paranoid but you will change your tune when you realize that I'm right. The very fact that you think that my logic is foolishness proves that the Bible is true. You, yourself, are proof that the Bible is true, whether you like it not.

1 Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
A lot of people have a bad impression of the Bible and Christianity because of Catholicism but while Catholicism is full of lies, the Bible is not...and millions, if not billions like me are willing to stake our lives on it. It's not that we have tested the Bible and found it to be a lie but that we test it and find it to be logically true. I'm confident that you will appreciate my logic someday soon. The difference between your logic and my logic, besides that fact that mine is spiritually based while yours is not, is that you are thinking on a national level while I am thinking globally.

edit on 6-5-2012 by chizeled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by chizeled
...Identification with global identity will eventually evolve into a religion in much the same way as environmentalism has. Environmentalists are taught social responsibility and spiritual fulfillment in being the one person in their environment to make a difference. They experience a oneness with nature, themselves, and other people. The Vatican will use that same concept to try to sell its global government/religion. We can expect to see many programs designed to encourage people to be the one that takes responsibility for their environment, themselves, and the globe. People will be encouraged to believe that they are their own gods; they are the only one that can make a difference in their environment...
"The left-wing National Religious Partnership for the Environment has been working for years in the U.S. to make green tenets a staple of religious life in America. A bizarre eco-version of the Ark of the Covenant is making its way around the globe. And a “Green Bible” is now available at your local Christian bookstore.

So maybe it won’t be long before recycling, carbon-footprint reductions, and riding bicycles to work become the new religious duties of the faithful." Link

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