posted on May, 3 2012 @ 12:36 PM
The Vice President is often a thankless job, with scorn and ridicule often as added insult. Joe Biden, like his predecessors, Cheney, Gore, and
Quayle, has been the butt of jokes. A "Heartbeat away from the Presidency" is a scary thought and Osama is rumored to have planned to assassinate
Obama so that Joe Biden would become President and throw the whole country into disarray.
Two questions:
- Will Obama once again choose Joe Biden to be his running mate for 2012?
- Should Obama choose Joe Biden to be his running mate for 2012?
Face it, he's not getting any younger and I'm not sure his popularity (or lack thereof) will help in the election. But would switching now look like
an admission of a mistake? Who might be a better choice?