posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 03:27 PM
According to David Icke, the heirarchy goes like this :
Reptilian 'Royalty' : Winged reptilians, with the highest caste being the Albino type (similar to Pindar).
Reptoids : Wingless reptilians. They are the ones described as having larger scales on their backs and three fingers with an opposing
Greys : Described as being either drone-like slaves of the reptilians or an extraterrestrial life-form allied to them.
Humans : We're at the bottom, but why doesn't that surprise me ?
The Reptilians are described as being between 5 and 12 feet tall.
Also from Icke's research: "Pindar attends the major Satanic ceremonies in Europe and then flies to California for the rituals
Later in the book (Biggest Secret), Icke says that
"Pindar, the 'Marquis de Libeaux' travels in a white limousine (A 'code-white' is a code
understood by judges, police, the military etc and it means: look the other way or do not prosecute this person)."
On page 453 of the same book, Icke states that
" ... the Queen makes cruel remarks about lesser initiates, but is afraid of the man code-named
'Pindar' (the Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher than her in Satanic rank. Pindar, apparently, bears a resemblance to Prince Charles and Arizona
(Wilder) says that Pindar is Charles' real father."
Finally, Icke summises the possibility that Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of her murder and that the child could have been Pindar's rather
than that of Dodi Fayed.
One final comment - Icke insists that only one 'strain' of the reptilian race is antagonastic towards us. To consider
all reptilians 'evil'
is like considering all humans the same way. Patently false.
An interesting thread.