posted on May, 26 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by grey9438
Do you fear the things that go bump in the night? Well frankly you should, even the clumsy ones have bad habits.
I however am not in the habit of bothering people, things, or entities who do not at first bother me. These goatmen or whatever can go off and do
there thing, I even get why it kills dogs and other pets. After all you can move more easily through the dark when you don't have some dog barking at
your stinky ass all the time. But anyways, I asked something to tell me the scoop on these goatmen, as I even tried to dive it and to my surmise it
is a flesh and blood creature and it is a bit of a freaky creature. An example of primal instincts and the constant struggle that which only an
animal exists, in a state of constant tension its deposition is reflective of that.
But behind its beady eyes is the childlike fear of the unknown, fight or flight as such it is no warrior merely another animal thrust to the whims of
its predisposed existence. And as you know children can be one of the most cruel creatures around, but there is no need to be going all violent on
them for that as that is a childlike response. And so meh! whatever! if I ever run into one, let the laws of circumstances unfold and take there toll.
But there is no point in going out your way for a curiosity. Goatmen and all other such, can go suck a lemon for all I care.